Djokovic, Serena, Clijsters, Monfils, Rafa, in no order besides Flexyvic @ #1
Uh, yes? ....Was Renee Richards really more flexible than Flexivic? I know she had a sex change but come on.
What is your list?
1. Djokovic
2. Monfils
3. Dimitrov
4. John Morrissey
5. Nadal
Istomin instead of John Morrissey?
Having the leg facing down completely requires a little more flexibility. They're close, but Djokovic still wins.I think Djokovic and Dimitrov are both just as flexible. Djokovic can obviously utilize it more with his game.
Having the leg facing down completely requires a little more flexibility. They're close, but Djokovic still wins.
Who is the guy who does the stretch at 0:12 of the ATP Play of the Week intro sequence?
He's pretty flexible...
A. Radwanska
Doesn't Federer get a spot in that list somewhere? At least when he was younger.
Yes, Clijsters was like the female Djokovic.
Clijsters was more flexible than even Djokovic, IMO. I've seen her do complete splits on a hardcourt...whereas Djokovic only maybe 90% splits...and then stops. Kimmy had a more natural split motion...I've seen Novak straining himself a couple times on those near-complete splits. Of males only, then yes Novak wins hands down...if we include both sexes...then Kim over Novak (and I don't mean that sexually).
Your joking, right?
To me the biggest boner I ever got is watching Federer uncoil into a massive forehand. That's the biggest orgasmic release in tennis.
Clijsters was more flexible than even Djokovic, IMO. I've seen her do complete splits on a hardcourt...whereas Djokovic only maybe 90% splits...and then stops. Kimmy had a more natural split motion...I've seen Novak straining himself a couple times on those near-complete splits. Of males only, then yes Novak wins hands down...if we include both sexes...then Kim over Novak.
What is your list?
1. Djokovic
2. Monfils
3. Dimitrov
4. John Morrissey
5. Nadal
Do you know the flexibility it takes, to hit the ball with your knees on the ground and re-direct it?
It's taken a toll on her now but when she was healthy it was beautiful to watch.
Not that much to be perfectly honest.
It is energy consuming though.
I guess you really don't know then.
I beg to differ. I know enough to realize that bending your knees and bunting the ball back is not tantamount to extreme flexibility.
Clijsters made that Fiona face every time she did a split (it definitely wasn't that natural) and didn't go 100% either..far from it. Djokovic uses his flexibility far more often than Clijsters did and frankly, he just looks so much more natural than her when in those positions. Djokovic likes to do splits when he is playing minigames with his buddies during practice.
Has anyone mentioned Serena yet? She is even more flexible than Clijsters, but she doesn't call upon it very often. Jankovic is another one who deserves mention.
Surprised nobody has mentioned Fed yet.
Roddick was actually very flexible. Especially his arm for the serve, and regularly did the splits on the grass at Wimbledon if I remember correctly.
Obviously Djokovic is one if the most flexible if not the most in men's tennis all time. Other notable mentions are out there and have been covered, but where all else is equal, it's the frequency in which Djokovic uses his flexibility that puts him up there.
Federer is not as flexible as Djokovic or nowhere near his level. The reason he can't end up "doing a 180" is because he is incapable of going that far.
But I didn't expect you to know this given your ignorance about flexibility in the human body.