TRU PRO (formerly Tier One Sports) tennis strings?


Bionic Poster
I think Goran and the Philipper would respectfully disagree with you there, Prestige Mids have been bombing aces for decades. I consistently serve my best with the 360+, if I had to serve for my life that’s what’s coming out of the bag.
Which poly is more powerful ? Black knight or Firewire ?
Yeah, I have it strung in a full bed now, but have only used it a few times. It’s awesome, but if I start feeling it in my arm I’ll want to hybrid it with something.
Have you tried Black Knight in full bed? Is it just a softening of the string bed for arm health you are looking for?
Yeah, I have it strung in a full bed now, but have only used it a few times. It’s awesome, but if I start feeling it in my arm I’ll want to hybrid it with something.


Yeah, I have it strung in a full bed now, but have only used it a few times. It’s awesome, but if I start feeling it in my arm I’ll want to hybrid it with something.

As far as softer polys go, you could try T1 Ghostwire 1.22, Isospeed Cream 1.23, or Yonex Poly Tour Air. All softer than Black Knight and listed in descending order - most stiff to least.


Whats a good cross for Black Knight in the mains? Pref non-poly or a soft, soft poly for my arm health.
If you want to stick with poly:
- From Tier One, Ghost Wire for sure. Use the closest gauge to your BK mains, or move down one width if you need even more forgiveness. GW 19 (1.10) is as soft as many multis.
- Softer still (per gauge) would be IsoSpeed Cream; 16L (1.28) has similar softness to GW 17 (1.22) and Cream 17 (1.23) has similar softness to to GW 18 (1.17).
- Softest of all would be Yonex Poly Tour Air (aka YPTA), but its tension maintenance is not as good as Cream, and not nearly as good as Ghost Wire, which is the best of the three.

If you'd be open to looking outside poly, for a bit more added power I'd look at slick syn guts like Gosen AK Pro CX or AK Control, or for more control a monofilament nylon like Diadem Evolution. Pure multi's will be a bit less durable, but they're fair game, too. Prince Premier Control and Head Velocity are both on the more controlled end.


Hall of Fame
Nice review of Firewire Boost hybrid on Tennis Spin today.
The first time I tried it, I did not like it because it felt too "plasticky". But after sitting in my backup racquet for a couple of months, I went back to playing with it and now I like it!
Does anyone have experience w/this line of strings, From what I can tell their strings are available only through direct sales via the web site.
Great customer service. Great strings at great prices. Black Knight is their most hyped one. I have a set of it. It will be the next Tier One string I'll play with. I've played with the Ghost Wire. Very descent string for practice sessions. Heard it works great as a hybrid for the crosses too.
Great customer service. Great strings at great prices. Black Knight is their most hyped one. I have a set of it. It will be the next Tier One string I'll play with. I've played with the Ghost Wire. Very descent string for practice sessions. Heard it works great as a hybrid for the crosses too.
I've since used Ghost Wire as a cross, worked great for about six weeks then they died, I've also tried Firewire (though not together) they didn't last long either. The only criticism I have of Tier One, their strings die on the vine too soon for me.
@recreationalplayer - What racquets, what gauge of each, what tension of each, what's the skill level of competition and how many hours are you getting per string job?
Yonex Ezone 105, all strings 17g at 44 lbs. 3.5/4.0, 8-10 hrs per week, doubles only. I have two rackets strung exactly alike and rotate racquets each time I play. Recently went back to all gut, VS 17g. Upfront gut is more expensive but doesn't require constant restringing and it never goes dead. Even at 65yrs old there is never a hint of shoulder or elbow issues. I'm a little long in the tooth to be concerned about fancy hybrid setups and have restringing done every 5 - 6 weeks.


Thanks for the info. With the amount you play (4-5 hours per week per frame, 16-20 hours per month per frame), even polys with the highest tension maintenance (Ghostwire being one of them) are only going to give you around a month of truly playable life, maybe 2 months in a poly/non-poly hybrid, so the fact that you were bagging out Ghostwire crosses at 5-6 weeks is not really a surprise. Combine that with your want to keep it simple and string less often, plus your success with non-polys like natural gut, and I would say poly as a whole is more so the mismatch here, less so Ghostwire itself. It's great to know that full-bed natural gut works as a solution for you, and sometimes you just can't beat old-school -- certainly nothing wrong with that!

Just curious, how many months/weeks are you able to get out of a full bed of NG before you need to restring?


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Has anyone here tried Triumph mains crossed with Black Knight? Given my longstanding battle with golfer's elbow, I'm always looking for a hybrid alternative that I like (nearly) as much as full bed of BK. I'm also stringing my own rackets so durability isn't as big of a determining factor as long as I get at least 5-6 hours out of a set up. I've previously tried BK mains / GW crosses before and ultimately preferred a full bed of BK. I've also tried Cream and YPTA as crosses too but didn't like it nearly as much either as full bed BK.