Why would Whit make them play singles only? And why would he make them play at all? HE could have tried some new players in the line up.... Kandath is going to lose again, so he better find a replacement soon!
Coaches list their starting singles lineup in these kinds of matches. Then, when everyone looks good in doubles and no one got injured, they pull the top couple of guys and modify the lineup just before singles play starts.
That's what happened today. Klahn and Thacher are resting in singles. Everyone else moves up two spots. Walker Kehrer comes in at #5 and Jamin Ball at #6.
Alex, Denis and Greg doing great already. KAndath in trouble...
On serve is not exactly "in trouble."
Alex, Denis and Greg on cruise control...easy 1st set for all of them.
Jamin doing well at 6, Matt in trouble...
I told you Jamin is good. He should play #6 instead of Kandath, most likely.
yep, agree 100%.
is Utah a 2nd div team?
7-0 sweep by Stanford in this match.
But Kandath is really the weak link of the team. PLEASE let Jamin play at #6 next time again!
No, Utah is division 1 just like Stanford. not sure what their ranking is though ??
You should watch this match at #3 spot with Hirschman. I can see why guys get so Mad playing against him. He is a Ultimate Pusher at its best. He hits like USTA 3.5-4.0 guy and Lobs like Ultimate pusher with radar lock on the baseline. The other guy is getting so mad,,,he can't play his normal tennis......LOL![]()
you do realize that ball lost a set at 6 as well right?
For those who didn't know yet, Klahn/Thatcher knocked out the 3rd seed at the San Jose Open yesterday. Well done guys, we already knew you were a top Div 1 team, and now with 2 wins on the pro tour you may be heading in the steps of some famous Stanford grads one day...
Ball's last name is easier to pronounce than Kehrer's.
here's one for you Stan(d)ford fans ,"why has Whit stopped recruiting those big power players ?? UCLA got Clay and D.K. and this year and it's Ball and Ho for Stanford .. next year.. UCLA got Marcos and D.M. .. Stanford needs some fire-power for college tennis--- No? or has the game turned into a grinder's game all over the boards ?? what happened to 'big serve and blast off ''tennis (like Clay's).. no one can win like that any more or what?
We talked at length about that in another thread in this TW talk section. Do a search, but basically it comes down to 2 things:
1) are you good enough to make it in a top Div 1 tenis team.
2) do you have the grades to be admitted to Stanford.
A lot of strong players cannot get into Stanford because of their grades... therefore, they go to other schools.
We talked at length about that in another thread in this TW talk section. Do a search, but basically it comes down to 2 things:
1) are you good enough to make it in a top Div 1 tenis team.
2) do you have the grades to be admitted to Stanford.
A lot of strong players cannot get into Stanford because of their grades... therefore, they go to other schools.
thats quite a stretch for a top ten player in the country. athletes are not held to the same academic standard as students anywhere. i've heard if the kid is within 2 standard deviations of their mean for sat and gpa they'll usually take them. although i could see how most top players dont do well in school.
fwiw, ucla, and especially Berkeley, are not worlds apart in difficulty for admissions compared to stanford.
thats quite a stretch for a top ten player in the country. athletes are not held to the same academic standard as students anywhere. i've heard if the kid is within 2 standard deviations of their mean for sat and gpa they'll usually take them. although i could see how most top players dont do well in school.
fwiw, ucla, and especially Berkeley, are not worlds apart in difficulty for admissions compared to stanford.
Or they look at stanford's player development over the last couple years (sans bradley klahn) and go somewhere else
check this out.
Berkeley has similar requirements to Stanford for admissions, and maybe that's why they've never been a top tennis school...
UCLA is not even close in terms of difficulty to get into. And they do get all the hottest tennis recruits...go figure.
If you don't believe me, check out the admissions facts for 2009. UCLA admits 3 times more applicants:
2009 admissions:
* Percent of Applicants Admitted: 23%
* Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile
o SAT Critical Reading: 560 / 680
o SAT Math: 590 / 720
o SAT Writing: 580 / 700
# Percent of Applicants Admitted: 8%
# Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile
* SAT Critical Reading: 660 / 760
* SAT Math: 680 / 780
* SAT Writing: 670 / 760
first of all, my admittedly stronger argument was Berkley.
not even close? you dont understand that we're comparing a PUBLIC and a PRIVATE school, or the fact that past 700, the difference between a 720 and a 760 may be one question. 75% scores are 2100 and 2300 respectively, comparing a public to a private school, thats pretty close. UCLA admits 3x as many applicants because they can, they're a larger school and must do so, thus the larger variance in scores as well.
you don't get it! stanford has no equals! no peers! no challengers!
i find myself wondering if it's hard to get along with people in the real world with that kind of attitude, but that's just me![]()
You guys keep arguing about this.. Every college has a minimum entrance standard ..those minimum are really low I'm comparison to what the normal non-athlete has to have to get in.. An athlete needs something like a 2.5 GPA to get in whereas a non-athlete would never make it into Stanford if they are not 4.0 or better or minority. Most colleges have quotas ... Athletes are placed on a special exemption for everything ...
You guys keep arguing about this.. Every college has a minimum entrance standard ..those minimum are really low I'm comparison to what the normal non-athlete has to have to get in.. An athlete needs something like a 2.5 GPA to get in whereas a non-athlete would never make it into Stanford if they are not 4.0 or better or minority. Most colleges have quotas ... Athletes are placed on a special exemption for everything ...
I know Ryan T. and DLin are excellent students straight 'A' s ect.. I think Kandath is also .
still no one is answering my question ... why the shift in players ?
i forgot it was that question of yours that brought this firestorm back up, haha
You keep on arguing about the same old things over and over again. Your Stanford hatred is above everything anyone can imagine. I gave you all the evidence in the other thread I referred to in my previous post. I bet you've never bothered reading it. I do not have insider's info as already explained to you! But you can find all the info you need in this other thread, or you can google it. Alternatively, you can go get a brain or go get a life, or both!
first of all, my admittedly stronger argument was Berkley.
not even close? you dont understand that we're comparing a PUBLIC and a PRIVATE school, or the fact that past 700, the difference between a 720 and a 760 may be one question. 75% scores are 2100 and 2300 respectively, comparing a public to a private school, thats pretty close. UCLA admits 3x as many applicants because they can, they're a larger school and must do so, thus the larger variance in scores as well.
i should have clarified, but "world apart" is more like comparing baylor to stanford.
...what i'm looking for is a concrete example to show that 1) stanford tennis is even on par with a school like duke in its student-athlete selectivity