Transportation to Tournaments

I'm new to the whole USTA tournament thing, and I was wondering how the parents of junior players are able to take their child to tournaments that are week-long tournaments. I want to play open tournaments, but a majority of them are week long tournaments, meaning my parents will have to take off work to take me. How to the parents of top ranked juniors in a section manage to continue to drive them all over to play in week long tournaments, and what are some ideas I can use to be able to get a ride to a tournament, such as car-pooling with a buddy.
Welcome to the world of junior tennis. How are parents able to take their kids to week long tournaments? Money. They can afford to take off from work, or one of them might not even work at all.

You answered your own question about getting to the tournaments. Get rides with your buddies that go to the same tournaments.
A note- I can't believe it's right at the cost breaking point now- drive or fly.

Make a lot of pals in the cities in your section, exchange staying over with the closest ones.

Play more in your section- it is very tough nationally to tag along (back and forth sharing rides and parents/chaparone) because at that point guys are pretty high strung and it's tough to hang out for an entire day waiting on someone else's matches- unless you are related.

You are talking about some pretty "deep water" unless you are like top 10 in your section, (or like 30 in a huge section- you can figure it out- are you seeded or not?) It isn't worth chasing some points and getting blanked.

Plan and shoot for just a couple big tournaments where you will know some players- Where the city is interesting so you have something else going on so you don't stress completely out- part tennis, part vacation.
Shoot to improve your Section ranking endorsements, so you play Intersectionals or Zonals where your section will come up with a coach- If you don't know about your secton endorsements, read the book- Find a good guy who you see IS on the list, and he can fill you in, as well.
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