About to cut out the Wasabi. Over the past week, in about the fourth hour or so of play, the string characteristics have changed significantly. Tension loss is now an issue - RacquetTune says it's only at 32.1 pounds, a loss of 10.2 pounds or 24.1% tension loss from the 42.3 that RacquetTune measured right off the stringer. Along with that, there's now this low frequency "whomp" sound on contact that is distinctly unpleasant. It sounds like hitting with strings that are too loose, and that noise has gotten louder despite my use of a Prince Silencer vibration damper which spans twelve strings. Power levels and launch angle have decreased despite the low tension, and even though the strings are still returning to place and notching is minimal. Spin capability seems decreased though it's hard to know because getting a lot of lift over the net requires an unusual adjustment to my normal stroke. I'm now having problems switching between racquets with it and my preferred Silver 7 Tour. The first few strokes with Wasabi have about a two foot lower trajectory at the net, which is pretty significant. Comfort levels have also gone down, like the string has lost elasticity along with tension.
I never hit with it as intensely as I normally do. That could possibly have accelerated tension loss. Now, when I do flatten out my swingpath to try and put some extra velocity on the ball, the rebound angle feels inconsistent and there is also a feeling like the string is absorbing energy from the swing and putting that as shock into the racquet.
I'll try another set at some later time but for now, it's a pretty hard pass despite Wasabi feeling pretty good for the first hour or two.