milk of amnesia
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Welcome to the Talk Tennis Book Club Starting September 1st.
We will be reading The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares. This novella, approximately 105 pages long, will not require a long commitment so if you’ve always wanted to take part in a book discussion but hadn’t had the time, please consider joining us now.
To whet your appetite, a description of the book from goodreads follows:
“Jorge Luis Borges declared The Invention of Morel a masterpiece of plotting, comparable to The Turn of The Screw and Journey to the Center of the Earth. Set on a mysterious island, Bioy’s novella is a story of suspense and exploration, as well as a wonderfully unlikely romance, in which every detail is at once crystal clear and deeply mysterious.
“Inspired by Bioy Casares’s fascination with the movie star Louise Brooks, The Invention of Morel has gone on to live a secret life of its own. Greatly admired by Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez, and Octavio Paz, the novella helped to usher in Latin American fiction’s now famous postwar boom. As the model for Alain Resnais and Alain Robbe-Grillet’s Last Year at Marienbad, it also changed the history of film. “
Adolfo Bioy Casares (b.1914, d.1999) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and lived there for most of his life. Bioy Casares was the recipient of the 1990 Miguel de Cervantes Prize which honors the lifetime achievement of a Spanish-language writer. Other winners include Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, and Jorge Luis Borges. The Invention of Morel is regarded as Bioy Casares’ most notable work.
Just a few Book Club rules:
1. The Book Club will probably be more successful if we start at the same time. If you get your book early, please wait until the start date before engaging in detailed discussions of the text.
2. BE NICE. This is an opportunity for a group of people to read and discuss an interesting book. Snide remarks, condescension, or otherwise rude behavior have no place here.
3. Cite the chapter or pages you are referring to BEFORE making your comments. This allows everyone to more easily identify what you are discussing and also serves as a “spoiler warning” for those who are not as far along in the book.
Chapters 4 & 5
Blah, bla, bla Blah, Blah I am discussing chapters 4 and 5 in this post, blab bla, Blah,..whatever..etc…bla blah and so on…blah…
Thanks very much to @bogdan101 for suggesting this intriguing book. I hope everyone enjoys reading and discussing The Invention of Morel.
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