Yeah, absolutely, if you are explosive as hell. Or if you as rec player are ok with <90mph flat serves. And no kicks.
The biggest deciding point is does it suit your natural rhythm. Some say hitting at peak is more consistent, but it’s not ultimately so, not for anyone. When you have just a bit of ball fall, accidental lower toss is still high enough to hit. When you hit at peak, a lower toss is a killer, you are done, and you don’t have time to stop usually.
On the other hand, too high toss drifts more. Not good unless you are a pro darts player or something, with super-precise arm.
So again, very personal, should suit your rhythm of preferred coiling-uncoiling sequence. Then just toss the way you get there perfectly.
I personally also worry about getting into “lazy serving” with low toss, where through the match you stop actually using last tiny bit of knee bend and coil. But maybe it’s just me. I also worry about using too much of a load and coil, because as you get tired your body starts to fail this full beautiful deep bend etc. The moment you need it most to be reliable.
So my bet is on decent, like 70%, coil, and just putting the toss where I want it with optimal timing. Toss height simply serves this purpose. Will I have some bad tosses? 100%, but in recent years I somehow learned to not struggle much with this. It works after I practiced it enough.