Hall of Fame
There is another sport with similarly structured play: American rules football. Every play starts with a snap and ends when the ball is ruled dead. One team - the offense - has the ball (much like the server) and the other team defends, and is forced to play to the pace of the offense until the possession is over (like a service game)
The offense is given 40 seconds to at the end of the previous play to start the next play (the play clock), but may elect to take less time. If the ball is not snapped when the play clock reaches zero, the offense is given a "delay of game" penalty
If one can coordinate 22 players on the field to play with a play clock, I'm pretty sure we can do that with 2/4 players in tennis
Of course, one can attempt to analogize tennis to football where silence and calm before beginning action is not even remotely contemplated. However now we have traveled even farther from the traditions of tennis and the mere suggestion is rather comical.