The Tennis Channel is Awesome!

The tennis channel was showing Hopman Cup Live today. Isn't tennis channel great? It has something on whenever ESPN or USA doesn't have any tennis on. I saw CORIA- IT LOOKED LIKE HE WAS ACTUALLY USING THE NEW PRINCE WITH BIG HOLES IN THEM- I CAN SEE THE HOLES. I'm Surprised because, I thought he would stick with the POG.


ibemadskillzz, Im extremely jealous of you Americans getting an actual channel devoted to tennis. Apart from this time of year (Australian circuit) I'll be stuck with the Grand Slams and the incredibly limited coverage we get on cable of, if we're lucky, one or two minor tournaments.

As to Coria, it does look like he's playing with the new racquet (definately not a POG or anything remotely close). He was playing against Davide Sanguinetti from Italy (Corio won 61 76 - one mixed to go) and it looked, to my untrained eye, as if they were BOTH using the racquet. Will have to have a look during the Oz open if Corio is on one of the outside courts (unlikely but perhaps)
dAgEnIuS said:
how much does it cost???
I'm not sure what you are talking about but I'm guessing that you are talking about the channel. Well, the channel was actually free for me because, I purchased the sports package for my cable TV.
If you're talking about the racquet- it is not out yet in stores, but it will be out soon, not sure on the price.


oh, sorry,,, i mean the channel....
i was thinking about getting the tennis channel for myself if it wasn't too expansive....
i looked around at the website, but couldn't find exactly how much it cost....

i envy you man..... the whole SPORTS PACKAGE!!!!!! oh man,,,,
i don't even get cable....
well, i don't even have that much time to watch TV anyway,,,,
gotta study now that i'm in high school!! (ya right..... -_- ;;; )
anyways, have fun watching those tennis matches!!


You need to check with your cable provider for the cost... or satellite provider.

For me I would have to upgrade to digital cable (additional $50/month) and pay $5/month for the Tennis Channel.


The $5/month includes some other sports channels as well, from Fox. I just upgraded again to ESPN High Def and that dropped the price (yeah) of the other tier.


Tennis Channel still (one year after my initial subscription) features too much repeated programming, and not enough vintage matches. However, that's more than made up for by the occasional flashes of live, otherwise-unavailable tennis coverage. I love it, and it's become my default flipping channel when I'm watching other programming. With the new season approaching, I expect TTC to go all-out on the winter / early spring pro circuit.

By the way, looked like Sanguinetti was playing a Diablo, and Coria was playing something else.

Craig Sheppard

Hall of Fame
Agree Colpo. I'd like to see some older matches and less of these off "a day with player x" who's ranked 50-something. I mean having them one once is nice, but that's not something I'd watch over and over. They do need to shore more vintage matches.
I do like TTC's coverage of things like squash and badminton though. Their coverage of the Superset Tennis from London as well as the Delta Tour of Champions has been *awesome*. Honestly, I wouldn't be suprised if something like the Tennis Channel could really add to the sports popularity. If they cover the season year round, people will have continual exposure to the players and keep the sport in mind, rather than just forget about it until the next major.

What the Tennis Channel does need though is a "SportsCenter" type program... every night during the major tourneys and every week otherwise. The Golf Channel has Golf Central, which is just what I'm talking about. In know they have that ATP program, but it's more like a magazine show than SportsCenter.

On my TimeWarner system, it's an extra $3 a month if you have digital cable, and you get a few more sports channels like FOX and an idiotic skater channel.

And yes, Coria was using the new Prince 03 frame that's black and orange, 16mm wide apparently, and had the big holes.


david aames

It cost money to buy rights to old catalogues. TTC is steadily making progress and their identity redesign is a very good sign of what's to come I would say.

Repeats -- true but what you would do if you were running the channel with a limited budget while struggling against the cable operators to gain market visibility?

No Strings -- good idea (ESPECIALLY when they follow top 50 players) but often poorly produced. Was looking forward to the El Aynaoui but man that was painful to watch. The guy had nothing to say and showed little personality. Same with Schuettler. One of the best ones was Fish in that it showed what the difference is between a top 2 (let's say Roddick) and him who has the same background. Haas was good too in that he showed how individualistic the sport is.

Open Access -- was fun to watch when Gimbelstob was hosting, Jensen is ruining it for me.

Center Court -- needed but interviews could be edgier. Why not asking technical question. Audience can take it.

Instructional -- all pretty dusty but I hear help is on the way. They are producing a segment with Brad Gilbert.

Tennis Insiders -- waste of money.

Live Matches -- where it's at. Overall good commentators (geoff grant is amazing, Jensen Brothers are trash)

Craig Sheppard

Hall of Fame
bigidiot, I used to live in a comcast region--no they don't carry it. You need to write, write, and write some more to get them to...
I have Cox cable. Cox cable did not have Tennis channel but when people started writing letters in. Cox gave in and offered it free for customers with sports package. Comcast is another big cable company around my area, call them up and ask.


Hall of Fame
I like TTC, too. It's on digital cable, so I have to pay the fee for digital cable, on top of my basic Adelphia cable fee. I wouldn't have digital otherwise. But it's worth it. But I think it's another $20 a month or so.

BTW, David, did you catch the 'No Strings' on Nadal. If so, what did you think of it?

david aames

Actually no. They only aired it for a weekend or so and I only managed to catch the last minute of it. That voiceover seemed a little silly...

Saw you were credited on the end titles though ; )

What did you think of it?

VamosRafa said:
BTW, David, did you catch the 'No Strings' on Nadal. If so, what did you think of it?

david aames

Dedans, don't be a hata.

If I remember well you mentioned once you were the secret child of Bob Evans and Ava Gardner -- which makes him your half brother.


Dedans Penthouse said:
VamaMama: re: "the pix"

Hmm...well whadda you know---I never knew Ali McGraw had buckteeth before. (eh, that IS Ali McGraw, isn't it?) :)


Hall of Fame
Geez luis. Are you talking about my profile photo of Rafa? If so, why did you even bother to take time to look at my profile? Too much time on your hands, boys? *rollseyes*

In any event, David, I think the No Strings on Rafa was good. I learned some stuff about him that hadn't been published before -- and it also confirmed to me just how boring fishing can be -- unless you bring along a book. But that was a good transition into how he "hooked" the bigger fish later in the week. I'm sure you all know who that was, as it was shot during Miami. jejeje

I did help the TTC producer a bit, to verify a few facts and things. It was difficult for them, because Rafa speaks Catalan, with a bit of Mallorqui thrown in, so the producer was challenged to get things translated accurately. So the voiceover couldn't be helped. Even folks who are fairly fluent in Spanish wouldn't understand all of it.

I commend TTC for doing a profile on a non-American who has potential, but who still hasn't made the big leagues. Of course, they rushed it into production when they knew he'd be playing the Davis Cup final, which was a good plan.

They did get one thing wrong, however, which would curl Rafa's hair if he knew about it. His favorite futbol team is not Barcelona; it is Real Madrid. *lol*

TTC send me a DVD of it, but the segment does air every so often. I think the next air date is: January 10, 2005, at 1:30 p.m.


The tennis channel is the best thing to happen to tennis, I no longer have to watch trashy tv to be entertained, I just turn on my cable and bam, tennis is on.
VamosRafa said:
Geez luis. Are you talking about my profile photo of Rafa? If so, why did you even bother to take time to look at my profile? Too much time on your hands, boys? *rollseyes*]

"Rolls eyes?" .... And you wonder why?

First off, WHO looked at your profile, and secondly, what the hell are you talking about? Bit of an assumption it would appear. As to Nadal's pix, there was a "large" photo of the kid (in your post) who looked like Ali McGraw----checking out YOUR profile? Hardly.

"Rolls eyes?" Hmmmm, oh well, so much for my New Year's Resolution: Susan, don't flatter yourself. If you must slide back into into "rolling eyes" mode (i.e. "put-off" condescension)....well, what can I say, "Y.C.T.T.S.?"


i guess off subject :) now, but does anyone know if Tennis Channel will be broadcasting any of the Aussie Open? I have TTC coming later this week as part of VoomTV and am wondering.

Craig Sheppard

Hall of Fame
david aames said:
I wouldn't bet on it -- their relationship with ESPN is pretty bad.

ESPN is really starting to annoy me. Someone else posted about how little they care about tennis, their tennis crew, and the fans' opinions. They used to give equal time to many sports, now if it isn't college basketball or college football, (or one of their cheesey EOE entertainment shows) forget it, not going to be on ESPN. Then they created ESPN2 to give an alternate venue for "other" sports. What's on ESPN2? More college basketball and more college football. Must be nice for those who love those two sports.

So instead of showing live coverage from down under all night long, I bet they'll be tape delaying it so they can show repeats of college bball games late at night, or replay the tired Stuart Scott and SportsCenter reruns. Stu, you used to be cool, now you're just tired.

And billing themselves as the "Grand Slam" network is just a joke... USA does 10 times better job than them at covering tennis, and they're not even a sports network! (As a sidenote, even TNT's NBA coverage is far superior to ESPN's). I'm not sure who the tennis director/producer at ESPN is, or if they even have such a person... but they need a new one. My guess is it's the same guy who is the producer/director of the TimberSports and World's Strongest Man division.



The TTC is doing the best with what they have available. Their coverage is second to none, and I even kinda like Gilmelstob's coverage. At least he offers an honest opinion of somone. I also love the live coverage. You don't get edited down coverage or taped coverage of the alleged favorite. What you do get is who's on right now, regardless of the name or country of origin. Matter of fact, I don't think Roddick or Federer have been on this year to date. I like seeing other players.


Craig wrote: My guess is it's the same guy who is the producer/director of the TimberSports and World's Strongest Man division.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess there is no drug testing in that World's Strongest Man circuit. C'mon, picking up Volkswagon Beetles and carrying them around on your shoulders is not natural!


Craig Sheppard said:
bigidiot, I used to live in a comcast region--no they don't carry it. You need to write, write, and write some more to get them to...
Maybe it depends on which region. I get TTC on comcast in Atlanta - channel 127.