KISSBNS (keep it simple but not stupid)
Short version ... do this:
Longer, but still
simple version:
Get in this position before you swing ... hips past feet, shoulders past hips. You swing around front hip ... if not anchored before, weak tea stroke.
BIG SIMPLE points HERE!!!:
- your arm catches a free ride with the initial hips/torso/shoulder rotation forward, but you have not fired the arm muscles YET. Look at Fed with his elbow still bent ... weak tea positioning no good for ARM FIRING. IMO ... this principle does not change even if you have your arm straight at the slot (pic above) like Them and
@Curious. The timing is a 1-2 ... rotation followed by arm firing. To me, that is the risk of a rec player hitting with straight arm at slot ... your arm is in a position where you can start arm muscling from there. With bent elbow ... you will never be a able to muscle, so you learn to time the arm firing at arm straightening/extension.
- note Fed does not reach straight arm until hand past front leg. Thiem is straight at the slot. Doesn't matter ... straight arm before contact and during arm firing DOES matter.
- stick the follow through with shoulder line pointing approx right net post. This is the power move ... passing rotation to the arm. Another way to say that is don't rotate through contact. Don't watch Wawrinka ... he violates this rule ... YOU ARE NOT WAWRINKA.
There you go ... no k-chain, no off arm tugging, no talk of windshields, no tendon anatomy, no chest pressing, not even my "try and get arm line near shoulder line".
@Curious ... what do you think ... did that fail the KISS test?