So who's word would you take, Arias, who's been off the tour since the early 90s, or Agassi who just retired & has said, many, many times that the strings have allowed players to swing more freely, & allowed them to hit shots they could not hit consistently before.
Federer, Roddick, Haas & Blake(among others) have also said that the new strings have helped them greatly, reduced their margin for error.
Yeah, Arias knows more than they do about equipment changing the game over the last 15 years.
The fact that he said "maybe wood" is rather comical. See my sig. So many shots hit today are completely impossible with wood, as all the current players that participated in a hitting experiment earlier this year with wood racquets have said.
Yes, the racquet head speed that Andreev hits with is possible with any kind of racquet. The thing is he would hit more of those shots into the stands than into the court with other racquets/strings.
I generally think Arias is a great commentator, but he really is the only commentator around who doesn't acknowledge equipment(I've heard him say this before) when talking about todays' players which should tell you something.
Its funny, I've seen him hit shots on the senior tour that he never hit when he was in his prime, wonder if equipment had anything to do with that? or maybe he's just 'better' now?
average heights/weights of pro players today are no different than 10 years ago. look it up. and the difference between 20 years ago is minimal as well. much less than those other sports.
the difference with the sports you listed is that those are all athletic/strength based(tennis players aren't timed in any distances, which is probably a good idea) sports that use no equipment at all, while tennis is a skill-based sport in which equipment is very key. I never understand those that say players today could play the same way with any racquet. if so, then why don't they use older frames?
and I agree with Cyborg, its been a long time since I've seen this many players cramping(Gasquet is kinda a joke, yet he's top 10)
Guess he didn't get the memo that he's supposed to be better conditioned than the players of 20 years ago. And matches of 20 years ago were much longer on average, had longer rallies(except on grass), so why weren't they cramping as much as today?