those with klippermate flying clamps ... again.


New User
Yes I searched the forum.

First I saw some people saying they can hold a string without leaving marks. I can't make that happen with soft multis for example, yes I sanded them. Is that a myth they can hold without leaving indents at all?

Also when clamping mains, the center metal pieces on the klipper clamps only have notches about half way down into the clamp. I find if I set the mains too deep and under the notched area it won't hold. Do you with klipers keep the string high enough to utilize the grooves?


New User
I've used my Klipper with flying clamps to string up Wilson Sensation. I always use the 2 ends of string and test it in the clamps. Then I adjust the clamps so that it just holds the string but is not too tight. Still some ghosting on the string but nothing significant.

I also try to clamp as deep as possible and have not had any problems with the clamp holding.


Have you messed with the Allen nuts near the top of the clamps in attempting to adjust? Making the adjustments should generally just be accomplished using the bolt at the bottom. I've strung soft multis, gut and everything else using my KM clamps. I love them. Some minor ghosting but they are usable with anything.


New User
I love them as well, I'm not saying they are bad at all. I just wondered if ghosting is always a sign of them being too tight. Sounds like it's not which is what I have found because without ghosting they won't hold soft strings for me.


Hall of Fame
I have an X2 and my clamps definitely don't ghost. I'm finding that my string beds are ending up significantly looser than I aim for, though, so maybe they're slipping.


I'm one of the people who had problems with marks on multis with KM clamps. Before replacing them, I sanded them with emery paper and cleaned them with alcohol. Now they hold with less pressure and barely leave marks, similar to my fixed clamps. Mine are 20 years old and still work fine.

Carolina Racquet

I noticed ghost marks on some really soft multis. I never felt they impacted playability or durability of the strings. Am I wrong?

I only string that string for a friend. Never had a problem of it breaking on a clamp mark.


New User
Strung my racket up with PPA last night. My clamps were initially too loose and they slipped. Tightened them up and they worked fine with some minor ghosting on the string.

Am thinking of getting some stringway clamps and seeing how they work.


OP: I'm very curious about why and how you find the marks to be a genuine problem.

In my experience, any marks meant zero, nothing, in terms of compromising the strength of the string, but, rather, were merely an aesthetic distraction at worst.

What gives? The string still works fine.