@@@@@The OFFICIAL Prince EXO3 Tour 100 Club@@@@@

Hi all,

Anyone know if this is just a re-issue of the Exo3 Tour 100 16x18? Looks like a black version (pj only).

This is a re-issue . I really like the paint-job. It is actually the same scheme as the Textreme Tour P, just with a lighter greenish yellow color. The RA is the same as the original one. Here in Europe RA ratings are given as being stiffer, for instance, the Phantom Pro is rated as having an RA of 60 on some European sites. Great frame. I have the original one with the black and copper color. I would love to get my hands on some of those re-issues with that cool color scheme. I also have the Phantom Pro and really like both a lot.


Looks like the Limited Edition EXO3 Tour 16x18 referred to by @rlau above. Looks great in that colorway but price wise, it's right up there. Interesting to see if TW now that they are so involved with Prince are going to stock these. Also hope the paint is a little more hardy than the orange paint on the port inserts on the EXO3 lol!!

Just viewed the TW comparison tool between the Tour 100 18x20 and the new Wilson Clash Tour and there are quite a few similarities (mass, sw, flex). The Clash is slightly more headlight and has a lower vibration frequency, but very importantly to me, the Prince has a considerably higher twistweight and a larger sweet zone. Those two properties should combine to give the Prince more stability when the ball is contacted nearer the edges of the frame meaning less jarring and twisting around the central axis. I can't see anything that would make me leave the Prince Tour ported versions for the Clash.


Hall of Fame
Totally agree. TW is a huge factor for me. Cub drew is close and the clash is the only stick that beats the tour. SE is interesting because measuring it with RDC does not matter. That machine can’t be accurate because the ports make a difference when swinging.


Played 5 sets of doubles with the Tour 18x20 yesterday. Just loving this frame all over again. Does everything so sweetly, so smoothly and don't you just love the way the ball just sinks into the string bed just waiting to be directed to the part of the court you want the ball to go to? I love how when your opponent just creams the ball at you when you're at the net how the Tour just absorbs all the pace of the incoming ball and let's you direct your volley to where you want it to go. No jarring, no shock - the only shock is on your opponent's face!

The only thing I'm struggling with at the moment is the serve - can't quite get the pace and work on the first serve I want, particularly to first court, and I'm tending to overhit my second. Just playing with a full bed of Forten Sweet 16 @ 55/53 at present, thinking of going to a multi/syn gut 17 gauge hybrid next.

@speedysteve like me you also use a V1 Classic I see. I find the big difference between the two is that while they are both supremely arm and elbow friendly, the V1 is almost totally disconnected from the feel of the ball on the strings. When the ball hits the strings on the V1, it's almost like it hasn't reached the stringbed and when it leaves the bed, I get no sense of where the ball is going. The thickness of the V1 beam and hoop also feels almost clumsy to me as opposed to the knife like feeling of the EXO3 Tour and Tours. Still, I'm going to keep the V1 in my bag just as back up.
Do you get real chest stretch and load up on serve rather than arming it?
Keep the racquet down your racquet hand side of your body as you trophy..
When I get that rythym / timing right all is well and the ball goes pretty much where I want it to and my arm survives..

I get what you say about the Võlkl V1.. it is just what what say. So damn easy on the arm though..

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New User
Yes absolutely love the new cosmetics of limited Prince exo3 tour 100 16x18. Hope they will do other models aswell (exo3 rebel 98, 95 etc.). I will not go any further since this is a tour 100 discussion board.


Strung my Tour 100 18x20 with some black PSGD 17 @ 53/51 and played 6 sets of doubles yesterday. Magic control, extreme comfort and enough power reinforced my opinion about this stick. And even though some don't like the feel of the ports I get more than enough feel for the ball to direct it accurately.

What makes it so unique (and the Phantom range is probably similar) is the flex of the frame on impact. You actually feel the frame "give" with the ball impact and get that incredible feeling of the ball momentarily remaining on the strings. Amazingly different!!


Still loving my Tour 100 18x20 strung with PSGD 17 @ 53/51. I'm playing as well as I ever have, if not better than I ever have, and my slight misgivings about my serve with the frame have now dissipated. My groundstrokes and returns of serve are coming off the string bed so sweetly with power, comfort and control. The dwell factor really allows me to place the ball almost where I like.

Simply amazing and the ports seem to really expand the sweepspot to that of an oversize. It is almost impossible to mistime or shank a shot. So glad I've rediscovered this gem.


Hall of Fame
Every now and then I would go on the bay to see if I can find one for the 18x20 in a 5/8 grip. Wish I didn't sell mine.


Every now and then I would go on the bay to see if I can find one for the 18x20 in a 5/8 grip. Wish I didn't sell mine.
I've got a couple of 18x20's I've been meaning to sell, but not in 5/8 :(
I just grip them up and get a little more headlight goodness..

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My Tour 100 18x20 is 4 1/2 with 2 overgrips and the EXO 3 is a 4 3/8 with 3 overgrips. Both feel good and the bevels are still noticeable. Makes them more headlight lol!! No lead either.


Just swapped my V1 Classic for my old Tour 100 16x18 I sold to a buddy back in 2015. He didn't click with it and was happy to swap it for the V1.

To those who have one and string with syn gut, which syn gut do you use and what tension? My 18x20 plays beautifully with 17 gauge PSGD @ 48lbs and I'm thinking around 53 with a full bed of 17g PSGD.

Any thoughts?


I'm playing more and more on clay and I feel this frame 16x18 pattern suits that surface.
What tension would the collective you recommend for a full bed of natural gut (Wilson 16)?
I know I'll get more spin with gut/poly but my arm needs gut.
I also like quite a powerful string bed..


I'm still feeling it with both the Tour 100 (18x20) and the Tour 100 (16x18). Still let's me be very competitive with those wielding more modern, high powered sticks.

Anyone in Europe had a chance to compare with the Textreme O3 Tour 100 310 yet? I've passed on the Phantom as a successor to the Tour 100 but these new O3 Tour sticks look very interesting.


Also interested in the above..

I had an itch again with the EXO3 Tour.. thought playing on clay might suit what it let's me do..

Gut really doesn't work here on our rainy green Island so I ditched that idea, and having switched to playing on clay (no foot grip problems) and it being at least damp a lot of the time and playing on full on rain at times, I needed a synth set up that worked for me game and elbow wise!

This time I strung up with Head Rip Control mains and Ashaway Monogut ZX crosses!
What a combination!
My new goto.

It's the most arm friendly setup I've ever used. Bite/touch and power!
You hit and think, hmm I might feel sore later, but I don't!

With this stringing the EXO3 is as good if not better on my elbow than the Volkl's I've been flirting with this past 18 months..
I'm even posting more often.

Wish I hadn't sold my other 2 16x18 EXO's now - duh!


Hall of Fame
I played with the Exo3 Tour 100 18x20 and 16x18 a couple years ago (I believe I sold one of my frames to @speedysteve), and currently play with the Textreme O3 Tour 100 310. Of all 3, I prefer the latter. I think that it offers the best performance. It's like a cross between the old open and closed pattern sticks in terms of control, but with more punch. It's still very comfortable.


@speedysteve good to hear from you again and chuffed that you've resurrected the EXO3 Tour for some clay court tennis. That Rip Control/Monogut ZX must be as soft as marshmallow in the 16x18 EXO3. I've never used Zyex at all - isn't it even softer than multifilament, almost gut like in its resilience? I remember from reading the above posts that you have a tender elbow so that string combo in the EXO3 Tour must be heaven sent for the elbow.

I suffered from TE for 2 years, took surgical repair to get rid of it, and now use the EXO3 18x20 and Tour 18x20 exclusively. Thing is, apart from occasional and very minor GE, I no longer wear an elbow brace and no longer need to use the ported EXO3 and Tour sticks for health reasons. But I do, because they are such damned fine playing sticks. Have had various flirtations with V1 Classic, PK5G, Textreme Warrior 100 and 107 and others, but since Feb this year rediscovered and have stayed faithful to the 18x20 Tour. Use the 16x18 sometimes for added oomph and spin, but can't get past the pinpoint control of the 18x20's.

Since I started typing this I noticed @rlau posted how good the Textreme O3 Tour 100 310 is. This the one stick I really want to try because it, and not the Phantom, is the true successor to the EXO3 and Tour 100 range. It's available at TW Europe so you being in the UK should be able to get it, at least before Boris and Brexit combine to cast an ugly spanner in the works!!! Tennis Only in Australia tells me that the Textreme O3 Tour 100 310 is expected to be available early next year in the country holding the Ashes so looking forward to checking it out. Although, it will have to be mighty good to get me to leave the Tour 100!!


Hehe Riau and Aussie. Small EXO3 world it is.
I just bought a New Old Stock 16x18 EXO3 Tour 100.
I'm enjoying the one I have again so much, I can't just have one frame..
I will be selling of a few other frames now..

The prince Textreme O3 Tour 100 310 is available here for reasonable money.
I know the 52 RA rating of the EXO3 tour doesn't feel like 52 at all times.. but it is flexible.
My concern with the Textreme O3 would be the RA rating of 65..
Völkl get away with it with their handle tech.
Does the Textreme / Twaron material do the same neat trick?
Play tests say muted, comfort was 87. Not many higher than that.
I did just get a Völkl Organix V1 Pro that scored 90 though! Need more time with it to say more.
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I've got a Textreme Warrior 100 which is 66 RA and I find it very comfortable, although not as comfortable as the EXO3 and Tour frames. I could only imagine that the addition of Twaron to the Textreme layup would make the ported Textreme Tour more so. Plus the thermoplastic ports absorb a lot of the vibration.

That was a good find with the new EXO3 :)) I think there is still a pro shop in Australia that still has new Tours but they're only the 16x18 which is not my favoured pattern.

Hit this arvo with both the 16x18 and 18x20 Tours and while I get more pace on my groundies with the 16x18 my flatter style strokes definitely work better with the denser pattern. Strangely, I get just as much spin with the 18x20 as the 16x18. Still great to have both in the bag and use whichever suits me on the day!


Yeah a new 16x18 will be a thing of beauty.
I've not owned a new EXO3 before [emoji7]



I have a new spare 16x18 grommet set too, so set for a good long while..


@speedysteve that's a good find. The Exo3 Tour 100 16x18 was superceded by the Tour in 2014/2015 so that's been in stock for 4+ years. Hope you got it at a suitably discounted price!

As a matter of interest, why the EXO3 and not the Tour 100 16x18? My Tour 18x20 feels a touch stiffer than the EXO3 and the upper hoop doesn't have that fluttery feeling either. Mind you, still a great stick as a back up to my Tour, but I definitely play better with the Tour version.


It's arrived and on my carpet floor [emoji3]



I checked the strings. Babolat Hurricane Tour 17g.
Racquet tune saying they are at 47.1lb.

I will be cutting them out and putting in my fav hybrid (flavour of the month [emoji3]).

Nice to have a NOS racquet for now.


It's arrived and on my carpet floor [emoji3]



I checked the strings. Babolat Hurricane Tour 17g.
Racquet tune saying they are at 47.1lb.

I will be cutting them out and putting in my fav hybrid (flavour of the month [emoji3]).

Nice to have a NOS racquet for now.
@speedysteve what hybrid are you going to string it up with? I know you are careful with your elbow as indeed I am having had elbow surgery some years ago.

I'm toying with the idea of stringing my Tour 16x18 with PSGDF 17 mains and Genesis Black Magic 18 crosses at something like 53/48 but haven't used a poly since 2013 so am somewhat apprehensive.

Be keen to know your thoughts. aussie


@speedysteve what hybrid are you going to string it up with? I know you are careful with your elbow as indeed I am having had elbow surgery some years ago.

I'm toying with the idea of stringing my Tour 16x18 with PSGDF 17 mains and Genesis Black Magic 18 crosses at something like 53/48 but haven't used a poly since 2013 so am somewhat apprehensive.

Be keen to know your thoughts. aussie
My current string test setup is Head Rip Control mains and Ashaway Monogut ZX crosses.

I tried a full bed of ZX and hated it. Lifeless, then ZX as mains with Prince Premier Touch crosses..
Then tried Head Rip Control mains / Monogut ZX crosses.
Bingo - best setup I've tried since way back.

I was playing Gut / Poly and Gut / Prince Premier Control when my arm felt a touch sore but playing on damp clay procludes the use of gut and so far this new set up is every bit as arm friendly.

The ZX will saw though the mains.
Especially the 17g I'm trying now. Don't care.. As long as water proof, arm friendly and good playability.

In fact some reuse the ZX, unstringing it!
It doesn't really dent. Reportedly it even eats Kevlar and poly mains - I've not tried them though.

I've tried unstringing it. The knots are quite easy to undo!
It stretches enough the second use to give string to pull the final cross with a starting clamp, and the bit left is enough to tie off..

This second stringing is every bit as playable as the first!? I don't profess to understand ZX!

Fun and games.
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@speedysteve inspired by your EXO3 16X18 purchase I restrung my Tour 16x18 with Prince Premier Control 16 mains @ 53 and Genesis Black Magic 18 crosses @ 46 and played 5 sets of doubles this afternoon. Haven't used a poly since 2012 due to severe TE requiring surgery, so was a little apprehensive.

Unbelievable!! That multi/co-poly hybrid in the 16x18 was magic. Soft, tons of spin, ample pace and huge sweet spot made it virtually impossible to hit a shot out. Such a great combo of strings really made the 16x18 Tour a no-miss weapon and hard drives which with the 18x20 Tour would have been fractionally long were regularly dipping in just inside the baseline causing my opponents all sorts of problems.

And very kind to the elbow, seemingly more comfortable than the PSGDF 17 @ 50 in the 18x20. The 18x20 stills offers wonderful control but the multi/co-poly just transforms the 16x18 into a far more offensive weapon.

Super impressed with this hybrid combo in the 16x18 Tour and it will be my weapon of choice from now on.


@speedysteve inspired by your EXO3 16X18 purchase I restrung my Tour 16x18 with Prince Premier Control 16 mains @ 53 and Genesis Black Magic 18 crosses @ 46 and played 5 sets of doubles this afternoon. Haven't used a poly since 2012 due to severe TE requiring surgery, so was a little apprehensive.

Unbelievable!! That multi/co-poly hybrid in the 16x18 was magic. Soft, tons of spin, ample pace and huge sweet spot made it virtually impossible to hit a shot out. Such a great combo of strings really made the 16x18 Tour a no-miss weapon and hard drives which with the 18x20 Tour would have been fractionally long were regularly dipping in just inside the baseline causing my opponents all sorts of problems.

And very kind to the elbow, seemingly more comfortable than the PSGDF 17 @ 50 in the 18x20. The 18x20 stills offers wonderful control but the multi/co-poly just transforms the 16x18 into a far more offensive weapon.

Super impressed with this hybrid combo in the 16x18 Tour and it will be my weapon of choice from now on.

Prince Premier Control is a very good string.
I find it slick with a smooth cross, as you reported.

Do try Head Rip Control mains too sometime!
Love to know how you get on with them..


Is anyone using the new Textreme 03 Tour 100 (310) able to offer a comparison with the orange/black Tour 100 16x18 and 18x20 models? It looks like the direct descendant from the o-port Tours and while not available in the US, I understand that they will be available in Australia early in 2020.

Still loving both the 18x20 and 16x18 Tours (shift between them depending how I'm playing on any given day) but the 18x20 has a hairline crack where the shaft meets the hoop so may need replacing in the not too distant future.


Hall of Fame
Is anyone using the new Textreme 03 Tour 100 (310) able to offer a comparison with the orange/black Tour 100 16x18 and 18x20 models? It looks like the direct descendant from the o-port Tours and while not available in the US, I understand that they will be available in Australia early in 2020.

Still loving both the 18x20 and 16x18 Tours (shift between them depending how I'm playing on any given day) but the 18x20 has a hairline crack where the shaft meets the hoop so may need replacing in the not too distant future.

I've tried hunting the tour 100 18x20 on the bay and I find it incredibly difficult, especially in L4. Almost like people are holding onto them and not selling.


I have a bunch of tour 100s still. Great frames with a thin beam and low flex. Try the phantoms, they're pretty similar
I keep thinking about trying a Phantom (ported version) but can't justify the expense when both my 18x20 and 16x18 Tour 100's play so well.

Funny how you initially get into them for elbow friendliness but long after arm issues have gone you can't leave them because of their supreme playability.

And this nonsense about them being difficult to string - I find them easier to string than many other racquets. The ports make it so much easier to weave the crosses through than tiny grommets.


Hall of Fame
Tata I still have some Prince EXO3 Tour if you are still looking that I could depart off if you are looking for them.
Mainly looking for the iteration after the exo3 in dense pattern. The original was a tad too flexy so the later slightly more firmer version has my interest.


Hall of Fame
Yes that is an EXO3 Tour 100, the predecessor to the Tour 100. I agree with @tata, the EXO3 version is more flexible than the later Tour version and is less stable. Still, not a poor racquet by any means.

They were better off reissuing the tour 100s instead of the speedport black.


They were better off reissuing the tour 100s instead of the speedport black.
The Textreme O3 Tour 100 (310) available in Europe (and hopefully coming to Australia) is probably the closest descendant of the Tour 100 models. I'm so used to o-port frames now that any normal grommet sticks seem harsh!!