TRU PRO (formerly Tier One Sports) - Black Knight vs. Tour Status


Hall of Fame
To be honest, I am not sure if replacing BK with FW per se would make a big difference with regard to arm-friendliness (where you already experience arm pain). If you want to stay with full poly, I would first try to play the thinnest possible gauge (for example GW19g in the crosses and BK 18g in the mains, or a full set of GW 19g before moving to a multifilament string) and make sure not to play longer than 10-12 hours before replacing the string. Our belief is that many players play their poly strings too thick and consequently play it to the point where the string becomes "dead" material. Playing with ANY poly longer than 10-12 hours will increase arm harshness significantly!

Could not agree more with this. I track my time on strings pretty judiciously (notes app) and always restring poly around 8-10 hours depending on the string. Tension loss is less an issue than the poly going dead and putting a lot of strain on the arm.


Just did about 8 hours full bed of BK in my Blade 98 v8 (16/19) and it's been great. A nice solid thud feel and good power. Definitely lasts longer than my usual Cyclone Tour.
How many hours do you get out of Cyclone Tour, and what gauge?


Hall of Fame
How many hours do you get out of Cyclone Tour, and what gauge?
I tend to get a good 4-6 hours out of cyclone tour 1.20. It doesn’t break, but it does start to lose control and get very springy. Cyclone tour for the first 4 hours is really great. But BK could fast become my go to string.


Hall of Fame
Tour Status drops off in tension sooner than BK. BK is more muted and TS has a bit more power. Been playing with BK exclusively for a couple of years and just switched to TS in the last 6mths. More mph off the ground and serving with more movement on the ball. Much heavier ball.

Wilson Blade Pro 16x19 H22
BK 1.25. 47lbs
TS 1.25. 47lbs
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Hall of Fame
Both strings are great for tension maintenance. BK is more muted and TS has more pop. TS is actually easier on the arm in my frames. Been playing with BK exclusively for a couple of years and just switched to TS in the last 6mths. More mph off the ground and serving with more movement on the ball. Much heavier ball.

Wilson Blade Pro 16x19 H22
BK 1.25. 47lbs
TS 1.25. 49lbs
I’ve really enjoyed BK/GW combo. Lot of good pop and easy on the arm.