Opinion...racket power is somewhat in the eye of the beholder (wielder). If you played Conners or Borg you would probably say they both had super strong groundstrokes. BUT, with completely different rackets. The t-2000 ably would probably be considered the more powerful. Conners built his game around that racket when young. He got down perfectly every time, swung flat with good body twist and always hit the small sweet spot. Conners was not as strong as Borg so he needed the greater power of the t-2000. Borg had strength to burn but he needed control. So, he went wood and 80 lb string tension. Then he added big topspin for more control. So, pros and average hackers channel their games around their racket. Take Pat Cash a big powerful server. He used a 110 Prince magnesium. John McEnroe used control rackets of wood and the injected graphite say 70 sq in model. John increased his power by stringing low...45 lbs. So, again they built their games around their prefered rackets.
Let's take 2 recreational players and give them one of 2 rackets. A 75 sq in Wilson pro staff original (used by Sampras) and a 125 sq in Wilson pro staff graphite ( used by some older doubles players). Just about at the extremes of power and control but otherwise similar in materials and construction. I would say that the 125 user would be enthralled by the power but would start hitting the net and hitting long. So, he would start (over time) swinging shorter ,flatter and more deliberate.Probably using lots of underspin. Some would call that pushing. The 75 sq in user would , conversely (over time) enjoy his abundant control and would begin to hit harder, with bigger, longer strokes. Probably using greater topspin. So, racket power and player style sort of orbit toward the average.
A player needs know their own strengths and choose a racket and adopt a style. They may choose to max out their strength or pick a racket that gives them better strength / weakness balance. Take 2 great pro serve abd volley and all-court players... Pete Sampras and Stephan Edberg. They had both power and control and they both used a power/control racket -the 70 sq in Wilson pro staff.