The Official Sentinel Tribute Thread

Will Sentipeed Receive Proper Tribute?

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Bionic Poster
Trolling rather swiftly in this new format to a much deserved Bionic status, I think we need to celebrate this milestone with its own thread!

Share your favorite Senti moments. I still remember how hard I laughed when he shared the Linux/Hitler rant video meme. I also was honored to be lumped together with him as "a couple of arrogant, pretentious snobs put in their place" by beloved Chico during one of the best Chico Wars on the board.

The countdown will be short...he's only 200 or so posts away from the immortality of Bionichood. Get to the store for ample supplies of Orville Redenbacher's finest popcorn. I'm sure the stories will abound!
Yes, fond memories those for this "sad old man" and defender of Florian Mayer's usually skillful talents with the overhead. Maxiego was a piece of work...I wonder if he still takes 20+ selfies per day???:eek:
Is "selfie" a PC term for something else?



Bionic Poster
The Senti-Chico wars were funny indeed (or rather the Chico war against Senti & Tom). :D

I also seem to remember Maxima in a similar mix.

Groucho called StringerTom a pretentious snob and an arrogant jerk. He also called FoD a horrible person and warned me not to talk to him. He also admonished me for laughing at a funny post by Dedans.

He hatest my 'The Shining' avatar saying it reminded him of FoD that horrible person. LOL.

He hounded me in the Favorite Chocolate Bar thread for saying that the best Serbian chocolate was "Chocovic" and kept demanding an apology for months (interrupted by several short bans).

Finally, he called just about everyone "xenophovic". My sources tell me he is now at MTF and has succeeded in making a laughing stock of himself. I do so love talking about dear Groucho Marx.


Bionic Poster
Is this thread the place where you can keep making fun of my being a 120 lb weakling, of my being as un-Poobahesque as possible. Or where you praise my 6-pack abs and sharply chiseled leg muscles.


Unfortunately, it seems like Sentinel and I have only really communicated with each other more consciously over the last few weeks or maybe a couple of months. I'm not sure why that's been the case. Perhaps I was living in GPPD while he was living in Odds & Ends or something. Either way, it's been pleasurable indeed to interact with him.


Bionic Poster
Unfortunately, it seems like Sentinel and I have only really communicated with each other more consciously over the last few weeks or maybe a couple of months. I'm not sure why that's been the case. Perhaps I was living in GPPD while he was living in Odds & Ends or something. Either way, it's been pleasurable indeed to interact with him.

You are or were a music teacher, right ? I remember once talking with you years back. I've read your posts all along. But you wouldn't remember a journeyman loser like me.


Talk Tennis Guru

Frankly, I'd rather continue to enjoy the company of MichaelNadal and Zagor in the TTG group than be in the company of exalted, venerable posters like vero and suresh :D

People will call this a weak era, when posts in O&E were added to post-count.
I completely missed this change. :(

Deleted member 733170

By the way Dear and Beloved followers of Sureshs, I don't think we are 'liking' Sureshs post enough.

I believe we should all be 'liking' his posts at every opportunity. This is a fitting and humble way to show our appreciation and love for the Grand Poobah.

Edit: Oops wrong thread. Needless to say we should also be liking Sentinel's posts as well.


Bionic Poster
I think Sentinel used to yell at me each day in the early 2000s at the peak of my TTTW use, for my rants, rave, and other musings. People don't forget!
My dear Meg,
I was not here in the early 2000s.

I joined when you had sort of almost stopped posting. I don't recall yelling at anyone each day, least of all you. If I have I am sorry, but i think you may be mistaking me for someone else.



Bionic Poster
Congrats Senti!!

I'm still trying to read all your great posts in the Joke Thread.

Don't forget to read Joel's and Tom's great posts in The Joke Thread. :D

Where have u been lately, I was sort of worried you might have overdosed on the 4S -- some people do that merely by reading The Joke Thread.