When we bought our stringer, my pro stringer recommended we get a tool set to travel with, either the Yonex (because he's on the Yonex team) or the Babolat (which he was on the team too). I googled those tool kits and had sticker shock. I also scoured the TT forum for alternatives and found the Kimony line. So I bought Kimony stuff, except for that really expensive starting clamp. We travel overseas for tournies and found out very quickly some airports didn't like tools like pliers. So we arrived at our destination minus pliers, and of course the kids forget to pack the rest of the stringer kit. We already had a nail clipper, so a quick visit to a local hardware store to get curved pliers and garden shear solved our equipment issues. Our grommets or sticks are replaced regularly, so we never use an pointed awl, and I found a great travel setting awl, our pairs of stainless steel chopsticks, which are also a great way to avoid wood waste, not to mention the chopstick cleanliness issues in places like China. Dual purpose tools!

Obviously personal stringing is NOT the same as professional shops, who can't be seen using garden shears, chopsticks and nail clippers. But as a traveling or home kit, those things travel and work as well, as well as a lot cheaper.