New User
No our lists are ok just different placement. My list begins from softer (top of the list) to stiffer going downwards at the bottom
I still cant decide which is better. Wasabi pro or wasabi. Have you tried those two by yourself? Any thoughts ?
Check the lists again. They're all over the place to one another. E.g. in the list they gave to you Super Toro and Toro Toro are middle of pack (and softer than Wasabi), whereas in the other list they are the stiffest (and stiffer than Wasabi). In your list Caviar is either soft or stiff depending on the gauge (and mostly stiffer than Wasabi and Ether apart from the thinnest gauge). In the other list Caviar is middle of the pack (and softer than Wasabi and Ether). In your list Absolute is the softest. In the other one it's stiffer than Enso Pro, Snapper and Wasabi X.
I've yet to try any. Was just chatting with one guy who's selling a few sets and I'll likely be getting a set of Wasabi X. I may try it as a cross with natural gut.