Top 3 Tension Holding String Ratings <---------

Best Tension Holding Strings Are Below

Nylon, Zyex, & Polyolefin
1. Tecnifibre NRG2 16 Nylon/Polyurethane 1.31 197 8.05
2. Gamma Dura Spin 16 w/Wearguard Nylon 1.37 217 8.95
3. Tecnifibre X-One Biphase 18 Nylon/Polyurethane 1.19 181 8.96

1. Gamma Dura Blast 16 Polyester 1.30 303 12.68
2. Babolat Pro Hurricane 16 Polyester 1.31 241 13.61
3. Pacific Poly Force 17 Polyester 1.24 294 13.41

1. Bow Brand Championship 16 Natural Gut 1.3 111 7.36
2. Grand Slam Gut 17 (uncoated) Natural Gut 1.28 105 7.87
3. Wilson Natural 17 Natural Gut 1.26 103 8.13


1. Forten Aramid Composite 16 Kevlar/Nylon 1.28 619 9.55
2. Forten Aramid Gear 16L Kevlar 1.42 610 10.43
3. Forten Aramid Composite 17 Kevlar/Nylon 1.17 597 11.27



But not all strings are represented. The methodology is also based on a short period of time. There are strings that outperform those listed in vitually each category if you are talking about tension maintenance over time. This survey is interesting, but has too many holes/ommissions for my liking.
Stan said:
But not all strings are represented. The methodology is also based on a short period of time. There are strings that outperform those listed in vitually each category if you are talking about tension maintenance over time. This survey is interesting, but has too many holes/ommissions for my liking.

well if you have any info that ranks any string not listed in the top 3 then do share it, otherwise what you say has even more holes in it.

If anyone has any strings that have facts to back up tension retention then post it please. I like facts, not personal opinion, which can be way to subjective.

Thats why I read a food lable to see the exact calories per serving, instead of a friend thinking his meal had less calories.



Agree with Stan. That data about tension holding is practically useless. In actual play you will notice that some of those strings continue to lose tension and don't hold it over time. If you just want to know what's going to hold well for the first 30 minutes then maybe it applies, but I don't trust the method they used to give you a realistic number that would hold over over extended play. The other thing is that the elasticity of some strings seems to change, or not be linear so you might have a string that gets really bouncy if it loses just a few pounds of tension. In the end, I think you could use the numbers as a general guideline of what you might want to try, but you still need to playtest, and in some cases you may need to try multiple tensions as well.
Kevo said:
Agree with Stan. That data about tension holding is practically useless. In actual play you will notice that some of those strings continue to lose tension and don't hold it over time. If you just want to know what's going to hold well for the first 30 minutes then maybe it applies, but I don't trust the method they used to give you a realistic number that would hold over over extended play. The other thing is that the elasticity of some strings seems to change, or not be linear so you might have a string that gets really bouncy if it loses just a few pounds of tension. In the end, I think you could use the numbers as a general guideline of what you might want to try, but you still need to playtest, and in some cases you may need to try multiple tensions as well.

I agree.

Well at least with the top 3 its a safe bet for tension retention.


TennisProPaul said:
well if you have any info that ranks any string not listed in the top 3 then do share it, otherwise what you say has even more holes in it.

If anyone has any strings that have facts to back up tension retention then post it please. I like facts, not personal opinion, which can be way to subjective.

Thats why I read a food lable to see the exact calories per serving, instead of a friend thinking his meal had less calories.


Facts are things that can be proved or disproved. So the numbers derived from testing which you have posted prove that NRG2, for instance, will only lose approximately 8lbs. of tension if you hit a single strand of the string 5 times with a force equivalent to a 120mph serve. What does that prove to you? Does that help you determine that that string is a consistent tension holder?

And not to totally make reality come crashing down for you, but food labels can be misleading. Especially the ones from actual restaurant menus. ;-)


Chill Paulsy.

We are just stating that the so called "data" you are providing is based on a methodology that some may question. Younger dualistic thinkers may not yet have enough intellectual maturity to know that studies are sometimes flawed. Just trying to help out fellow posters and show there is another side to consider.

As for strings, I have a database full of measurements using DT readings. These readings show conclusively how the data you presented changes over time. i.e The best tension holding poly is currently Poly Plasma. The best tension holding premium synthetics are Laserfibre. Neither of these are included in the USRSA survey you are quoting. I don't have time the time or inclination to publish, but I can tell you my data is solid.

You are new here and trying to make an impression. Fine. Just be careful in mixing it up with veteran posters who have significant experience from which to draw.
Stan said:
Chill Paulsy.

We are just stating that the so called "data" you are providing is based on a methodology that some may question. Younger dualistic thinkers may not yet have enough intellectual maturity to know that studies are sometimes flawed. Just trying to help out fellow posters and show there is another side to consider.

As for strings, I have a database full of measurements using DT readings. These readings show conclusively how the data you presented changes over time. i.e The best tension holding poly is currently Poly Plasma. The best tension holding premium synthetics are Laserfibre. Neither of these are included in the USRSA survey you are quoting. I don't have time the time or inclination to publish, but I can tell you my data is solid.

You are new here and trying to make an impression. Fine. Just be careful in mixing it up with veteran posters who have significant experience from which to draw.

I agree 100% with you. Thanks for setting me str8. Can ANYONE POST THE SECRET INFO DATA? Please share

I love taking info and then playtesting strings. Im on the hunt for the best set up for me and my game and racquet, and I might have found it, but I have way too much time on my hands.
Stan said:
Chill Paulsy.

We are just stating that the so called "data" you are providing is based on a methodology that some may question. Younger dualistic thinkers may not yet have enough intellectual maturity to know that studies are sometimes flawed. Just trying to help out fellow posters and show there is another side to consider.

As for strings, I have a database full of measurements using DT readings. These readings show conclusively how the data you presented changes over time. i.e The best tension holding poly is currently Poly Plasma. The best tension holding premium synthetics are Laserfibre. Neither of these are included in the USRSA survey you are quoting. I don't have time the time or inclination to publish, but I can tell you my data is solid.

You are new here and trying to make an impression. Fine. Just be careful in mixing it up with veteran posters who have significant experience from which to draw.
Well said.