The switch is coming down to two... Radical MP Aux and Blade V8 16x19


I find it quite interesting that you found other sticks with a similar or even stiffer RA had a power plateau compared to the PS97 v14 -- Im thinking of stuff like the PA98, Strike 98, ISO 315, WO, etc. I presume you weighted them all up to a confirmed-identical strung spec, measured with a SW machine and identical string setup (Alu @ 45)? Presuming yes, then, for lack of a more coherent explanation, it simply may just be that, as @A_Instead said, you're "just a ProStaff guy", paper physics aside. Obviously a testimonial to never really knowing until you get the racquet on the court. Thank you for detailing your journey for our benefit!


TM is a destroyer..
He was looking for a new tool to destroy perhaps in a different way..
One always comes back to his "Smiff and Wesson..."


Hall of Fame
A close second? Third?
I wouldn't say it would be "close". But second would probably be the Vcore Pro 97. And third would be the Rad MP Aux.

Wow didnt see that coming! Congrats! Curious abt how the Vcore 95 fared as it is on my radar!
The VCore 95 was very comfortable, fast through the air and provided great levels of control. The negatives for me was that it was very hard to return big serves because of the small headsize. If you didn't connect in the center of the stringbed it twisted terribly. And this was one of the frames that was so flexible I couldn't get the ball moving through the court fast enough. At least not to my liking anyway. You had to be attacking 100% of the time with this one. If not... you can get into trouble in a hurry if you're playing someone that's good.

I find it quite interesting that you found other sticks with a similar or even stiffer RA had a power plateau compared to the PS97 v14 -- Im thinking of stuff like the PA98, Strike 98, ISO 315, WO, etc. I presume you weighted them all up to a confirmed-identical strung spec, measured with a SW machine and identical string setup (Alu @ 45)? Presuming yes, then, for lack of a more coherent explanation, it simply may just be that, as @A_Instead said, you're "just a ProStaff guy", paper physics aside. Obviously a testimonial to never really knowing until you get the racquet on the court. Thank you for detailing your journey for our benefit!
Believe it or not. The PA98 just plain and simply wasn't as powerful as the V14. I don't know why. But it just wasn't. Strike was equal imo. The ISO 315 on the other hand was more powerful than the V14. But that racket didn't make the cut for me because it was too stiff feeling and imo felt clumsy to swing around. And yes... I set all of these rackets up the same way. Very time consuming.

Any verdicts on the Radical MP Auxetic and/or Blade v8?
The Blade V8 imo played well. It was like playing with the Pro Staff with a slightly lower launch angle and slightly less pop. The first time I played with the Blade V8 it had a poly/multi hybrid in it. I felt like it had the perfect amount of power but was lacking control. When I went full poly the power level decreased significantly. I actually think the Blade V8 was a step backwards compared to previous versions. As for the Rad MP. I liked the feel, control and maneuverability. What I didn't like was the very low launch angle and the fact that it too was one of those rackets that has a power level plateau. On groundstroke I would swing around 80% and the ball would travel at lets say 70 mph. Then I would go all out to try and put a ball away on my opponent swinging at like 100% and the ball would still only be traveling at 70 mph. Its like it had a speed governor on it or something. Very strange

TM is a destroyer..
He was looking for a new tool to destroy perhaps in a different way..
One always comes back to his "Smiff and Wesson..."
Yes Sir. You're absolutely correct. I've had you along for the journey from day one. Hope you enjoyed the crazy ride! :laughing:

Grafil Injection

Hall of Fame
If you found the PSv14 to be good, I really think you should try the PS-X. It has a similar solid, powerful and controlled response, but is a bit easier to play. Probably a bit more spin too, but it doesn't feel greatly bigger than the 97.


I got him to try the vcore I am smitten with it..
I plan to use it until the new VCore Pro 97 comes out This fall..
I like the vcore 95 as it makes me focus more... Yet it's still easy to use.
Now when I use my other rackets...I am better..


Hall of Fame
I got him to try the vcore I am smitten with it..
I plan to use it until the new VCore Pro 97 comes out This fall..
I like the vcore 95 as it makes me focus more... Yet it's still easy to use.
Now when I use my other rackets...I am better..
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing what the new VCore Pro 97 will be like.


Hall of Fame
I got him to try the vcore I am smitten with it..
I plan to use it until the new VCore Pro 97 comes out This fall..
I like the vcore 95 as it makes me focus more... Yet it's still easy to use.
Now when I use my other rackets...I am better..
Did you guys try the Vcore 95 customised?


My two.. 5 gram overgrip, 3 gram dampener, 16 gauge poly ..335 grams. 8.5 points hl.

Swings lighter than my Aux Extremes and Aux Radical that are 10 grams lighter and half the hl balance..
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@TennisManiac is just a Pro Staff guy through and through. For all the hemming and hawing in this thread and elsewhere, at the end of the day, he chose the PS97 v14. What can you say? It's just his thing. Can't really blame him. Sometimes your gear DNA really does play a role.