WADA is worried that Sinner's light punishment (prize money and ranking points forfeiture, but no suspension) will reduce the in terrorem effect of the anti-doping rules and reduce respect for WADA itself. WADA thinks that having athletes live in fear about the potential consequences of a positive drug test provides a valuable deterrent: "Ohmigod, even if it's not my fault, I could lose a year or two of playing time! I'd better crack some heads on my support staff so they don't get sloppy!" WADA therefore wants more aggressive interpretation and application of the strict liability aspect of the anti-doping code. No excuses, just bans!Soooooo, why did WADA appeal the Sinner case again? If WADA is an investigator in this ( maybe im still not understanding) but why does WADA appeal? What is their stake in what tennis decides to do or not do?
Thus, Sinner is being pursued essentially for being a bad supervisor. WADA is not challenging the finding that no intentional PED use occurred (and really would have no basis for doing so). WADA is pushing for a narrow interpretation of the "no fault or negligence" safe haven so the ban hammer retains its weight.