milk of amnesia
On page 90 now and just a few more pages to go. I am wondering if anyone has seen the Star Trek the Next Generation episode The Inner Light. It reminds me of this book in that a population of people wanted to be remembered after they ceased to exist. Basically the same theme as TIoM in that the need for others to know one existed seems paramount. Honestly, I have no need for anyone to know that I existed once I'm dead. For one thing, if death is basically "lights out," and there is no consciousness, then what difference would it make since I wouldn't exist to notice? On the other hand, if there is a soul and we do go on to other things once we've died, then I will have moved on to another life and be occupied with that so I don't see that I would need people in my former life to remember me. What does everyone think? Is it important to be remembered after death?