***The Pure Storm Tour thread***

Ross K

I'll be sure to check the thread out when I can then. I've been on a hiatus from playing, school work pilling up and am eager to get on the courts soon before it gets too cold (Winter in California's not too big of a deal, but it's still cold to us :)). Yeah, I'm not planning on giving up on the PST either, but I plan to polish my game more before trying to handle it on a regular basis. I'm still too accustomed with my n95's, but it won't be long before I jump back on this baby and get to work.

And yeah, I guess the whole 'overpowering sound' from other racquets I have played with are an acquired taste as compared to the muted feel of this racquet. You're completely right in saying that racquets with that muted sound could equally overpower the ball. Btw, Is the PSC 6.1 really that intriguing?
Well, for me, the Eu PSC 6.1 is not only a super-stable, felt-ripping, heavy-ball b-line boomer, it's also fantastic for volleying and for up around the net, etc... but... it's just a bit too heavy and unwieldly to swing comfortably and speedily enough (in my hands anyway), and it's also far too stiff... but, unusually for me, I could serve bombs with this one, and the plow-through was pretty addictive.



One quick comment on the PST vs the Wilson's. I've noticed that the Bab is much more reliant on racquet head speed to do the damage. You still get plenty of plow through with the PST but the Wilson's seem to "crush" the ball while you maintain slower stick speed. I'll be curious when the new wilsons come out how they play. I particularly enjoyed the K95 but found the PST suits me more.

I'm using full Gamma Zo tour in mine ATM and it's really really nice. It's quite soft, has really good pop but most importantly, it puts some wicked action on the ball.

Ross K

One quick comment on the PST vs the Wilson's. I've noticed that the Bab is much more reliant on racquet head speed to do the damage. You still get plenty of plow through with the PST but the Wilson's seem to "crush" the ball while you maintain slower stick speed. I'll be curious when the new wilsons come out how they play. I particularly enjoyed the K95 but found the PST suits me more.

Absolutely agree with you PED 100 per cent... you're spot on there mate!... At present I'm missing something of that, er, crush factor ( :wink: ), plow effect and feel, although for me it's less about any comparison to any Wilson frames and more about comparisons to Head frames - specifically the i. Prestige mp and the PT 630, both of which I have some history with. However, like you, the PST suits me very well (my game has unquestionably improved in the last few months), and it's a fact I'm trying to keep at the foreground right now.



I would not mind trying out one of the Prestige Pros but my problem now is that I've gotten hooked on the super soft PST so the Head's feel a bit jarring in comparison. I would love to get ahold of a PT57A ;) That would be just what the Dr. ordered.

Ross K

I would not mind trying out one of the Prestige Pros but my problem now is that I've gotten hooked on the super soft PST so the Head's feel a bit jarring in comparison. I would love to get ahold of a PT57A ;) That would be just what the Dr. ordered.

I've been finding the opposite lately, ie the PST has felt too soft... and not only that, it kind of has the same unchanging feel the whole time and on every shot.



What's the advantage of having a PST over an APDC? (im considering trading my APDC)

I also find that the APDC resale value that is worth a little more, is the PST worth the switch?


Drew, if you demo the PST you'll likely love it or hate it. It tends to polarize opinion. I played for 18 months with an apdc and loved it but I wanted something that was heavier, more stable and had better control. After demoing everything, I settled on the PST.

You are correct, the apdc offers much better resale. I think that's because it's one of the best selling racquets out there and rafa being number one helps with that. It doesn't hurt that it's a great playing racquet as well. PST's have always depreciated fairly quickly, but it's usually fairly easy to take advantage and pick up a used one off the boards. I use a 1/4 grip which is trickier to find but 3/8's and 1/2 grips seem to be everywhere.


I and not only that, it kind of has the same unchanging feel the whole time and on every shot.


Isn't that consistency supposed to be a good thing ;) LOL

It feels like from reading your posts that a new racquet may be in your future.


Drew, if you demo the PST you'll likely love it or hate it. It tends to polarize opinion. I played for 18 months with an apdc and loved it but I wanted something that was heavier, more stable and had better control. After demoing everything, I settled on the PST.

You are correct, the apdc offers much better resale. I think that's because it's one of the best selling racquets out there and rafa being number one helps with that. It doesn't hurt that it's a great playing racquet as well. PST's have always depreciated fairly quickly, but it's usually fairly easy to take advantage and pick up a used one off the boards. I use a 1/4 grip which is trickier to find but 3/8's and 1/2 grips seem to be everywhere.

I like heavier racquets too, i found it much more practical for me to add weight n the handle to bring up the static weight and make it more head light.
Is the control offered in the PST much more than the APDC? I also find that the cortex makes very little difference compared to the original APD.


Drew, the PST has a flex rating of 63 but it feels even softer than that. The head in particular is very flexy. I love that feeling and it really opens up the various strings that I can use.

I find the control to be much better than the apdc but the woofer still gives the PST some nice pop. I used to weight my apdc's up to 12 oz with 10g in the handle and another 4 at thetop of the hoop and they played nice. The PST feels nothing like the apdc so that's why I say demo. I've seen alot of people on these boards go and buy them without the demo and they end up hating it ;) Let me know how it goes.

Ross K


Been thinking today about big brother... let me explain...

Just wondered what those of you who have experience of it think of the Pure Control. I mean, it's very much the 'big brother' of the PST. The mold and its basic components are I believe exactly the same (ditto the Pure Storm too.) It has been incredibly popular for a number of years among players at the very advanced and pro levels (Gonzales, Chela, Carllsen, Ginepri, Bogdanovic and others are thought - by many at least - to use them.) And its rep for solidness, baseline ball-crushing, big serving and lots of topspin, is well and truly established...

So... 1), How do you ppl rate the Pure Control? How does it compare in your mind to the PST?...

And 2), Anyone ever hit with the older and somewhat heavier burgundy and black PC that is sometimes referred to as the best model ever (I think it's the 2001 version known as "the swerly PC", which I think is different from 'the lava PC", although they might be the same :confused: ... I'm not sure - sorry!) Anyhow, just wondered how this differs from the later team model, and also... is it an absolute heavy log to swing?

BTW & FWIW, I had 2 different spells trying to get grooved with the more recent PC team frame, but despite really liking its solidness and booming groundstrokes and serves, I did find it generally a bit erratic and certainly overpowered, plus my touch stuff was truly awful with this. However, I'm not sure I could have benefitted from a better strings, tension, etc. Annnnyway...



Hall of Fame

Been thinking today about big brother... let me explain...

Just wondered what those of you who have experience of it think of the Pure Control. I mean, it's very much the 'big brother' of the PST. The mold and its basic components are I believe exactly the same (ditto the Pure Storm too.) It has been incredibly popular for a number of years among players at the very advanced and pro levels (Gonzales, Chela, Carllsen, Ginepri, Bogdanovic and others are thought - by many at least - to use them.) And its rep for solidness, baseline ball-crushing, big serving and lots of topspin, is well and truly established...

So... 1), How do you ppl rate the Pure Control? How does it compare in your mind to the PST?...

And 2), Anyone ever hit with the older and somewhat heavier burgundy and black PC that is sometimes referred to as the best model ever (I think it's the 2001 version known as "the swerly PC", which I think is different from 'the lava PC", although they might be the same :confused: ... I'm not sure - sorry!) Anyhow, just wondered how this differs from the later team model, and also... is it an absolute heavy log to swing?

BTW & FWIW, I had 2 different spells trying to get grooved with the more recent PC team frame, but despite really liking its solidness and booming groundstrokes and serves, I did find it generally a bit erratic and certainly overpowered, plus my touch stuff was truly awful with this. However, I'm not sure I could have benefitted from a better strings, tension, etc. Annnnyway...


There is a TW member called McLovin (think Superbad the movie). He used the older Pure Control model (happily called the swirl PJ). He may be an awesome reference.

BTW. I know with the Pure Drives .. the older ones gave a lot more feedback and you felt more in tune with the ball than the current model. These days most racquets are so muted. Probably the industries way of helping tennis elbow (aka bad technique in most cases).

Good Luck


Ross, I found the PC to be too much like the PD. I've not played with the older one you mentioned, just the one from 2006. I found it to be a bit stiff for my taste and if I was going that route, I'd just buy a MG Prestige Midplus or Prestige Pro instead.

The PST is much flexier than the "newer" PC's. You may benefit from trying a different string setup in your stick. I find ALU to be awesome but the PST tends to respond very strongly to different setups. Just a suggestion.....

Matty G

Ross, I found the PC to be too much like the PD. I've not played with the older one you mentioned, just the one from 2006. I found it to be a bit stiff for my taste and if I was going that route, I'd just buy a MG Prestige Midplus or Prestige Pro instead.

The PST is much flexier than the "newer" PC's. You may benefit from trying a different string setup in your stick. I find ALU to be awesome but the PST tends to respond very strongly to different setups. Just a suggestion.....

Ped have you given silverstring ago yet? I tried it today and loved it!


Matty, I've not tried it yet. I've got a pretty extensive "inventory" at the moment to burn through. I'm really enjoying the Gamma Zo tour and am trying to get a good price on a batch.

What tension did you go with on the Silver? Did you stick with your normal 56? How is the power and spin? Does it have that Luxilon "pop"? Finally, is it any stiffer than BBO? Sorry for all the questions but you always give good responses ;)

Matty G

Matty, I've not tried it yet. I've got a pretty extensive "inventory" at the moment to burn through. I'm really enjoying the Gamma Zo tour and am trying to get a good price on a batch.

What tension did you go with on the Silver? Did you stick with your normal 56? How is the power and spin? Does it have that Luxilon "pop"? Finally, is it any stiffer than BBO? Sorry for all the questions but you always give good responses ;)

I went with 58 some people said it was powerfull. I didn't think so though. It had very good control but not as much pop as BBO but that could also be because or the tension difference. Spin was good but a bit less than BBO. The comfort was very good , abit softer than BBO. The thing i fell in love with was the solid feel . I just need to give them both a few more goes and see which one i say with.


Matty, let me know which one you decide on. I would think that silverstring would be really nice in the PST, it's soft feeling like your AG200.

Matty G

Matty, let me know which one you decide on. I would think that silverstring would be really nice in the PST, it's soft feeling like your AG200.

PED i played this morning with the silverstring and i think iv got it strung a little tight. I wasnt getting good depth on my shots so i changed to the bbo and i got better depth. Im playing agen just now so i might play with them agen. I think ill stick with the BBO next time as iv got a big national tournement comming up and i want to try keep everything the same before it. If you string it up keep it at your BBO tension.

Ross K


How you all doing with your PSTs?

Since I identified a few "issues" I have picked up one or 2 other frames and had a look at them. I suppose you could say I'm in 'limbo'. However, I haven't played anywhere near as much as I'd like lately and that's the biggest issue right now really (that and needing to join a new club... but that's another story.)

Anyhow, today I did manage to get some court time in and played with another old primary frame of mine that I've recently been liking a lot once more (i. Prestige MP.) However, for all its qualities (great crisp feel, very solid smoothness, bit of flex in the throat area and a nice head-light balance for me), I found it a tad underpowered and a little demanding (although the blustery conditions would have contributed to this.) But then as soon as I swapped for the PST - "bam"!... power (and heaps of topspin) restored!!... which only goes to show and reinforce a very important and slightly frustrating factor when deciding about rackets... it's all a trade off. :roll:

How you guys doing though?... still using your PSTs 100 per cent?



Ross, I've been thinking of taking the prestige pro out for a spin. I dry swung one the other night and the HL balance feels really nice. But...I also like the 333SW of the PST that really puts some stick on the ball. What I really need to do is work more on a high FH takeback and hitting it a little flatter with less spin-that would solve most of my problems ;)

Ross C

New User
Hey Ross

I'm still using the PST 100%, but still not 100% happy - feel like consistent accuracy isn't there and still not generatin enough power to hit clen winners when I feel I should be able to.

So....just got it back from a restring: tension dropped to 55lb and using Alupower rough crossed by X-One biphase in the hoe that it will add some power but not loose too much felel...we'll see.

I tried the Microgel Prestige Pro, and loved the accuracy but the power is well down, lovely frame but my game isn't up to it sadly.

Let us know how you get on

Ross K

Hey Ross

I'm still using the PST 100%, but still not 100% happy - feel like consistent accuracy isn't there and still not generatin enough power to hit clen winners when I feel I should be able to.

So....just got it back from a restring: tension dropped to 55lb and using Alupower rough crossed by X-One biphase in the hoe that it will add some power but not loose too much felel...we'll see.

I tried the Microgel Prestige Pro, and loved the accuracy but the power is well down, lovely frame but my game isn't up to it sadly.

Let us know how you get on

I know what you mean by accuracy - it's one of my reasons for considering other options, which include: a more solid and smooth feel, a bit more of a head-light balance, and a slightly better touch. Plus also (and, yes, I know this utterly contradicts what I just said), sometimes I think I just want that big, bullying Babolat power and topspin as can be found in their more traditional frames (PD, PD+, PC, PDR, etc) - and you don't quite get this with the PST.

Another way of looking at it (and this does make sense I think)... the PST isn't quite working for me as either a b-line type frame or more of an all-courter - and I'm typically a b-liner with a developing all court game... (as it goes, I've been trying to develop a more all-court type game for about the last 6 years or something! :) )

I will let you know how it goes. But as well as customarily checking out other Bab sticks (the PSLtd interests me this time), I also have a habit of going back to my PT 630. As I've said however, the i. Prestige MP has been kind of doing it for me recently. And similar to PED, I'm interested in checking out the MG Prestige (the MP that is, not so much the Pro perhaps ... incidentally would welcome any more info you'd care to tell us on it PED)...

Anyway, before the racketaholics anonymous are on my case again (!), as I keep saying, it's not as if I'm actually playing poorly with the PST - hence the reason why I still haven't pulled the trigger on it... I would like it resolved though before the new year.

Good luck with your situation,



Hey Ross

I tried the Microgel Prestige Pro, and loved the accuracy but the power is well down, lovely frame but my game isn't up to it sadly.

Let us know how you get on

RossC, does the Pro swing noticeably lighter than the PST? I've played with the MG Midplus and liked it but I like more spin so I was interested in the more open pattern of the Pro. I've also hit with the mid and really liked it but I would be WAY too inconsistent with that.

Ross C

New User
Hey Ped

Yes the Pro does swing noticeably lighter - the swing weights (316 vs 333, or something close) do give a true picture. The Pro certainly generated more spin and accuracy than the PST, but the power is down...

And Ross K, yes, that sums up where I am with the PST, just not working well enough in either area to allow for the other. Perhaps the rain wil back off next weekend and I'll get to try the restring.

Borrowed that other close contendor (from the summer) whilst it was away being restrung - The Speedport Tour and it did feel nice - easy spin access and what felt like better accuracy than PST, but of course it may just have been the different racquet syndrome... ho hum.


I had my best day less than a week ago with my PST.

I was really upset and blasting at the ball. Crosscourt forehands. Damn I was relentless.

Good way to let off steam.


RossC, thanks for the input, I just need to demo one of the Pro's. The MG mid I hit with felt a good bit stiffer than my PST as well so that scares me a bit. I guess I should stick with the PST as it seems to be working for me quite well. I tried the speedport tour (used to own an 03 tour) but I like a bit more pocketing in my frames and the 03 seems to hit a quicker ball than I like (if that makes any sense).

Ross K

PED, Ross C, others,

Any of you played with the MG Prestige MP? If so, how does it compare to the PST? Pros and cons?


Ross K,

I have both the MG Prestige MP and MP Pro.

the MGPs are stiffer, but feel lower on power.
Also more manuverable.
i enjoy vollying with the MGP, very crisp.

on groundies, PST have more plow-thru feel.

i hope this helps.


I have hit with the MG midplus and liked it. I think the 18 20 pattern would be limiting to me as I like alot of spin and prefer the open patterns. the feeling is nice but I think the PST is still much softer than the Prestige even though the RA number is the same.

I hit today with a Radical Pro. I've used them in the past. The weight is nice at 11.8 or so and you can really whip it through and get some nice action on the ball. My coach just switched to the Rad Pro today from the Prestige Mid. I could really tell a difference being on the receiving end. The action on the ball was about the same as with the Prestige Mid but it had alot more pace on it with the Rad Pro.

Made me want to switch right then and there ;) but I was also playing like crap after making some adjustments to my FH takeback...lol.


New User
Does anyone else feel that the PST is somewhat hollow? It's a huge difference for me to hit with my PST and then my N6.1 95 16x18---the N6.1 is just so much more solid-feeling. Anyone have similar experiences?

I'm thinking of trading in my PST for a MG Prestige Pro now. But I'm a little wary of what people are saying about its low-power compared to the PST.


I don't find the PST to be "hollow" but I could see how you might think that coming from the Wilson. I'm a Babolat user for several years so I came to the PST from the PDR and APDC so I find it to be fairly solid feeling. It's all relative, I know what you mean though, I've demoed the K 6-1 95 and it's about as solid as it gets ;) I've thought about the Prestige Pro as well and my fears are the same as yours. You might want to give the Radical Pro a ride: it's wicked: 11.8oz strung up with an open pattern. The power is great and the spin is insane.

Ross K


Funny because this was one of my issues with the PST a short while back. Here's my take on this now... although to clarify, I believe we are talking about the frame's actual compositional feel - as in "hollow", "tinny", "toy-like", to borrow a few well known put downs, and not the ball-feel on the strings - which some ppl describe as a tad mushy, no feedback and always the same - which is a different particular issue imo... anyway...

As is common with Babolats in general, I don't disagree that the PST is a tad insubstantial feeling. For me however, this isn't in reality a huge 'stop the press' issue. And compared to some older Babs (like the PD Team for example), I'd say the PST feel isn't so weak feeling after all. Furthermore, whilst it's not exactly a PT 630 in terms of a solid feeling, it's definitely closer to the old Pure Control than some other older, tinnier Bab sticks. I'd also add it has other distinctive attributes (such as great topspin capacity, it's pretty maneuverable in my view, high-powered serves, arguably better touch and feel than virtually all the other Babs, etc), that depending on your specific requirements, can add up to an all around highly desirable racquet (and will not all be found in the n95.)


I have been looking at a few other frames in the last 4 weeks or so (i. Prestige MP, PT 280, PD standard, PD+) and have wanted to play with a few others besides (PSLtd, some mids, MG P MP.) So I'm still not settled with anything yet (though I do need more court time.) FWIW though, presently, as can maybe be gleaned from the above post, I feel like the PST (along with the PD/PD+) is returning into my affections. How about everyone else?



Ross, have you ever tried any of the APCD's? I used to use one leaded up to around 12 oz or so and it was really nice. Not quite as stable as the PST, but you could really put some action on it. I've thought of trying out the APDC in the XL length. I also used to use the PD but ended up with the PDR which I quite liked. For some strange reason, I would rather play with my stick stock without adding lead and for that reason I always liked the heavier PDR. They are coming out with a new one next year so it should be interesting.

The one thing that keeps me from switching right now is I know when my son switched to an Aerostorm Tour last year, the weight on his ball went through the roof. You could really tell the difference between the Aerostorm and the AeroPro he was using before. The PST hits a similar ball and I don't want to give that up.

Ross K


I probably just need to return my attentions to the PST for a little while and reassess a few things because, as alluded to in my above post to j2, my issues have sort of changed a bit, if you know what I mean?

Surprisingly, I've never played with an APD/C... but, typically, I'm pretty sure I will do one day though. As re the PDR, I thought it was fun blasting away with this one, but I never gelled with the balance and weight combo - it felt not just too cumbersome but also pretty odd to me. Shame, because with the addition in weight and stability, I thought it would be exactly what I'd like.


Ross K


I might as well admit it... my enthusiasm for the PST has now been so relegated to the background that it's really in my signature only that I'm a PST user. The problem here is having looked at a few other frames, and having looked again at what it is I'm requiring from a frame, the PST doesn't quite do it for me anymore. And where as I may have changed as regards a few "issues" with the frame that 1st arose a month or 2 ago (ie, these concerns have diminished considerably), other "issues" have come right to the foreground and taken precedence, and which leaves me with this seemingly unsolvable, bottom-line, equation or problem area:

. the mushy, "always the same", too muted feel which results in poor feedback...


. the frame is also a touch too underpowered and soft for traditional Babolat qualities...

I mean... I really like that bullying, booming power (as was discussed with Hueco on this thread previously) on serves and groundies, and if I'm not really getting that with the PST and am therefore having to look at its performance in other areas, then what I'm left with is a frame that has many better rivals... Or put another way, when I look at some of the frames I've played with lately (i. Prestige MP, PT 630/280), in comparison the PST falls short in all court terms, to do with feel and touch, to maneuver, solidity, feedback, etc. Then also, if you're talking customary Babolat traits of big power/topspin/fh/serve game-play, the PST also falls short to frames I've looked at recently (PD+ and PD standard.)

Anyway, I intend to summon the required desire to play with it before the New Year and have one last final "examination"... if I can even be bothered to do that (yep, I'm afraid it's as bad as that...) :(


BTW, If you don't here from me for a while... ("CLEARS THROAT".) Fear the worst... :roll:


Anyway, I intend to summon the required desire to play with it before the New Year and have one last final "examination"... if I can even be bothered to do that (yep, I'm afraid it's as bad as that...) :(


If you truely are going to do the "one last final examination" thing, then do yourself a favor and put fresh strings in it. Playing with dead poly can make any racquet feel/play like crap!


Hall of Fame
It seems like I've fallen victim to the "yearning" - I dug out my customized FXP Prestiges this morning, and was hitting the ball much better. The grip size is way too small, but I think that the Prestiges are going to be my #1 again.


Ross, I would suggest dropping the tension 3 lbs or so on your PST and I think you might find it plays with ALOT more pop. No, it's not going to have the power of a PD+ but the lower tension will help out quite a bit and the overall lowered powered nature of the PST will still give you plenty of control. I'm playing with BBO in mine at present at 50/48 and it's magic.

Either way, good luck with your search


New User
squeeky butt cap?

Does anyone have problems with their pure storm tour having a squeeky loose feeling buttcap? I have a problem with mine and I found another at a tennis store with the same problem? Any suggestion?


The staple gun works and also add some super glue and the problem goes away. I fixed mine back in August and have not had a problem since.



I might as well admit it... my enthusiasm for the PST has now been so relegated to the background that it's really in my signature only that I'm a PST user. The problem here is having looked at a few other frames, and having looked again at what it is I'm requiring from a frame, the PST doesn't quite do it for me anymore. And where as I may have changed as regards a few "issues" with the frame that 1st arose a month or 2 ago (ie, these concerns have diminished considerably), other "issues" have come right to the foreground and taken precedence, and which leaves me with this seemingly unsolvable, bottom-line, equation or problem area:

. the mushy, "always the same", too muted feel which results in poor feedback...


. the frame is also a touch too underpowered and soft for traditional Babolat qualities...

I mean... I really like that bullying, booming power (as was discussed with Hueco on this thread previously) on serves and groundies, and if I'm not really getting that with the PST and am therefore having to look at its performance in other areas, then what I'm left with is a frame that has many better rivals... Or put another way, when I look at some of the frames I've played with lately (i. Prestige MP, PT 630/280), in comparison the PST falls short in all court terms, to do with feel and touch, to maneuver, solidity, feedback, etc. Then also, if you're talking customary Babolat traits of big power/topspin/fh/serve game-play, the PST also falls short to frames I've looked at recently (PD+ and PD standard.)

Anyway, I intend to summon the required desire to play with it before the New Year and have one last final "examination"... if I can even be bothered to do that (yep, I'm afraid it's as bad as that...) :(


BTW, If you don't here from me for a while... ("CLEARS THROAT".) Fear the worst... :roll:

Hey Ross,

It's been a month or so since I last was on this thread. And in that time (I've just caught up reading all the posts), it seems you went through a dilemma with the PST, as it no longer draws that same enthusiasm you used to have when playing with it, I'm sure. Thing is, with any racquet, you will probably go crazy when you try overanalyzing all of its specs, and how they relate to your game. I'm sure you know this by now, like any tennis player, no racquet offers all the qualities you want from it. However, when they become problems that you can't play through, then it becomes more than just a problem.

With the PST, I understand your frustration with the muted feel on serves, volleys, forehands, etc. It gets kinda frustrating when you're used to that huge, sound, that crushing feel you get when hitting with more powerful racquets (in my case, my signature, the n95). I remember we also talked about serving, and how going for topspin was working more for me, so I told you to try that also. However, I'm sure if you really went at it, you'd still get a flat bomb, as I heard lots of people talking about with on this thread before I talked to you about that. I'm guessing it depends on what you like, but remember, the PST was probably made to be different from that traditional, sturdy, overpowering babolat feel. That is, afterall, why I went for it, because I wanted to generate my own power. Sometimes though, you're right, the feel is mushy; that's probably, at least with me, when I'm already 2 hours into my hitting sessions and whatnot.

Pretty much, if you give up on the PST, it's understandable, not too many people use them I would think, but like I said before, we've talked about how you keep moving from racquet to racquet, so be sure to assess all the qualities and mishaps of the PST and what you want from your game. Your stick should provide you with much happiness, and excitement everytime you go out and play tennis. If it doesn't do that much, then it's time to look for another one.

Best regards,



Does anyone have problems with their pure storm tour having a squeeky loose feeling buttcap? I have a problem with mine and I found another at a tennis store with the same problem? Any suggestion?

The last few I've gotten don't seem to have this problem but almost all of the earlier ones did. Maybe they've fixed it. Anyway, what I did was remove the buttcap and glue with 5 minute epoxy. Works great. That's what a Babolat tech told me to do.

Ross C

New User
So, happy new year PST users - what's the latest for everyone with the PST? I'm still undecided following the restring, but am going to give it another few weeks...


Hey Ross,

Pretty much, if you give up on the PST, it's understandable, not too many people use them I would think,

My son's been using them since they first came out. A few on his High School team started using them after trying his out, then the coach went out and bought a bunch because he liked the way they played. About half of the players on one of the D1 college teams we saw this year played with them, and I'm seeing them more and more in the tournaments we go to. I played in a USTA Sectioanal playoff tournament this weekend and a few of the opponents had them. Before my son got his straight from Babolat (players package) he would get them from TW and they were backordered a few times. Somebody must be using them :).