Total Knee Replacement and Hyaluronic Acid Shot experiences?


Thanks for the message, my surgeon is happy with my progress, the flexibility is the same as the good knee which is great, next meeting if everything is going well, in five years time. He also said I should stop the physio and just do my own thing, cycling, walking and some work in the gym. He thinks that the physios can push too hard. If I’m pain free and get to the fitness level I had before between now and September I’ll be happy
At my last PT sessions for rehab on both knees I had a similar experience. My PT (tennis player and stringer) was maybe remembering what I looked like on the courts years ago and set my goals a bit too high. I finished up sessions and moved on to my own thing as I know what is normal (and max) for my repaired knees. I also was at least as good (or better) as I was before I injured both knees moving snow. He also told me if I was going to have TKR to come back to his place and they would get me ready before the TKR and do the recovery after. He was the one that stressed condition before matters. Check out @Injured Again to see a really aggressive approach and very successful recovery. He would be on the higher end of fitness going in. :)


New User
I had a total knee replacement a couple of years ago and also tried a hyaluronic acid shot before the surgery. The shot helped a bit with pain relief and mobility, but honestly, the knee replacement made a bigger difference in the long run. It was tough recovery, but after physical therapy, I’ve regained most of my mobility and feel a lot better.
While I was healing, I also tried some microneedling collagen induction on my skin to help with the scarring from surgery. It worked great! The microneedling helped with collagen production, and my skin healed a lot faster and smoother than I expected.
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New User
I think we can all agree that the recovery is extremely long, difficult and painful. At the last appointment with my surgeon he reminded me that after a simple leg break we would have been at least 6 weeks doing nothing with probably 3 to 4 weeks of rehab after that. We have had our quads cut across, ACL removed, nerves cut and our legs cut in half to accommodate the replacement knee that is fitted directly into holes in our tibia and femur.
It’s going to take time…….

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
At my last PT sessions for rehab on both knees I had a similar experience. My PT (tennis player and stringer) was maybe remembering what I looked like on the courts years ago and set my goals a bit too high. I finished up sessions and moved on to my own thing as I know what is normal (and max) for my repaired knees. I also was at least as good (or better) as I was before I injured both knees moving snow. He also told me if I was going to have TKR to come back to his place and they would get me ready before the TKR and do the recovery after. He was the one that stressed condition before matters. Check out @Injured Again to see a really aggressive approach and very successful recovery. He would be on the higher end of fitness going in. :)

@djNEiGht Hang in there. Most nearly everyone turns a corner and starts progressing more rapidly at some point, and you will get there.

I did have a four month period between committing to the TKA and the actual surgery - that was just how busy my ortho was. I was probably a bit reckless in how hard I went at it before my surgery but I just thought that if I hurt my knee, it was going to be replaced anyway. That aggressiveness carried into my rehab, with the blessing of both my ortho and PT. I was very lucky to not have any major setbacks, because I pushed into the pain zone pretty constantly during my rehab. I was told that as long as I managed the swelling, I wouldn’t be able to hurt the implants with the PT exercises prescribed to me.

This was my fifth major surgical repair so I had confidence in knowing what my body was telling me. I was not nearly as aggressive nor sure in my first couple of repairs.

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
I think we can all agree that the recovery is extremely long, difficult and painful. At the last appointment with my surgeon he reminded me that after a simple leg break we would have been at least 6 weeks doing nothing with probably 3 to 4 weeks of rehab after that. We have had our quads cut across, ACL removed, nerves cut and our legs cut in half to accommodate the replacement knee that is fitted directly into holes in our tibia and femur.
It’s going to take time…….
That was a question that came up before. I asked and I still have my ACL. It’s more effort to spare it but results in more stability. The recovery is a bit more difficult with the ACL but my ortho says that for athletic movements, it’s worth it.


New User
I think the removal of the ACL now is based on the new type of implants that don’t require the ACL and are designed to provide a more natural gait. I had my surgery done 4 months ago, DjNEiGht was more recent, we probably both had the same type of implant used . I don’t know if it’s a personal choice for surgeon to make, it’s too late for us to look into it, but would be a good question to ask for those awaiting surgery.


I think the removal of the ACL now is based on the new type of implants that don’t require the ACL and are designed to provide a more natural gait. I had my surgery done 4 months ago, DjNEiGht was more recent, we probably both had the same type of implant used . I don’t know if it’s a personal choice for surgeon to make, it’s too late for us to look into it, but would be a good question to ask for those awaiting surgery.
Dr said it wasn't needed.

2nd follow up was supposed to be this past friday but the hospital is in the fire zone (socal fires) and got rescheduled to tomorrow/tuesday pending fire conditions. New windstorm is starting up and supposed to last through wednesday. :cry:


last night was a wild ride. I think my pain level went through the roof. Came out of almost no where. I felt it increase around 9 pm as I was getting the dogs ready for their pre-bedtime meal and the wife was going to walk them. So I took a narcotic. I have been off narcotics for almost a week with the occasional 1 or 2 depending on the if it's therapy day or if it's a day i'm on my feet and out of the house.
I sleep with a mouth guard and glad I had it. I felt like I could have chipped a tooth while grimacing through the pain It's like the knee cramped from the inside or seized...i don't know. lots of pain. i struggled till about 1 am.

There might be a certain exercise that is aggravating me. Since I can't extend all the way, the patella tendon is always stressed so the swelling below the knee cap comes and goes.


New User
last night was a wild ride. I think my pain level went through the roof. Came out of almost no where. I felt it increase around 9 pm as I was getting the dogs ready for their pre-bedtime meal and the wife was going to walk them. So I took a narcotic. I have been off narcotics for almost a week with the occasional 1 or 2 depending on the if it's therapy day or if it's a day i'm on my feet and out of the house.
I sleep with a mouth guard and glad I had it. I felt like I could have chipped a tooth while grimacing through the pain It's like the knee cramped from the inside or seized...i don't know. lots of pain. i struggled till about 1 am.

There might be a certain exercise that is aggravating me. Since I can't extend all the way, the patella tendon is always stressed so the swelling below the knee cap comes and goes.
Keep hanging in it will get better. My physio had me doing leg presses a lot and I think It may have been too much. After my 4 month check I’m going to the gym, more for my upper body. I’m using a static bike at home and lots of walking with the dog, I’ll be going out with my fat bike soon , but taking it easy. I still have nights waking up, now I give up if I wake up and walk about for a while to reset, then go back to bed. Stay calm and keep going


Keep hanging in it will get better. My physio had me doing leg presses a lot and I think It may have been too much. After my 4 month check I’m going to the gym, more for my upper body. I’m using a static bike at home and lots of walking with the dog, I’ll be going out with my fat bike soon , but taking it easy. I still have nights waking up, now I give up if I wake up and walk about for a while to reset, then go back to bed. Stay calm and keep going
speaking of bikes...

socal fires i've loaded the car w mostly dj and 2A stuff. have medicine andclothes as well. lots of other dj stuff and other hardware in the house. and i haven't even touched the bikes. currently 2 road bikes, 2 track bikes, 1 mtn bike, 1 cyclocross/touring all still in the garage. I can't put the x2 roof racks on the car and even if they were on there...can't lift them up.

thank God that this current wind storm is less powerful from last week. we did have x2 more spotfires within a 5 mile radius but was put out quickly.

now talking about the fat bike...those look fun to ride.


New User
speaking of bikes...

socal fires i've loaded the car w mostly dj and 2A stuff. have medicine andclothes as well. lots of other dj stuff and other hardware in the house. and i haven't even touched the bikes. currently 2 road bikes, 2 track bikes, 1 mtn bike, 1 cyclocross/touring all still in the garage. I can't put the x2 roof racks on the car and even if they were on there...can't lift them up.

thank God that this current wind storm is less powerful from last week. we did have x2 more spotfires within a 5 mile radius but was put out quickly.

now talking about the fat bike...those look fun to ride.
The fat bike is great fun, I obviously haven’t been out on it for a while, but really looking forward to it. The tyres pretty much block all the vibrations and it’s incredibly stable. I bought it when Rad pulled out of Europe for less then half price, the downside is it’s heavy, but the battery is powerful and I get at least 40 miles out of a charge. Good to talk about something other than knees, although I think it’s a good, solid option for us !
Stay safe from the fires, the damage is hard to believe for non Californians, but I’ve seen the damage myself, visiting friends a few years back near Santa Rosa. Take care.
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2nd follow up w dr

SO...with my pain and swelling flare up this past weekend...I felt physically set back. Emotionally...well...

Dr liked the incision and color of the skin. Stressed about the importance of getting range of motion. And I agree but with the pain that occurred it is difficult to do my daily exercises. He mentioned that he has gone back into a knee after a few months to address what may be issues in recovery. I hope I'm not one of them that has to go through it.

I've been off my narcotics for the most part and taking it only before my PT sessions or if it's a long day away from home where I can ice/elevate. I've been very happy with that but also glad I still have them around when the pain is too bad. I've been prescribed a step down...Tramadol which is stronger than acetaminophen but not like Oxy.


New User
My surgeon and my physio were obsessed with the range of motion. I never thought I was going to get to much above 90° , but I started to get to 130/ 135° just before my 4 month checkup. Every time I did physio he would forcibly flex my leg as much as he possibly could, not enjoyable, maybe you could ask your PT to do this. I think there is a limited time to do this as afterwards the surgeon would manipulate it under general anesthetic. I think some of the others could explain this better than me with their experience.
Don’t give up, try to prioritize getting the best range of motion possible. Stay positive.


My surgeon and my physio were obsessed with the range of motion. I never thought I was going to get to much above 90° , but I started to get to 130/ 135° just before my 4 month checkup. Every time I did physio he would forcibly flex my leg as much as he possibly could, not enjoyable, maybe you could ask your PT to do this. I think there is a limited time to do this as afterwards the surgeon would manipulate it under general anesthetic. I think some of the others could explain this better than me with their experience.
Don’t give up, try to prioritize getting the best range of motion possible. Stay positive.
thank you. PT and Dr really pushing ROM as well. But the swelling flareups set me back. Under PT manipulation I have gotten -4 on extension and 105 on flex last recorded maybe 3-4 weeks ago. they have not taken that as the therapy approach has changed to deal with the swelling...but they are saying the muscles and legs feel less guarded and relaxed


past couple days been working on stretches and not much weight bearing when i can avoid it. then some static muscle reps. lots more icing. swelling has gone down.

and slowly unloading the car form evacuation preparation...but still hesitant to do it because another wind storm coming on monday. anytime the fire app goes off with an alert i'm nervous to see where it is. had one 5 minute drive away yesterday.


Hall of Fame
I joined the TKR "party" Jan 8th, right knee surgery went well and home same day. My worst period was 24-48 hrs after surgery, not horrible but significant pain, then it started to lessen and as I do NOT do well with OXY stuff I just went with Tylenol/Ibu and ice - that has been fine. I am 69 and worked out hard before surgery, PT (2 visits so far) is happy with my progress. He believes in taking it easy first 2 weeks to let tissue heal and work on ROM and working quads/activation, then we start hitting it a lot harder. Only issue I had was that my quads totally deactivated for 3 days the next day after surgery, could hot budge my leg when I tried a straight leg raise - went away after 3 days and apparently is not that uncommon. Had a good bit of of thigh bruising/stiffness/pain, worse than knee itself. Today is by far my best day, walking fairly decently with no cane or walker (ditched after 5-6 days) and stiffness slowly subsiding. Sleeping getting better, had a very solid sleep last night, easily best so far. I have to say that "so far" the first 11 days has not been as bad as I thought it would (knock on wood!). I am scheduled to have left knee done on March 12, assuming recovery progresses well, will discuss with Doc on Feb 20 follow up. GLTA and thanks for all the comments, as I have read this thread and being a long time TW poster, I thought I'd join in.


Injured Again

Hall of Fame
@drak Very good progress for day 10!

Don’t worry about your quads firing properly. That will take months. Even though I was playing singles tennis very early in my recovery, the full use of my quads, especially in those last 10-15 degrees before full extension, took probably five or six months to feel fairly normal. They have to cut through your quadriceps tendon to be able to flip your kneecap upside down and off to the side to get access to remove your old knee and insert your new one, so it’s really like dealing with a quadriceps rupture in addition to the knee replacement. I remember feeling it most when trying to serve. Bending my knees slightly and then trying to straighten them was very weak, but if I bent my knees slightly 90 degrees and straightened it, I had near normal strength. Just keep at the exercises and that quad activation will come.

Best of luck to all of you.


New User
@drak Very good progress for day 10!

Don’t worry about your quads firing properly. That will take months. Even though I was playing singles tennis very early in my recovery, the full use of my quads, especially in those last 10-15 degrees before full extension, took probably five or six months to feel fairly normal. They have to cut through your quadriceps tendon to be able to flip your kneecap upside down and off to the side to get access to remove your old knee and insert your new one, so it’s really like dealing with a quadriceps rupture in addition to the knee replacement. I remember feeling it most when trying to serve. Bending my knees slightly and then trying to straighten them was very weak, but if I bent my knees slightly 90 degrees and straightened it, I had near normal strength. Just keep at the exercises and that quad activation will come.

Best of luck to all of you.
Best of luck to you, I’m at 4 months post op and starting to feel nearly normal, still some pain and swelling but bearable. I think you’re doing great and the reply from injured again sums it up perfectly.
This forum helps a lot because there’s a lot of different personal experiences that we can use

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
I just wanted to add that at 12 1/2 months, my issues with my knee becoming uncomfortable when sitting for extended periods at a 90 degree angle seem to have finally resolved. On our current trip, we had a 4 1/2 hour flight, followed by a 10 hour flight. We also had two 90 minute flights, and am now waiting for a 3 1/2 hour flight. That plus all sorts of time on buses and in the back of fairly small cars and not a problem.

The last time it really bothered me was during a long road trip in November. I had to build a styrofoam pedestal so I could elevate my knee while driving.

So hang in there and know that things will continue to improve over time. I was told early on that pretty much now it is at six months would be how it finally turns out, but with continued work that is not the case.


Hall of Fame
@drak Very good progress for day 10!

Don’t worry about your quads firing properly. That will take months. Even though I was playing singles tennis very early in my recovery, the full use of my quads, especially in those last 10-15 degrees before full extension, took probably five or six months to feel fairly normal. They have to cut through your quadriceps tendon to be able to flip your kneecap upside down and off to the side to get access to remove your old knee and insert your new one, so it’s really like dealing with a quadriceps rupture in addition to the knee replacement. I remember feeling it most when trying to serve. Bending my knees slightly and then trying to straighten them was very weak, but if I bent my knees slightly 90 degrees and straightened it, I had near normal strength. Just keep at the exercises and that quad activation will come.

Best of luck to all of you.
Just to clarify quads started working again after 3 days of "vacation". Recovery process seems like a good bit of 2 steps forward/1 step back so far. Somewhat stiff/sore this morning after my most active day yesterday. One topic I have not seen addressed here - how many people had traditional quad cutting TKR VS 'QUAD SPARING or MINIMALLY INVASIVE TKR'? I had traditional.

Note that recent stats I read were Minimally Invasive about 22% and traditional near 78%.
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New User
I was in the traditional camp as well, I should definitely have been asking more questions before the surgery, but overall I think my surgeon did a good job.


Hall of Fame
I was in the traditional camp as well, I should definitely have been asking more questions before the surgery, but overall I think my surgeon did a good job.
From what I have read there is less pain and quad/thigh issues initially and it's easier to get around, at around 3 months it's about the same result. But having an easier time the first several weeks (the worst time period) would be a very nice benefit. I knew about the minimally invasive procedure but no surgeons in my area offer that, and I did not want to drive 2 1/2-3 hrs one-way to get it done and then deal with my doc and appts being that far away. We have some very good TKR surgeons here but they are "old school".

One note from morning exercises, my hamstrings and quads have been very tight, so I did some specific light stretching for them along with my PT recommended exercises, and what a positive difference that made as it felt like it loosened up the knee area a good bit! Makes sense given how interconnected all the leg muscles are, and I will now be doing them 2 or 3 times daily


Hall of Fame
Around the 6th month mark is really when I started seeing a lot of improvement and by one year it was like I never had TKR - I don't even think about my knee any longer!!!

Of course, now I'm dealing with 2 herniated disc, 2 pinched nerves, 2 slipped disc, and mild degenerative disc disease...getting old, and not keeping in shape, isn't fun!!!

If you've had TKR, hang in there...I promise, even though at times you think it won't get any better, it will. I thought the exact same thing many times throughout the early months!!!



Just to clarify quads started working again after 3 days of "vacation". Recovery process seems like a good bit of 2 steps forward/1 step back so far. Somewhat stiff/sore this morning after my most active day yesterday. One topic I have not seen addressed here - how many people had traditional quad cutting TKR VS 'QUAD SPARING or MINIMALLY INVASIVE TKR'? I had traditional.

Note that recent stats I read were Minimally Invasive about 22% and traditional near 78%.
Sorry what are the 22% and 78% is that the percentage of which type of knee replacements are performed ?


New User
I think it’s 22% minimally invasive and 78% traditional, I don’t know if it’s a global stat or US only…the end result seems to be the same and not enough long term data for minimally invasive, it will be the same for ACL removal, we won’t know if it was damaged, or didn’t work with the larger prosthesis. No doubt we’ll find out in the future, but with TKRs rising every year, it’s surprising the lack of data…
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Around the 6th month mark is really when I started seeing a lot of improvement and by one year it was like I never had TKR - I don't even think about my knee any longer!!!

Of course, now I'm dealing with 2 herniated disc, 2 pinched nerves, 2 slipped disc, and mild degenerative disc disease...getting old, and not keeping in shape, isn't fun!!!

If you've had TKR, hang in there...I promise, even though at times you think it won't get any better, it will. I thought the exact same thing many times throughout the early months!!!

I thought I had a long list of injuries. Congrats on still moving forward.


Hall of Fame
Sorry what are the 22% and 78% is that the percentage of which type of knee replacements are performed ?
Correct, 22% are minimally invasive and 78% were old school, and I believe it was a U.S. study/stat. At 3 weeks tomorrow and doing pretty good, just had a PT appt this afternoon and was pleasantly shocked my ROM was at 118! Been doing exactly what my PT has laid out for me exercise and activity wise, not pushing it nor being lazy. Can now start more extended walks and stationary biking on alternate days, really like this PT. Pain has continued to recede slowly and using lessening amounts of Tylenol/Ibuprofen combo and my handheld Laser every day, no narcotics since 2 days post op., and no ice for past several days, don't need it. Physical recovery I am happy with my progress, mentally it's more challenging being so inactive/bored, but that should gradually start changing! Good luck to everyone


New User
thank you
How have you been getting on the last couple of weeks? I seem to be one step forward, one back. Out of boredom I decided that I would re-tile a shower room which was not a great idea, took about 4 days to get over it. Still it showed me what I wasn’t capable of doing yet.


How have you been getting on the last couple of weeks? I seem to be one step forward, one back. Out of boredom I decided that I would re-tile a shower room which was not a great idea, took about 4 days to get over it. Still it showed me what I wasn’t capable of doing yet.
happy monday

i've been avoiding this thread. trying not to get depressed but i feel the tough moments.

2.5 months and just starting to "glide" with the walker. it was a nice moment to feel muscles engage and then cramp.

my therapy was modified dec/jan because i was getting high levels of pain. then i sort of dread going to bed because in the morning it is so painful. i have to slowly move to warm myself up. it was hectic last couple of weeks because we had the SoCal fires and one was really I had to be ready to go at a moments notice.

yesterday I changed sink faucets and drain. i'm a novice to household repair. the old parts were so damaged/rusted i couldn't get a hold of the nuts/bolts so I had to "dremel" it off. took a long time. about 10 hours total while taking breaks to eat, stretch, decompress, go to hardware store, watch/rewatch plumbing tutorials. i hope it is a satisfactory job. then getting up and down from the floor was as expected. end of the night(weekend) my flex ROM was less. I really suffer on busy days where I can't focus on my home therapy. But before bed I put in some time and then this morning as well. feeling a bit optimistic.

okay....bye everyone. feel better and have a good day


happy monday

i've been avoiding this thread. trying not to get depressed but i feel the tough moments.

2.5 months and just starting to "glide" with the walker. it was a nice moment to feel muscles engage and then cramp.

my therapy was modified dec/jan because i was getting high levels of pain. then i sort of dread going to bed because in the morning it is so painful. i have to slowly move to warm myself up. it was hectic last couple of weeks because we had the SoCal fires and one was really I had to be ready to go at a moments notice.

yesterday I changed sink faucets and drain. i'm a novice to household repair. the old parts were so damaged/rusted i couldn't get a hold of the nuts/bolts so I had to "dremel" it off. took a long time. about 10 hours total while taking breaks to eat, stretch, decompress, go to hardware store, watch/rewatch plumbing tutorials. i hope it is a satisfactory job. then getting up and down from the floor was as expected. end of the night(weekend) my flex ROM was less. I really suffer on busy days where I can't focus on my home therapy. But before bed I put in some time and then this morning as well. feeling a bit optimistic.

okay....bye everyone. feel better and have a good day

Sorry it’s a struggle … hope it gets easier soon.

Warning: will be multiple “f***ing“ in post that follows … The TLDR version is NEVER EVER buy a Price Pfister faucet. EVER!!! Maybe this very long DIY rant will make you laugh and forget about knee for a few minutes.

I haven’t had a knee replacement, but have recently cut out a faucet spigot where I could not get a wrench on the f***ing nut. I tried for a couple of unsatisfying hours. I then did something I rarely do with most basic plumbing DIY … I called a pro (plumber). I had decided I was about to do something that would likely do major damage to the kitchen porcelain sink … even a plumber is cheaper than replacing that sink.

Something both excellent and bad happened with plumber. After maybe 30 minutes of his best attempt under the sink (with me helping from above sink), he announces “has to be cut out from the top”. This was the conclusion I had come to … so that was the “excellent” part … my DIY skills don’t suck. The “bad” part was his method of cutting spigot out from top (wouldn’t cut right against porcelain, drilled multiple holes down from there) worked about half the time. The other half ended up in 4-5 hour job taking sink off.

I told him I would think about it and get back with him. I priced an equivalent sink at retailer, estimated a 5 hour plumber bill … and thought “f*** this Price Pfister crap engineered tiny nut faucet … war is on ... I’m cutting you out. btw … plumber said never buy Price Pfister faucet … now he tells me. The added pain is Price Pfister sent me the complete replacement (faucet handle, spigot, sprayer, soap dispenser), and yes … replaced that crap Price Pfister with Price Pfister (yes, I did verify the replacement had large nuts :p ).

I have a cheap Ryobi reciprocating saw … and had a small gap between spigot collar and porcelain. The gap was achieved with my 2 hour attempt under the sink. I’m mad at this point … there will be no cutting and drilling, just cutting. I put painters tape on porcelain around collar, and then slid very thin aluminum sheet in around collar above the painters tape. Safety glasses on … game on biaaatch!!! The aluminum sheet bent and shot out in a few seconds. Painters tape gone in a few minutes. Really mad now … cutting now a go without protection. I went at it for a couple of hours … making progress, blade getting hot, take a break ... rinse and repeat. I got 3/4 through and wasn’t making much progress. I grabbed the plumbers business card, slid it under side still not cut, and gave a violent tug on the spigot. The most beautiful thing happened. … the thread stem snapped, followed by the sound of that that f***ing nut hitting the bottom of the cabinet under the sink. The rest went smoothly … ended with slight porcelain damage behind spigot (tip of blade created small divot) … I call this a win. I bought a small tube of porcelain repair but haven’t bothered yet … behind spigot and you don’t notice it.

I have kept that spigot and nut in the garage ... I might mount it above the work table. :cool:
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Hall of Fame
Four weeks tomorrow, gradually getting better and adding to workout load, PT says I can start stepping it up after 4 weeks. Best news I had was ROM at 118 (was pleasantly shocked) last week Tuesday so basically 3 weeks after operation. Pain getting less and less. So far pleased by recovery and if this keeps up will go ahead with my other knee replacement on Mar 12.


New User
Great progress, it took me a few months to get to that level of flexion. After 4 months got to 130/35 and hopefully will stay there. Still having good and bad days in terms of stiffness and pain. I’m going to referee some matches on Saturday, but although it’s good to catch up with some tennis friends, I’m not sure if I’ll get back to playing or not. I can’t imagine being on a court at the moment, but maybe some day….
Hang in there djNEiGht you have been having a rough time, but if you read through the posts, everyone has had a good outcome eventually and I’m sure we’ll all get there in our own time.


Hall of Fame
Great progress, it took me a few months to get to that level of flexion. After 4 months got to 130/35 and hopefully will stay there. Still having good and bad days in terms of stiffness and pain. I’m going to referee some matches on Saturday, but although it’s good to catch up with some tennis friends, I’m not sure if I’ll get back to playing or not. I can’t imagine being on a court at the moment, but maybe some day….
Hang in there djNEiGht you have been having a rough time, but if you read through the posts, everyone has had a good outcome eventually and I’m sure we’ll all get there in our own time.
Surprised about no tennis (not even an easy half crosscourt hit?) in sight yet after 4 months, but you are right and everyone progresses at their own speed. I still have modest stiffness (not too bad) and more of an achiness at times than pain. Just trying to progress modestly and smartly with no setbacks.


New User
You’re probably right I should go and try a cross court hit, I think I’ll give it a try soon, my hitting partner is getting a minor back surgery very soon so I think we’ll get together. Getting old is totally unacceptable and we need to fight it all the way


Hall of Fame
You’re probably right I should go and try a cross court hit, I think I’ll give it a try soon, my hitting partner is getting a minor back surgery very soon so I think we’ll get together. Getting old is totally unacceptable and we need to fight it all the way
LOL so true about age! My PT said yesterday I could hit the ball machine at 8-10 weeks assuming no set backs. I said likely not since second knee gets done March 12 which is 9 weeks after first knee


@ByeByePoly what a plumbing adventure that seemed like. And thank you for the encouraging words.

More home improvement stuff...I got x5 garage storage racks from a neighbor that moved out. I have the floor plans laid out in my head and seems like I'll be able to clear my work bench top and get to use it as intended. should help with organization and clear up some space. Also hope to get rid of stuff I've been hording Then maybe I'll move my stringer to the garage...but I do have a man cave/office in an extra will see about moving my stringer.
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Great progress, it took me a few months to get to that level of flexion. After 4 months got to 130/35 and hopefully will stay there. Still having good and bad days in terms of stiffness and pain. I’m going to referee some matches on Saturday, but although it’s good to catch up with some tennis friends, I’m not sure if I’ll get back to playing or not. I can’t imagine being on a court at the moment, but maybe some day….
Hang in there djNEiGht you have been having a rough time, but if you read through the posts, everyone has had a good outcome eventually and I’m sure we’ll all get there in our own time.
I hit 108 last night and noticed my pedal revolution was further along than before. I hope to be able to do a revolution soon and when I do I'll set up my bike on the trainer at home.


New User
I hit 108 last night and noticed my pedal revolution was further along than before. I hope to be able to do a revolution soon and when I do I'll set up my bike on the trainer at home.
That’s great news , keep moving on , the bike has been good for me. I’ve got a static bike at home and I don’t get any pain from using it, I actually get to relax and think about something other than my knee. I hope it does the same for you.