@@@@@The OFFICIAL Prince EXO3 Tour 100 Club@@@@@


Hall of Fame
Yes, I played more defensive but it was easy to stay in a point. My serve was not very great and I missed winners I usually nail.

Anyway, I still have an EXO, but I have 2 Wilsons that seem to suit my game better.

I didn't care as much about this stuff when my wrist was messed up..the EXO really helped me out, and I still have one for that reason. a great stick if your arm is worn down or injured.

very disappointing to hear....based on all your comments, thought you were very happy with the prince allround and nothing came close...Do you switch rackets often?


Hall of Fame
PP had some influence on things he said...but switching rackets so much, made me wonder how valid his advice was on this racket. Having almost raved more than anyone about this racket (in my experience)...its strange him having wilsons now...and the prince only as a backup.

Personally, i cannot see that there is many rackets better than this one...it really is impressive so far...


Guys, tried this racket out (only 2 hours) and although I liked it a lot, I definitely got the impression that it is better defensively than attacking. This seems to be a theme recently in this thread. Has anyone resolved this issue (e.g. do I just need a bit more power with lead tape)?

I am also testing the IG Rad Pro which was superior on serve (much more power) and hitting winners but Exo3 far better in normal rallying, volleys, defensive shots. I must admit I like Exo3 more at present but it seems lacking on penetrating shots. Using 16x18 stock currently.


Hall of Fame
It is not a racket for hitting through people, it is a racket for hitting to places that are hard to get to with spin that is hard to deal with.


Uh...play more aggressively? No, really :) I haven't had much of a problem forcing the issue with this stick. I think a couple of comments got turned from "it's good on defense, maybe a little underpowered" to "you can't use this to attack". I'd recommend either a lower tension or a mindset change-I think we often get it in our heads that a certain racquet is supposed to play a certain way and then our mind messes us up.

For the TL;DR version: it's not the racquet ;) But that being said, you're not going to necessarily blast anybody off the court with tremendous power with it if that's not your game.
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Thanks guys. I think you've nailed me with the mindset issue. My head is totally screwed right now and need to take one racket and stick with it. I suspect the IG Rad Pro is going to **** and I will stick with Exo3 but not until I've tried and ruled out the Prestige Pro. That said, a lot of people say it takes a few tries to really love the Exo3 so if I like it a lot so far, that bodes well.


We must be the exception then! I liked it upon first forehand. It's a great stick. How does the IG Rad Pro match up? (fantastic review, by the way.)
I had a demo hit with this last week...

Really liked the frame, would probably switch without a problem if I hadn't just got new frames that I also love.

Super impressed with the racquet, though. (Tour 100 16 x 18 )


IG Rad Pro is great but it has some big drawbacks for me at present and I am struggling with the flexibility whereas I am not with the Exo3 which is (on spec) more flexible. I simply played better with the Exo3 in the two matches but Rad Pro was great in knock up. Serve with Rad Pro far exceeded Exo3 but I would give everything else to Exo3 at present. Need more playtime with both.


PP had some influence on things he said...but switching rackets so much, made me wonder how valid his advice was on this racket. Having almost raved more than anyone about this racket (in my experience)...its strange him having wilsons now...and the prince only as a backup.

Personally, i cannot see that there is many rackets better than this one...it really is impressive so far...

I learned this fact the hard way.

Check out the Diary of a Rackaholics thread and you will see a few posters that pretty much rave and praise just about every racket they try and then they swap frames within 3 weeks. Its nice to read these reviews but I wouldn't base my purchasing decisions on a known rackaholic review. I went thru a period before xmas of trying a heap of frames trying to find the perfect frame and came to the conclusion that it doesn't exist. I lucked out with the Exo3 Tour it has been an amazing frame for me and I have no plans to switch. I have tweaked the swingweight and balance to suit my more hi-level playing standard but other than that I love it.



I mean, just because someone really enjoys a racquet doesn't mean they have to stick with it. PP, for instance, tends to start to find things that the racquet does to his game and then realizes that-even though the racquet is good-it's not exactly for what he needs at the time of his progression. To a greater extent, that's true for all of us, but we tend to switch a lot less than the normal racketaholic. Their points are still very valid, but I think they enjoy the fun of experimenting a lot more than we do (and did...for some of us ;))


Well my game has changed dramatically since I have stopped swapping rackets every month. I still have doubts sometimes and it has been super hard this month with all of the new Wilsons being released (ps 6.1 95) being something that I have been very tempted to try. But at the end of the day everyone has their own little quirks and I love reading these super enthusiastic reviews.


Alright, I have played with the 16x18 in some sets and changed string/tensions a couple times, and have a new review.

Im not sure why my initial impressions of this racquet a year ago were of this racquet being under-powered. Right now this racquet is feeling quite lively. As mentioned before, it is very comfortable and good at producing spin. I had it strung at 55 with Solinco Tour Bite 16L today for some sets against a good player. I also have 4 grams of lead in the head; 2 at 3 and 2 at 9. This is a great overall racquet and I will probably switch to it.

Backhands are very solid, and with its lively feel you can hit on the run strongly. Forehands create spin, so I found it to be accurate, able to move it around including angles, while also being able to hit a very big ball when attacking flatter. Initially my tension with alu power at 52 and it was too powerful, but with Tour Bite at 55 it helped gain control. I may go up to 56 or 57 for an ideal setup. Returns were some of the best Ive hit, being very solid and powerful, including on the stretch and slice very strong. Related to all of this results in very solid and powerful volleys, great plow through. Defensive shots and slices are strong. I was worried about serving from my brief playtest a year ago, but Ive found this racquet to have plenty of action and pop.

This racquet certainly has a unique feel overall that takes a little getting used to, but its very good in all areas. I miss some shots due to not being adjusted to the racquet and dialed in, but Im hitting some great shots. Some of my best shots ever, things I couldnt do quite as well before, have come on volleys and returns. Most importantly, Im still hitting a very big and consistent ball with more spin than before, and the serve isnt underpowered as I worried. Count me into the club!


Thanks for the review Tonlars. What did you think was missing from the stock racket that made you add weight to 3 and 9? Stability? Plow through etc?


Hall of Fame
I learned this fact the hard way.

Check out the Diary of a Rackaholics thread and you will see a few posters that pretty much rave and praise just about every racket they try and then they swap frames within 3 weeks. Its nice to read these reviews but I wouldn't base my purchasing decisions on a known rackaholic review. I went thru a period before xmas of trying a heap of frames trying to find the perfect frame and came to the conclusion that it doesn't exist. I lucked out with the Exo3 Tour it has been an amazing frame for me and I have no plans to switch. I have tweaked the swingweight and balance to suit my more hi-level playing standard but other than that I love it.


I apologise people....

I have confused Power Player with TheOneHander with some posts.... both of them contributed somewhat...and it made the racket switch seem far more serious...I assume TheOneHander is still on this racket?


Hall of Fame
Thanks for the review Tonlars. What did you think was missing from the stock racket that made you add weight to 3 and 9? Stability? Plow through etc?

Even though lead definately helped me with some power...i didn't feel it worth the sacrifice of racket speed and control. The best thing about this racket for me overall, is probably summed up in four things:

1) manueverability
2) feel
3) spin
4) control

Each of which to me, lead severely disrupts. Lead gives more power, but disrupts all of the above for me personally.


My Tours are getting compressed after a few string jobs and racket loop gets really round, I think some stiffness is lost as well - anyone else is having this issue?
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Even though lead definately helped me with some power...i didn't feel it worth the sacrifice of racket speed and control. The best thing about this racket for me overall, is probably summed up in four things:

1) manueverability
2) feel
3) spin
4) control

Each of which to me, lead severely disrupts. Lead gives more power, but disrupts all of the above for me personally.

Keep in mind, not every racket is the same - frame could easily have 5-6 grams weight deviation and as much as 10-15 swingweight difference from yours.

Personally I need between 4 and 8 grams of lead on my Tours, otherwise they are too unstable and I don't feel like I get optimal head speed either.
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Thanks for the review Tonlars. What did you think was missing from the stock racket that made you add weight to 3 and 9? Stability? Plow through etc?

Just for stability. This racquet has alot more juice than I thought, balls are flying on me still. Its been great for volleys, returns, defense and serving though lol. I will need to bump up the tension to 58 or 59 I think though for groundstroke consistency.


Hall of Fame
Just for stability. This racquet has alot more juice than I thought, balls are flying on me still. Its been great for volleys, returns, defense and serving though lol. I will need to bump up the tension to 58 or 59 I think though for groundstroke consistency.

It's all over now. TonLars is in!!!!

Everyone that has sold their frames will buy them back at twice the price. :smile:

I jest, of course.

Great to hear that players like TonLars are enjoying this frame and the rest of us weren't crazy. :-o

In the past 5 years, I have switched frames once. I left the PresMid after a long tenure and went to the exo3Tour100... then after 5 months I started dabbling with the BLX95 and switched often between the two.

Now I have two of each frame and will be out of tennis for awhile.

Thinking back, I should have stuck to just one frame. There is nothing worse for the game than switching between 2-3 frames or switching often.


Just for stability. This racquet has alot more juice than I thought, balls are flying on me still. Its been great for volleys, returns, defense and serving though lol. I will need to bump up the tension to 58 or 59 I think though for groundstroke consistency.

what type of string are you using?


New User
I've been following this thread for months. Every single day I read the latests posts. I'm playing with the Prince EXO Tour 16x18 for two months and I have some experiences to share. I can consider myself a racquetaholic and stringaholic, but I've never played so well as I am playing with this Prince. I change racquets for fun/pleasure but this time I think its over. My serves, groundstrokes and voleys have improved with the EXO Tour.
First of all, the EXO Tour is extremely sensitive to the string. I've used Mamba O Power 1.23, Head Rip Control 1.20, Weisscanon Scorpion 1.22, Polystar Strike1.25, Mantis Confort Polyester 1.30 and Volkl Cyclone 1.20mm. All of them with 48 pounds (lbs). My racquet is stock form and weights 334g with one Yonex Super Grap overgrip.
I didn't like Head Rip Control on this racquet. It's so spongy. Mantis Confort Polyester is 8/10, not the better and not the worst.
But, I really recommend Mamba O Power 1.23 and Volkl Cyclone 1.20. With the Mamba O Power control is absolute and I was serving into the lines, spin is ridiculous and the ball is landing near the baseline. With the Volkl feel is perfect and the response of stringbed is extremely predictable, control is 9.5/10, spin is the same as Mamba. For those who think this racquet lacks of feel, try the Volkl Cyclone 1.20. You get so much pop with this string that is glad to hear. I think if You choose the wrong strings this racquet not shine. It's like day and darkness.


Hall of Fame
I've been following this thread for months. Every single day I read the latests posts. I'm playing with the Prince EXO Tour 16x18 for two months and I have some experiences to share. I can consider myself a racquetaholic and stringaholic, but I've never played so well as I am playing with this Prince. I change racquets for fun/pleasure but this time I think its over. My serves, groundstrokes and voleys have improved with the EXO Tour.
First of all, the EXO Tour is extremely sensitive to the string. I've used Mamba O Power 1.23, Head Rip Control 1.20, Weisscanon Scorpion 1.22, Polystar Strike1.25, Mantis Confort Polyester 1.30 and Volkl Cyclone 1.20mm. All of them with 48 pounds (lbs). My racquet is stock form and weights 334g with one Yonex Super Grap overgrip.
I didn't like Head Rip Control on this racquet. It's so spongy. Mantis Confort Polyester is 8/10, not the better and not the worst.
But, I really recommend Mamba O Power 1.23 and Volkl Cyclone 1.20. With the Mamba O Power control is absolute and I was serving into the lines, spin is ridiculous and the ball is landing near the baseline. With the Volkl feel is perfect and the response of stringbed is extremely predictable, control is 9.5/10, spin is the same as Mamba. For those who think this racquet lacks of feel, try the Volkl Cyclone 1.20. You get so much pop with this string that is glad to hear. I think if You choose the wrong strings this racquet not shine. It's like day and darkness.

Just out of curiousity how did you find the head rip control? i have a set that i will try later when i snap my nxt tour 17. Though i would think there will be considerable differences since i am using a tighter pattern and i will be stringing it around 57lbs. Stringing it at 48lbs could be the reason why it was too spongy.


New User
Just out of curiousity how did you find the head rip control? i have a set that i will try later when i snap my nxt tour 17. Though i would think there will be considerable differences since i am using a tighter pattern and i will be stringing it around 57lbs. Stringing it at 48lbs could be the reason why it was too spongy.

Head Rip Control is a string that I like so much. I have used it successfully in my Biomimetic 500 Tour, Wilson BLX 6.1 and two others Yonex. However, in the EXO Tour the strings move a lot and I felt a total lack of feedback from the stringbed. Maybe increase the tension is the solution in the case of Head Rip Control.

I remembered now that I tried Big Hitter Blue Rough 17g too. It´s a good string but IMO the Mamba O Power 1.23 and the Volkl Cyclone 1.20 are better by far.
I love Rip Control at 60 lbs in the 18x20.

That said, lost a match last weekend so trying my first multi main / poly cross setup later today. Went 58/53 with some scraps lying around. If it works will go with Rip Control mains and a cheap 17g poly cross like Tourna. Really not sure what to expect.


New User
I love Rip Control at 60 lbs in the 18x20.

That said, lost a match last weekend so trying my first multi main / poly cross setup later today. Went 58/53 with some scraps lying around. If it works will go with Rip Control mains and a cheap 17g poly cross like Tourna. Really not sure what to expect.

Ok Champs, don´t forget to give us a feedback about this setup. I have four sets of Rip Control 1.30 and lot of polys too. I´ll be glad to hear your opinion.


I love Rip Control at 60 lbs in the 18x20.

That said, lost a match last weekend so trying my first multi main / poly cross setup later today. Went 58/53 with some scraps lying around. If it works will go with Rip Control mains and a cheap 17g poly cross like Tourna. Really not sure what to expect.

I'd be curious how long it will last - I've tried both RIP Control main/poly cross, and RIP Control main/syn gut cross. I ran into durability problems with it. Not very important, but I used Isospeed Baseline Spin 17L in the poly cross, and Gosen OG Micro 17 for the syn gut cross.

Just played today with Mamba gut in the mains (54lbs) and RIP control in the crosses (58lbs) and it really was nice on the serves. Really easy to string up the gut incidentally, being a 16x18 doesn't hurt - being a cheapskate, I've never tried gut over $15, but this stuff was comparatively nice. String job cost me ~$10 ($7.50 for the gut, $2-$3 for the RIP control). Felt very controllable (the main struggle I have), easy on the arm. I backed off on power, allowed the strings to compensate while I focused on control. Very pleased with it so far.


New User
Hey, tinyman I guess this will be my next test. Five minutes ago I sent an email to Ray West (Mamba contact) asking for the Premium Natural Gut.
What gauge of Rip Control did you use?


I love Rip Control at 60 lbs in the 18x20.

i used rip control 16 full bed in my 18x20's a month ago. i got great performance and about 15 hours of life before it popped. great spin for a multi or syn gut. it's not quite up to poly levels of spin but it's good. lots of comfort and decent pop too.

i now have 3 sticks with rip control 17 at 50 pounds, 55 pounds and 60 pounds. like champs - i absolutely love the one at 60 pounds. great control, great spin (again for a multi anyway), great pop. inspires a lot of confidence.

the one at 55 was good too but the one at 50 definitely had moments where it was a bit too trampoliney and a good amount of shots flew long. i'm keeping a log of all three though to see what kind of life i can get out of full bed rip control 17.


Hey, tinyman I guess this will be my next test. Five minutes ago I sent an email to Ray West (Mamba contact) asking for the Premium Natural Gut.
What gauge of Rip Control did you use?

That's the one I use I think - the $15 version, I can't remember if it is 16g or 17g. The RIP Control is 17g, I have a reel of the stuff. I might go to 16g next time to try and increase durability.

20-25 minutes. Wasn't sure what I was looking for but I know I didn't find it.

haha yeah that was about what I experienced. It felt great, but snapped right along the middle mains in about a half hour. The poly just saws right through the RIP Control. Syn gut lasted longer, but only into the region of a couple hours.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
I have 3 16X18s Two with VS 17g mains @ 55 and poly crosses at 48 (WC Silverstring 1.20 on one and MSV Co-focus 1.18 on the other.)

I am just coming to this racquet now from the Head Youtek Prestige Pro. I have been playing with Klip Tour Natural Gut 17 in the mains and MSV Co-Focus 1.18 in that racquet, and it is amazing. Going to stick with the Klip Tour Natural Gut 17 in the mains of the EXO Tour 16 x 18 based on the comments made by Chris Edwards in their review and other here in the club - the EXO Tour seems to play best with a gut/poly hybrid for most.

In addition to trying the same MSV Co-Focus 1.18 poly in the crosses, I was also going to try the two other great low cost polys I have used for hybrids - WC Silverstring 1.20 and Signum Pro Poly Plasma 1.18.

I see you have been hiting with both the MSV and the Silverstring. Which did you prefer and why, and did you ever try the SPPP 1.18 as the crosses?

Also why so low on the poly tension in your set up? Most feel a 10% difference is ideal between the gut and the poly - you are bit more than that.

Let me know which of these three polys offered the best tension retention, feel, spin, power, and comfort.

It could save me a lot of tinkering.


I am just coming to this racquet now from the Head Youtek Prestige Pro. I have been playing with Klip Tour Natural Gut 17 in the mains and MSV Co-Focus 1.18 in that racquet, and it is amazing. Going to stick with the Klip Tour Natural Gut 17 in the mains of the EXO Tour 16 x 18 based on the comments made by Chris Edwards in their review and other here in the club - the EXO Tour seems to play best with a gut/poly hybrid for most.

In addition to trying the same MSV Co-Focus 1.18 poly in the crosses, I was also going to try the two other great low cost polys I have used for hybrids - WC Silverstring 1.20 and Signum Pro Poly Plasma 1.18.

I see you have been hiting with both the MSV and the Silverstring. Which did you prefer and why, and did you ever try the SPPP 1.18 as the crosses?

Also why so low on the poly tension in your set up? Most feel a 10% difference is ideal between the gut and the poly - you are bit more than that.

Let me know which of these three polys offered the best tension retention, feel, spin, power, and comfort.

It could save me a lot of tinkering.

Kahuna, we've been involved in a lot of the same threads about gut/poly and EXO3 Tours. I'll tell you where I'm at with strings these days. First of all I've been using this racquet exclusively now for nearly a year. I love it, it suits my game well.

I went through a period where I was doing VS 17g with Co-Focus 1.18 on one frame. I really liked that set-up but the co-focus cut through the VS a little too quickly for me so I switched to the 1.23. That seemed to last a little better and felt more or less the same. I find the Co-focus to be a crisper and stiffer feeling poly that some of the others I've tried so that's why I paired it with the softer VS.

In another frame I use Klip Legend 17g mains, the Klip is a little firmer feeling than the VS so I found that softer polys make a better pair. I did use Silverstring for a little while but in the end it just seemed a little TOO soft for this frame. The effect was a little spongy feeling.

Prior to using Gut mains my favorite Poly was Tourbite, but the edges of that string make it a destructive cross with gut. But I decided to give other Solinco polys a try. The result is now I use Revolution with the Klip mains and Outlast with the VS. Both of these feel great right from the start and have been lasting me about 3 weeks each (maybe 40-45hrs).

The Klip/Revolution is the firmer of the two and when I'm swinging well I prefer this one, the VS/Outlast is softer but still has a crispness that I never got with Silverstring. This set0up feels very forgiving and it seems I can really hit out with it even when I'm not totally dialed in. But it may not be as good for flattening out shots.

I string both at 53/45

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Kahuna, we've been involved in a lot of the same threads about gut/poly and EXO3 Tours. I'll tell you where I'm at with strings these days. First of all I've been using this racquet exclusively now for nearly a year. I love it, it suits my game well.

I went through a period where I was doing VS 17g with Co-Focus 1.18 on one frame. I really liked that set-up but the co-focus cut through the VS a little too quickly for me so I switched to the 1.23. That seemed to last a little better and felt more or less the same. I find the Co-focus to be a crisper and stiffer feeling poly that some of the others I've tried so that's why I paired it with the softer VS.

In another frame I use Klip Legend 17g mains, the Klip is a little firmer feeling than the VS so I found that softer polys make a better pair. I did use Silverstring for a little while but in the end it just seemed a little TOO soft for this frame. The effect was a little spongy feeling.

Prior to using Gut mains my favorite Poly was Tourbite, but the edges of that string make it a destructive cross with gut. But I decided to give other Solinco polys a try. The result is now I use Revolution with the Klip mains and Outlast with the VS. Both of these feel great right from the start and have been lasting me about 3 weeks each (maybe 40-45hrs).

The Klip/Revolution is the firmer of the two and when I'm swinging well I prefer this one, the VS/Outlast is softer but still has a crispness that I never got with Silverstring. This set0up feels very forgiving and it seems I can really hit out with it even when I'm not totally dialed in. But it may not be as good for flattening out shots.

I string both at 53/45

This is great information. Thank you.

I would love to know what the KLIP gut / SPPP feels like, but I guess I will have to try it and see. It does not sound like you have demoed that set-up.

Makes sense that the VS would pair best with a firmer poly and the KLIP would pair best with a softer one - that is why I have focused on the three polys I referenced: MSV Co-Focus, Silverstring, and SPPP - all soft and slippery with the gut for optimum feel and pocketing. Have you tried the new KLIP Tour Gut? The black coating adds 50% to the durability and plays about the same as the regular KLIP natural gut.

I have never tried REVOLUTION or OUTLAST, but have about everything else. For the money, MSV Co-Focus, Silverstring, and SPPP are real hard to beat.

Your thoughts?


This is great information. Thank you.

I would love to know what the KLIP gut / SPPP feels like, but I guess I will have to try it and see. It does not sound like you have demoed that set-up.

Makes sense that the VS would pair best with a firmer poly and the KLIP would pair best with a softer one - that is why I have focused on the three polys I referenced: MSV Co-Focus, Silverstring, and SPPP - all soft and slippery with the gut for optimum feel and pocketing. Have you tried the new KLIP Tour Gut? The black coating adds 50% to the durability and plays about the same as the regular KLIP natural gut.

I have never tried REVOLUTION or OUTLAST, but have about everything else. For the money, MSV Co-Focus, Silverstring, and SPPP are real hard to beat.

Your thoughts?

I have tried SPPP, only because a friend swears by it. But I found, as did he, that it was not a good string for this frame at all. Way too dead. SPPP needs a stiffer frame imo. And though I liked Silverstring as a cross at first, the last time I strung it up it had the same dead feeling for me. I think the high flex of this frame is incompatible with the super soft polys.

That being said, I kind of get the feeling that Outlast is Solinco's SPPP type of string. It's touted as being playable and durable. But while it is soft, it just feels crisper than SPPP or SS to me. I find all three Solinco polys to hold tension well.

I haven't tried the new Klip Tour, but I see TW doesn't carry it in 17g. I might give it a try if they ever do. I'm thinking about trying Wilson gut instead of VS for the one frame next time. People seem to say Wilson gut is like the "old" VS, pre - BT7.


I have tried SPPP, only because a friend swears by it. But I found, as did he, that it was not a good string for this frame at all. Way too dead. SPPP needs a stiffer frame imo. And though I liked Silverstring as a cross at first, the last time I strung it up it had the same dead feeling for me. I think the high flex of this frame is incompatible with the super soft polys.

That being said, I kind of get the feeling that Outlast is Solinco's SPPP type of string. It's touted as being playable and durable. But while it is soft, it just feels crisper than SPPP or SS to me. I find all three Solinco polys to hold tension well.

I haven't tried the new Klip Tour, but I see TW doesn't carry it in 17g. I might give it a try if they ever do. I'm thinking about trying Wilson gut instead of VS for the one frame next time. People seem to say Wilson gut is like the "old" VS, pre - BT7.

Did I mention how much I like Hyperion in this racket?
Trying BHBR 16 full bed at 50 lbs in tomorrow's match if the warmup goes fine.

Was a hassle to string on my Klipper, I'll say that.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
I have tried SPPP, only because a friend swears by it. But I found, as did he, that it was not a good string for this frame at all. Way too dead. SPPP needs a stiffer frame imo. And though I liked Silverstring as a cross at first, the last time I strung it up it had the same dead feeling for me. I think the high flex of this frame is incompatible with the super soft polys.

I posed the same question to Chris Edwards on this frame and asked his opinion on the crosses given the choice of the three polys I was considering (MSV Co-Focus 18; WC Silverstring 17L; and SPPP 18). He replied:

"The Signum Pro will be the liveliest - something to consider with the flex and lower power of the Prince. Even though I like WC Silverstring, I prefer WC Mosquito Bite. It is crisper, thinner and I think it could be just what you are looking for."

I am going to compare the Silversting to the MSV next week - which I know you have already done - as a reference point (as I have been playing with the MSV in my crosses the last year in the YPP I am coming from). Then I am going to try the 18 gauge Solinco Revolution, which I know you like, the week after. Have you ever tried WCMB?

I may narrow my playtest to these four crosses based on your suggestions and those of Chris.


I posed the same question to Chris Edwards on this frame and asked his opinion on the crosses given the choice of the three polys I was considering (MSV Co-Focus 18; WC Silverstring 17L; and SPPP 18). He replied:

"The Signum Pro will be the liveliest - something to consider with the flex and lower power of the Prince. Even though I like WC Silverstring, I prefer WC Mosquito Bite. It is crisper, thinner and I think it could be just what you are looking for."

I am going to compare the Silversting to the MSV next week - which I know you have already done - as a reference point (as I have been playing with the MSV in my crosses the last year in the YPP I am coming from). Then I am going to try the 18 gauge Solinco Revolution, which I know you like, the week after. Have you ever tried WCMB?

I may narrow my playtest to these four crosses based on your suggestions and those of Chris.

I don't agree about SPPP being the liveliest, that's for sure. Did Chris actually string up SPPP in the EXO? Strings seem to feel very different in the EXO Tour than other frames. I don't think anyone can guess or make a judgement until they've actually strung it up and given it a go. I've never tried WCBM, I'll be curious to hear your results.

Saw you mentioned cold weather too... I've definitely noticed the strings not responding like I've grown accustomed to when it's been cold out. Firmer, stiffer, harsher, less grab, less pop. I've been kind of assuming that it was the gut that was more susceptible to temps, but you think it's the poly too?

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
I don't agree about SPPP being the liveliest, that's for sure. Did Chris actually string up SPPP in the EXO? Strings seem to feel very different in the EXO Tour than other frames. I don't think anyone can guess or make a judgement until they've actually strung it up and given it a go. I've never tried WCBM, I'll be curious to hear your results.

Saw you mentioned cold weather too... I've definitely noticed the strings not responding like I've grown accustomed to when it's been cold out. Firmer, stiffer, harsher, less grab, less pop. I've been kind of assuming that it was the gut that was more susceptible to temps, but you think it's the poly too?

Of the two Solinco polys you like, do you prefer OUTLAST or REVOLUTION as a cross string? I just discovered the REVOLUTION is gear shaped. I would think this would cause a lot more wear than a smooth string - like the MSV Co-Focus or the WC Misquito Bite. OUTLAST - which I assume is smooth - does not come in 18 gauge, so it will not have the same feel as the 18 gauge strings. Which Solinco polys are smooth and 18 gauge?

What are you using now?

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Saw you mentioned cold weather too... I've definitely noticed the strings not responding like I've grown accustomed to when it's been cold out. Firmer, stiffer, harsher, less grab, less pop. I've been kind of assuming that it was the gut that was more susceptible to temps, but you think it's the poly too?

I have read this on other posts. Poly is - basically - plastic (which is more reactive to temps than say an organic fiber like gut).


Of the two Solinco polys you like, do you prefer OUTLAST or REVOLUTION as a cross string? I just discovered the REVOLUTION is gear shaped. I would think this would cause a lot more wear than a smooth string - like the MSV Co-Focus or the WC Misquito Bite. OUTLAST - which I assume is smooth - does not come in 18 gauge, so it will not have the same feel as the 18 gauge strings. Which Solinco polys are smooth and 18 gauge?

What are you using now?

Revolution is shaped but it is extremely subtle. It hasn't caused it to cut through the crosses any faster than pure smooth polys. Outlast is indeed Solinco's smooth offering. I haven't looked for either in 18g, I prefer 17 as a cross. The Co-focus 1.18 cut through the mains too quickly for me for example.

So I'm using both Revolution and Outlast now. The Rev with Klip and the Outlast with VS. I still have som Co-Focus 1.23 so I'll string up one frame of that with Klip next time to re-visit.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Revolution is shaped but it is extremely subtle. It hasn't caused it to cut through the crosses any faster than pure smooth polys. Outlast is indeed Solinco's smooth offering. I haven't looked for either in 18g, I prefer 17 as a cross. The Co-focus 1.18 cut through the mains too quickly for me for example.

So I'm using both Revolution and Outlast now. The Rev with Klip and the Outlast with VS. I still have som Co-Focus 1.23 so I'll string up one frame of that with Klip next time to re-visit.

My string jobs with the new coated KLIP Legend Tour 17 Gut and the MSV C0-Focus 18 last forever. The coating really helps create a nice coated notch for the KLIP gut to slide over. I normally don't see any fraying until 30-40 hours in. I usually cut out the string when the poly drops 20% or more. I have yet to have a set break on me and I regularly get 40 hours of play out of a set with this set-up - and I never use string savers as it changes the tension and inhibits the gut from sliding and snapping back over the ply crosses. I think the coated gut makes a big difference.

You may want to run some KLIP TOUR down and see what you think.


New User
Just to update with my experiences... yesterday I tried Rip Control 1.30 mains and Mamba O Power 1.23 crosses at 56 x 52 pounds. The setup snapped in 2 hours of play! It popped in the middle mains like other friend have said before.
Despite this, I liked so much the playability. No brake-in is needed and the confort was there from the first hit. This setup has just a little less spin than full poly but the control is great.


My string jobs with the new coated KLIP Legend Tour 17 Gut and the MSV C0-Focus 18 last forever. The coating really helps create a nice coated notch for the KLIP gut to slide over. I normally don't see any fraying until 30-40 hours in. I usually cut out the string when the poly drops 20% or more. I have yet to have a set break on me and I regularly get 40 hours of play out of a set with this set-up - and I never use string savers as it changes the tension and inhibits the gut from sliding and snapping back over the ply crosses. I think the coated gut makes a big difference.

You may want to run some KLIP TOUR down and see what you think.

Does Klip Tour still "feel" like gut? I still consider VS the benchmark and Klip Legend already is a little stiffer feeling and a little less "fun". I worry about heavily coated gut getting too far away from that plush gut feel.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Does Klip Tour still "feel" like gut? I still consider VS the benchmark and Klip Legend already is a little stiffer feeling and a little less "fun". I worry about heavily coated gut getting too far away from that plush gut feel.

From my experience, it does. I have used Bow Brand, VS Touch, and KLIP Legend (regular) in the past. While this gut may be less plush than VS, it still has all the gut qualities and attributes you have come to expect IMO. Everyone I have suggested it to has stayed with it and loves the playability and durability. Using the KLIP Legend Tour in your set-up could allow you to use a slightly soft poly cross, for example - like a MSV Co-Focus or WC Silverstring - and achieve similar results and better durability at a lower price tag (at least that sounds reasonable). I will let you know how my new frames play today set-up this way.


From my experience, it does. I have used Bow Brand, VS Touch, and KLIP Legend (regular) in the past. While this gut may be less plush than VS, it still has all the gut qualities and attributes you have come to expect IMO. Everyone I have suggested it to has stayed with it and loves the playability and durability. Using the KLIP Legend Tour in your set-up could allow you to use a slightly soft poly cross, for example - like a MSV Co-Focus or WC Silverstring - and achieve similar results and better durability at a lower price tag (at least that sounds reasonable). I will let you know how my new frames play today set-up this way.

I'll give it a try. I don't know that I need anymore durability than I already get from Legend though. Funny also to me is that I don't really consider Co-Focus to be a very soft poly. It is the firmest feeling of the three or four I have in rotation.

I did just cut out some month old Revolution crosses and replace them with Co-focus 1.23. I'm so used to the Revolution feel now and haven't played with Co-focus for a few months so I will be curious to revisit it and see what I think now.