your watered down community college logic class tripe's not flying here "FanboyMadridReferenceTROLL" username...further, you who claim "Cincy=real slam; USO/AO=not" ??..
..the day I haven't forgotten more tennis than a trolling fanboy will be the day pigs fly..
a little advice here: re-read your post below (and more to the point, it's uppity, preachy, PRETENTIOUS tenor)..
^ don't be "that guy." . . NOBODY likes "that guy."
You're still not addressing the issue, you're just calling me names. Which is to be expected, I guess, it's an anonymous message board on the internet. Abuse is part of the deal.
That still doesn't mean I was wrong.
I'm not sure why you think I claim Cincy = Real Slam. The TTW legend who started that is alive and well and still with us on this website.
You quoted my message completely out of context. In that conversation, X is you, calling me, Y, an idiot.
I'm going to do something nice here, because I believe in moving the discussion forward instead of getting stuck in trading random insults.
I'll concede I was arrogant in the way I phrased that message. You're right about that part. Apologies tendered, I did not mean to hurt anyone.
I'm not sure why you applied the community college label- not that there's anything wrong with being in community college. But I'll let that pass, without demanding any apology for the insults you heaped on me. Consider it a gesture of good faith.
Now let's move on.