Translation of the Coria interview


Coria chat on ESPN translatio Hello. We are in contact with Guillermo Coria in Indian Wells...
Guillermo Coria: Good afternoon to all of you, it’s a pleasure to be with you this afternoon... it’s very hot here! The place is incredible, with a view to the mountains very pretty.

Ricardo (Bogota, Colombia): Why we feel that the Guillermo Coria of now is not same of last year at this time of the season? Still feel the constant injuries of last year?
GC: Hello Ricardo. No, the injuries are something from the past, but the circuit is so hard that it is very difficult not to have one through the season. It happens to all the players.

Adrian (Bs As, Arg): How do you see the Davis Cup match against Australia?
GC: Hello Adrián. Still a long time, but what I lived in Buenos Aires in the Davis was incredible and I would love to repeat the experience.

Alejandro (Lima, Peru): Hello Guillermo, a greeting from Peru. How do you see the draw in Indian Wells? There is a possibility that you play against Hewitt in quarters. How do you see it?
GC: Hello Alejandro. First I must pass the first round which is difficult in every tournament. I have a hard draw, but it is necessary to think about the debut and not in what will happen next.

Daniel (La Plata, Bs As): Guille, my problem playing is that I loose concentration very easily. Which advice can you give me so that this does not happen?
GC: Hello Daniel. It depends on how seriously you take tennis. But what I recommend is to concentrate on each point, to think before it, and try to find your rival's weakness.

Andy (Santiago, Chile): Guillermo, a pleasure to be able to communicate with you. I think that you are a great player. My question is: do you think that what happened at the Roland Garros 2004 final can influence in your career, in a way that it can come back to your mind in another GS or TMS final making that happen again?
GC: Hello Andy. Hopefully I can play another final of those! But I am working very hard to be able to win a Grand Slam, and the day that I play another final I’ll be able to know if it affected me a lot or not…

Gabriela (Salta, Argentina): Hello Guille: I want to congratulate you for the triumph in the Davis Cup and I want to ask you how do you feel for the TMS tournaments in which you did very well last year.
GC: Thanks, Gabriela. I am very well, with a lot confidence. The Davis was very good for this, but I feel that I need to play more matches to gain the rhythm I had last year...

Diego Fernandez (Madrid, Spain): Hello Guillermo, what do you think of the new “Armada” that has been formed in Argentina, apparently it is surpassing the famous Spanish Armada, no?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Diego. The results we are having are very good, and that makes us very happy. But the Spaniards are very good too. Now we have to try to have good results on hard courts. In addition, these results make us very happy for the people in Argentina, so that they can forget a little bit their daily problems...

Agustin Alvarez (Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Arg): Hello magician, I want to ask you what racket are you using?
GC: Hello Agustín. I am using an O3, Prince, a new generation racquet that I think it’s not on the market yet.

Reinaldo, (Caracas): Hello Guillermo. Is the O3 you are using similar to the prince NXG graphite?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Reinaldo. That's the one I used before, and is a little different, if not I wouldn’t have changed it. I believe it benefited my game.

Andrea (Florida, USA): Of all the Argentineans, who do you think has more possibilities to be number 1?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Andrea. I think Nalbandián. He is a very complete player, good in all surfaces, he beat Federer several times. I believe that he is the great candidate.

Alexander (Mendoza, Argentina): Hello Guille, we all have the great illusion that you’ll win Roland Garros this year, as I think you are the best on that surface, but I also have seen that you have improved on hard courts. Do you think that you will be able to have a good year at the U.S. Open?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Alexander. Hopefully! I am working very strong on hard surfaces, in order to try to obtain good results there. I hope they come.

Karina (Buenos Aires): To what you attribute that Argentina has so many good players and others Latin American countries don’t?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Karina. I think there’s a group of very good players, with many desires to win, and their successes stimulate the others. The Argentineans are very persevering, we don’t like to lose to anything and that is fundamental.

Esteban (BsAs, Arg): Hello Guille. I wanted to know if you think some day you can have great results in Wimbledon.
Guillermo Coria: Thanks Esteban. I would love to play well on grass. Last year I could reach an ATP final, and in Wimbledon I had a shoulder problem and couldn’t give everything I had, but also it is true that it is a difficult surface for me.

Pato (Buenos Aires): Great Guille! What is the best thing Federer has in your opinion? And Safin?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Pato. Federer has everything! His shots are very good, he improved his backhand which was one of weakest, so now it is more than difficult to be able to beat him. With respect to Marat, when his head is ok it’s almost impossible to beat him. He is very complete, and demonstrated it in Australia...

Florencia and Sol (Bs As, Argentina): Hello Magician! We want to wish to you good luck in this season and of course in everything else. We also want to ask to you which is the GS that you would like to win besides Roland Garros and why?
Guillermo Coria: Hello girls! I believe that after Roland Garros my greater illusion is to win Wimbledon, not being my best surface, it would demonstrate that I can be a complete player.

Rodrigo (Trelew, Arg): This year are you going to prepare equally for all GS or are you going to give a priority to Roland Garros?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Rodrigo. We give priority to all GS, it’s where the players want to arrive better prepared. There’s no difference in the preparation of each Grand Slam, at least for me.

Katherine (Houston, Texas): Hello Guillermo, I’m a great admirer of you I wanted to know why did you decide to play Marseilles instead of Buenos Aires?
Guillermo Coria: Hello Katherine. The problem is that I had a contract to play there for two years, and when they changed the dates in Buenos Aires I couldn’t do anything to change it. Nevertheless, it is good fo me to continue improving in this surface.

Raul (Hamilton,Canada): Hello Guillermo we are fans and we always follow you, a pleasure to be able to chat with you. How many grass tournaments are you going to play this year? How’s your serve? In Buenos Aires it was very good.
Guillermo Coria: Hello Raul. I am going to play Wimbledon and the previous tournament in order to prepare for the Davis if I am in the team. And I hope to be able to serve as I did in Buenos Aires!


Thanks BERD14! Hope you didn't take offense to the 'mexican' comments. I was making fun of that knucklehead frodo.

Frodo Baggins

Norcal & BERDI4 Thats an personal attack on me (Don't do that again)... You Knuckleheads!!!(Make that BUTTHEADS).. hee hee I strike again..


I have nothing against Frodo or anything, but it is always like that. If you live in NY and and are from Chile, it doesn't matter, you'd be called Mexican! If your Argentinian and live in Florida, you'd be called Cuban! If your Japanese or Thai, your Chinese.

Overall, thanks for translating BERD. I don't know why everyone hates Coria. He's one of my favorite players and seems like a nice guy too. Hope he wins RG this year.

Baseline Basher

Coria is so nice and cordial. He greets everyone. How nice.