Hall of Fame
If Nole beats Dimi in the semis and faces Fed in the finals (when I see giant pigs flying down my street tomorrow, I'll know Milos beat Fed), he has got to win. Since his annus miribabilis, he's lost five slams finals. Six if you count the slam "final" at RG in 2013 (sorry Daveed, but it was).
Holy mackeral; he cannot lose six finals in the less than three years. Or can he? Anyway, I'll be rooting for Nole if he gets there. I've always liked him. A few of his fans on this site are horrible, but as a whole the Nadal haters (fed fans) make them look like geniuses.
If Nole were to lose another slam final . . . holy smokes. Across all surfaces, across all members of the big four. It just can't happen. Many of his fans were throwing in the towel after RG this year, claiming he was a mental midget, etc. I never saw it that way. From my fetal position on the floor, all the finals between him and Nadal have appeared to me fought on the edge of knife, with a few points deciding it. I even tried to console some Nole fans that he's far from done, and next time the bounces will go this way.
If he loses this one, there's a whole lot of truth to their concerns. There's something wrong mentally if you lose six ("seven") slam finals in less than three years, but you kick *** across the rest of the ATP world tour. Boris makes his money now or hits the bricks.
Holy mackeral; he cannot lose six finals in the less than three years. Or can he? Anyway, I'll be rooting for Nole if he gets there. I've always liked him. A few of his fans on this site are horrible, but as a whole the Nadal haters (fed fans) make them look like geniuses.
If Nole were to lose another slam final . . . holy smokes. Across all surfaces, across all members of the big four. It just can't happen. Many of his fans were throwing in the towel after RG this year, claiming he was a mental midget, etc. I never saw it that way. From my fetal position on the floor, all the finals between him and Nadal have appeared to me fought on the edge of knife, with a few points deciding it. I even tried to console some Nole fans that he's far from done, and next time the bounces will go this way.
If he loses this one, there's a whole lot of truth to their concerns. There's something wrong mentally if you lose six ("seven") slam finals in less than three years, but you kick *** across the rest of the ATP world tour. Boris makes his money now or hits the bricks.
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