Time release proterin substitutes (night time)


New User
Wanted to know what the best substitute for a protein with a slow release of amino acids throughout the night. I'm starting to believe i'm wasting my money on the Glycelean time release crap.

I've heard info about cottage cheese and milk. Are there any ideal formulas composed of natural ingredients rather than synthetic crap!


New User
^J-Rod^ said:
Wanted to know what the best substitute for a protein with a slow release of amino acids throughout the night. I'm starting to believe i'm wasting my money on the Glycelean time release crap.

I've heard info about cottage cheese and milk. Are there any ideal formulas composed of natural ingredients rather than synthetic crap!

Casein digests very slowly and is the primary protein in cottage cheese. You should be able to find a casein protein powder that is natural, it is typically used only as a pre bedtime supplement, since other types of protein are superior if you don't require slow digestion.


New User
yeh, but is there a formula of natural components such as yoghurt, cottage cheese and milk? A natural substitute if you will.


New User
^J-Rod^ said:
yeh, but is there a formula of natural components such as yoghurt, cottage cheese and milk? A natural substitute if you will.

I see what you mean, like a whole food source?

Cottage cheese has the most casein per calorie of any whole food, no contest.

There is no time release formula... that is a load of crap. The truth is that some proteins naturally take longer to process, not digest than others. The reason you want to take a protein supplement before bed is that while you are sleeping, your body goes into a catabolic state, sort of repair time for your muscles and nerves, also good time for your brain to sort things out. The deal is though, to transport that protein, your gonna need some carbs... mainly sugar. Your brain trives on the stuff... glycogen. I recommend the Liquid Amino Acid suspension. Two tablespoons will give you about 30 grams of protein and everything the protein needs to get it where it needs to go. Along with your daily intake of protein, that will be sufficient. Good luck!