Time-traveling to play the past greats. Tips?


Working on building a time machine to travel to the past and play some of the slam legends.

Any suggestions on how to dress or use a modern racquet and strings that won't look too sus?
Should I paint my racquet to look like it's made of wood?

Time travel calculations link.


Hall of Fame
Wilson's got you covered




Well,...if you're traveling way way back to the beginning of tennis, you must not forget to bring
your George Foreman Grill, of course along with a solar powered electrical generator.
That way, when you go to the tournament cafe, you won't have to eat your ration of wooly mammoth raw.
Hey! Say hello to my ancient ancestor "Nate-the-Nuckle-Dragger." He was a real legend in his time!
------ So Be It ⚜️ ------


Hall of Fame
The solar system is travelling around the galaxy at around 490,000 mph. So, let's say you want to play Laver circa 21 January 1975, besides going back 50 years, you'll also need to travel about 214,767,000,000 miles to make sure you end up on Earth and not in vacuum. You'll also have to take into account the roughly 66660 mph that the Earth is orbiting the Sun, and also the cosine of your latitude X 1049 mph to compensate for the earth's rotation around its axis. Let us know when you've accomplished all this.
Working on building a time machine to travel to the past and play some of the slam legends.

Any suggestions on how to dress or use a modern racquet and strings that won't look too sus?
Should I paint my racquet to look like it's made of wood?

Time travel calculations link.

no need dat futuristic complications if only want to hit w/ ex legends, btw they might be too busy to meet u unless u really want to do a lot other historical stuff rather than tennis.

welcome to book a real hit w/ any goats or ex goats u choose incl joker sinner carrot etcetc on a cutting edge training session in which u play in 1/2 court n the other 'half' is 3d projected w/ the goat in it. the high speed ball machine on the h/v rails simulate the mostlikely way the goat's gonna play according to their vid analysis/algorithm.

$399/h is all u need to receive some >200km/h body serve bruise n guaranteed u won't be able to rally >1 lolololol:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D..........


Don't take a Tesla Cybertruck with you. Just take a trusty mule,
with beef jerky in the saddlebags, and you'll fit in nicely.
Oh, don't forget...back in those days, a tennis racket served
double duty as a fishing net!