Tsitsipas apologises for being rude to ballkid


Talk Tennis Guru
i have a problem with hypocrisy!

many times, you and/or others defend BS moves from players like Medvedev, Rosol, etc acting like jerks, but cry a river over this near non-incident by Tpas!

the ball girl herself was laughing, and he apologized!

stop being a hypocrite!
Hahahaha Wish I met Rosol so I can tell him just like I did to Robin. What a complete moron.
Sometimes it's exhausting posting with so many perfect people that have never had a single bad moment in their entire life.

Yes, it was bad behavior. He had a temper tantrum, he couldn't get the racket out of the plastic handed one end of the plastic to the ballgirl and then ripped the racket out of the plastic. He didn't hit the girl, it wasn't even CLOSE to hitting her. She was holding one end of the plastic, he couldn't have hit her. Worst case scenario is that he could have pulled the plastic out of her hand and if there was a label on the bag, she might have received a tiny paper-cut.

He needs to get those emotions under control. The plastic bag was not his enemy.

This is not worthy of water-boarding. Chill pills all around, please.
It's true that almost everyone has moments that they regret. I hurt some people with my actions and words for sure and it's always the worst to see the result of your lashing out. However, Tsitsipas in this instance decided to vent his frustration on someone who he knew couldn't respond to him. To me, that says something about a person beyond them just having a bad moment.

It's good that he apologized and to be clear, I don't think his behavior deserved any severe repercussions.
she was laughing!

he apologized!

Djokovic did far worse when he literally scared a ball-boy to near tears by yelling.
Yes she did grin a little, maybe the ballgirl should offer an apology for trying to take his racquet out of his hand instead of just the bag...

Deleted member 733170

There should be a special trial for tennis players at Nuremberg and when are they found guilty they should be hung by piano wire.


This.What did he do on Instagram? Can't find anything.

Obviously taunting Stefanos with that caption.

Matthew Willis Retweeted Galadriel
Such a ****-stirrer

Matthew Willis added,
Galadriel @scaredycat23
Replying to @MattRacquet



the person who needs to decide if an apology is sincere and adequate penitence is the ball girl. Not any of us. Let her decide how offended/ shocked or wounded to be, and what it will take to be made whole again..


No Djokovic fan should mention anything about taxes!

tax evasion isn't a subject you want sussed out!

trust me...
Youre saying djokovic dodged paying taxes?
Trust me, being greek these days is about as popular as being german in 1946


Is that the extent of the apology, tweeting it to someone else? Or am I missing part of it (like, an actual apology)?


Hall of Fame

Granted, I did not know that Medvedev had legitimate beef with Tsitsipas on social media.

Neither have portrayed themselves as angels in recent times and it sounds there's jealousy between these two but someone has to be the bigger man and bury the hatchet.


He´s an idiot anyway. What´s the problem with the kids nowadays? Where´s this arrogance coming from? Doesn´t matter if we´re talking about Tsitsipas, Zverev, Kyrgios or the other bloody wimps? Sure, a trillion of other tennis players needed time to grow up as well but somehow I feel some of the new gen kids are real idiots.


Hall of Fame
They both clearly dislike each other a lot. Hence the handshake. It's no surprise really.
The issue here is that Medvedev was actually quite sportsmanlike in that instance. Steph just shrugged that handshake away in WTA style , giving an impression of a sore loser. May be we'll get a clear idea about them when the other guy loses. Can't wait for their next meeting. ;)


Hall of Fame
The attitude of many top pros towards ballboys and ballgirls reminds me of the infamous Milgram experiment.

Using ballkids as slaves is something which must be stamped out from the game.

Fortunately, the ATP appear to be taking measures to stop this worrying tradition.


Hall of Fame
Not talking about the player the subject of this thread, but generally any player who is rude or condescending or disrespectful to a ball kid, that it.

If a player ever crosses that line with a ball child, they are in the bin.

They have to remember, no matter how the match is going, they have to set a good example for younger people, not to spill their frustration on a child, not show a sour face or use a snappish tone, to always thank the child for their help.


Bionic Poster
Obviously he shouldn’t have done it, but it was the heat of the moment in a match against a guy that frustrates him personally. Many other players have done worse and not apologized.
His apology was lame, face it. A true apology would have been, "I am sorry I acted like a fool with that young ball girl. In the heat of the moment, I forgot my common sense and my manners. There's no excuse for this and I have personally apologized to her."

His apology was just total BS and insincere. He didn't reach out to the kid at all.


Hall of Fame
His apology was lame, face it. A true apology would have been, "I am sorry I acted like a fool with that young ball girl. In the heat of the moment, I forgot my common sense and my manners. There's no excuse for this and I have personally apologized to her."

His apology was just total BS and insincere. He didn't reach out to the kid at all.
His apology could have been better I guess, but I don’t see this incident as a huge deal. You’re acting like he scarred the ball girl for life or something. He just jerked his racquet out of the bag in the heat of the moment. The girl didn’t even really seem to care.


Bionic Poster
His apology could have been better I guess, but I don’t see this incident as a huge deal. You’re acting like he scarred the ball girl for life or something. He just jerked his racquet out of the bag in the heat of the moment. The girl didn’t even really seem to care.
I don't think it's a huge deal either and couldn't really care less what he does. I'm merely pointing out the obvious: his apology was insincere and inept. A sincere apology is exactly that: sincere.


Hall of Fame
Pro's should recycle bags in locker room, not fidget with them on court where they need help fighting their way out of a plastic bag. All that training, well at leeast they can tie their own shoes.

Gary Duane

Talk Tennis Guru
After that he should be made to sign the Ballkids Offenders Register (along with Djokovic, Mannarino and Verdasco). ;)
I can see some nasty nicknames coming too. **********, Sissybrat, not to mention "Sissypast" if his career falters and he is Finish. :)

I think in general people are awful hard on these still young kids, but on the other hand I have met quite a few young guys who really are grown up and wise beyond their years, so at least they have the right to roast him for being immature. However, doesn't it rather highlight how polite guys like Nadal and Murray were as kids? I don't recall Murray ever being really hard on anyone else but himself, which is another thing that makes me like him. I tend to be the same way, and I have a real dark streak. ;)
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You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill. Yes the behavior was not acceptable and should not be repeated but what do you want to do? Ban him for life?

Now if he repeats this type of behavior he needs to be reprimanded for his actions but he has already apologized and I doubt will do this again.


Doesn't seem like much of an issue. His frustrated behaviour was barely directed to the ballgirl. In contrast, the ballboy who was mistreated by Djokovic was last heard to still be in a mental asylum.


I can't seem to find a link for the incident. Previous link provided is broken. Can someone share the video again please?


Why did he need the ballgirl to take the plastic off his racket?
Is he not capable of doing it himself?

It was premeditated that he was going to react like that.
He’s 20 years old....he’s a man....no excuse
That's one of the things that ballboys and -girls do. It has always been a thing. You would know that if you watched tennis more often.
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Hopefully Tsitsipas will use this lesson to get better control of himself. He's a good kid really.

But tbh I kinda like his beef with Med. It's entertaining.

smash hit

An apology is better than no apology. Djokovic does the same, he exhibits unacceptable behaviour and then says he will apologize if he has done anything wrong. He makes a public apology for us all to see and then he does it again and again. An apology does not wipe the slate clean.


An apology is better than no apology. Djokovic does the same, he exhibits unacceptable behaviour and then says he will apologize if he has done anything wrong. He makes a public apology for us all to see and then he does it again and again. An apology does not wipe the slate clean.
"if I've done anything wrong" is the classic non apology.

The big difference between Joe and Tsits is that Joe is 31 and not 20. If Tsitsipas continues behaving like this then his apologies won't mean spit either.


Bionic Poster
It looks bad at first but obviously Tsitsipas just want to get on with the match but for some reason the ballkid holds on to the racquet and not only the plastic cover. When I watch it more closely it seems to me that the ball girl at first grabs the plastic cover and then takes a hold of the racquet deliberately. Maybe she was just messing with him and hence the smile on her face?
These ball kids sometimes just have it coming