Too much spin with my western FH


Ever since I picked up a racquet the Western FH grip just seemed most natural to me, so that's what I stuck with. As I progress I'm finding that I'm hitting too much spin, and not getting enough pace on my balls.

A lot of the time I think it's because I'm just hitting it too late and not hitting far enough out in front of me, and the racquet face is just too closed. If I'm even the slightest bit rushed, a lot of times I'll hit a really weak loopy shot that hits the net or barely makes it over.

I actually want to move away from the Western and move more towards a SW FH grip, but I'm finding it very difficult for whatever reason. It feels really awkward and I always gravitate back to a full western, even after practicing the SW quite a bit.

Should I just focus on my timing and hitting the ball earlier and further in front, or should I just keep practicing using a SW instead? I just can't make up my mind. I'm sure I'll get it eventually but it's just frustrating ...


I think you're brushing the ball too much. There's a difference between simply brushing the ball, and putting power + brushing the ball. I'm just assuming that you go from low-to-high to create your spin, and nothing else. I personally swing my racquet through the ball in a low-to-high motion to get spin and power. Did you try doing that?


Well I think it's a little more technical than that. Yes pace comes from swinging through the ball, but the ball isn't on the strings for very long. I think my particular problem has more to do with the angle of the racquet face at contact. If your racquet face is somewhat closed at contact, even if you "swing through the ball" you're not going to get as much pace as if your racquet face was less closed or perfectly neutral. Agreed?
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Hall of Fame
Try swinging so that you finish with the racquet tip [at 12 oclock] pointing to the target with the stringbed vertical and well out in front of your body. This is an Eastern FH mantra that Sampras learned from Robert Lansdorp, but it applies to the WFH too if you want pace. It will feel funny at first due to the weak position of the hand under the handle, but you'll get used to it.

This is in contrast to the windshield wiper topspin that finishes with the racquet going toward the left fence [for righty].
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Well I think it's a little more technical than that. Yes pace comes from swinging through the ball, but the ball isn't on the strings for very long. I think my particular problem has more to do with the angle of the racquet face at contact. If your racquet face is somewhat closed at contact, even if you "swing through the ball" you're not going to get as much pace as if your racquet face was less closed or perfectly neutral. Agreed?

you can get as much pace as you want with western grip
its form and racquethead speed...
look at nadal with western grip he can hit 100mph+ rockets as well as 6000rpm topspin bombs that bounce over people's head...