These Luxilon ALU Power Spin..


I've been using Luxilon Big Banger for about 8 years now and I've gone through the ALU Power, ALU Power Fluoro, and ALU Power Rough.

From my experience, the name of these strings are pretty accurate. ALU Power, providing excellent power, ALU Fluoro providing a lot of comfort, and ALU Power Rough providing spin with its rough texture.

My question is, what's the difference between the ALU Rough and the ALU Spin strings? I thought the Rough was already meant to be spin friendly. Does the ALU Spin offer even MORE spin? I did notice the strings being of pentagonal shape, which I'm afraid it might cause some inconsistent shots.

Any feedback on this ALU Spin strings is greatly appreciated. If you've tried both the Rough and the Spin strings, it'd be great if you can give me some comparisons.



the alu rough is 17 gauge despite it saying 16l. the alu rough is 1.25

the alu spin is 1.28 which is 16L

the alu spin is pentagon

alu rough is rough

alu rough is stiffer a little but holds tension a little better


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ALU Spin gives, more or less, the same Luxilon feel and power. I did notice some extra spin when using it, balls dipped in and kick serves were very effective.
However, the tension does drop quickly, and if you are using soft crosses it will eat right through them very quickly.