Let's look at it this way,
if the returner hit a service return winner, I doubt the return partner will say, "Hold on, I wasn't ready!" and demand a replay.
One of thing we don't want in tennis is "2 chances".
^^^Came here to say that.
At our club, in club play, it is seriously not unusual for the server's partner to stop a point before the receiver hits the ball because the server's partner wasn't ready. (Usually an elderly member fussing with his glasses.) Everyone just chills and the server serves again. And in a USTA mixed match, I was serving, and my wife suddenly bent down to pick up a ball. The receiver demanded a let because my wife was moving. That's not kosher under the rules, but we just said okay and continued to have a really fun match with nice people.
In this case, I generally agree that Cindy had the most practical response. I don't remember where this language came from (probably Tennis magazine Court of Appeals), but once a receiver indicates readiness, he cannot change that except for outside interference.
Edited To Add: USTA Comment 21.2 says once a receiver is ready, he cannot become unready except for outside interference. In Cindy's case, there was no outside interference, so the receiver's partner was a doof to make a move after her own partner had lined up to receive serve.
Also, USTA comment 21.7 seems to be right on point here: What happens when the server observes that the receiver appears to be ready and hits the second serve in, but the receiver makes no attempt to return it? The Server wins the point if the receiver had no reason for not being ready; if the receiver was not ready because of something within the receiver’s control (broken string or contact lens problem), then the server gets two serves; and if the receiver was not ready because of some reasonable factor such as clearing the errant first serve or a ball from an adjacent court, then the server gets one serve. If the time to clear the ball from the adjacent court is so prolonged as to constitute an interruption, good sportsmanship requires the receiver to offer the server two serves.
According to that rule, even if the receiver had refused to attempt a return because the receiver was suddenly unready because of something in her team's control (her partner), then she has no legit reason for not being ready. It's two serves. Yes, the partner was clearing the first serve, but she delayed in doing that until after her partner had signaled readiness to receive, so it was too late to go back to unreadiness.
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