Anyone bought the "fall 2013" wristbands ?
I'd like to know the color codes of everyone of them, please.
(I mean from the REAL product packaging, NOT from a catalog or website or something that could not be up-to-date)
Thank you.
NNN51042OS - Black/Sonic Yellow Swoosh
NNN51404OS - Armory Navy/Light Armory Blue Swoosh
NNN51406OS - Dark Armory Blue/Atomic Red
NNN51407OS - Armory Navy/Sonic Yellow
NNN51440OS - Light Armory Blue/Dark Armory Blue Swoosh
NNN51414OS - Armory Navy/White Swoosh/Light Armory Blue stripe
NNN51444OS - Blue/Light Armory Blue Swoosh/Light Armory Blue stripe
NNN51454OS - Armory Navy/Blue Swoosh/Light Armory Blue stripe
Didn't get the white/black ones since I already had some but it looks as though the code is NNN51100OS
Those are the codes I got off of the packaging. Feel free correct my color/code info if someone knows better than me.
***Also, not sure what "blue" it is on the 1st/3rd wristband. Distance blue? Prize blue? Anyone know?
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