Don't feed any joey's(kangaroos), Females are called sheila's, . Dont make a pass at your female mixed dbls partner shes married.
Buying beer insist on foster's lager. Now you'll pass like a local not a tourist.
this may have been true in 1975, but even then I kind of doubt it.
Certainly not the part about Fosters, no Australian drinks that crap, I don't think you can even buy it in Australia any more, I can't remember the last time I saw any..
buy Boags is my advice to you
I always go for the Wednesday through to the Saturday of the first week..
try and get Rod Laver Tickets for the Friday night if you can, seems to always be a good match!
The day passes are great because, as others have said, you can find great tennis on outside courts. (pro tip, check the schedule bofre you get there, you can find people like Ferrer on outside showcourts and have front row seats by turning up early)
although you might have to sit through a WTA match or two first..
the big showcourts and MCA can be hard to get seats for if you aren't quick, though, best to make sure you know who you want to see.
of course, great thing about the AO is how many show courts there actually are..
the good thing is you can just wander around and find Rafa practicing or seeds on tiny courts where you can be literally feet away..
there is nothing quite like seeing these guys up so close, mind boggling tennis..
have fun!!!
and email me, I'll be there, there will be beer!