Man, you've got serious problems... I'll leave that to a professional...You would be a fool to applaud bad technique, and luck.
Basically, that is what you are doing.
Poor technique, he should have caught his edges, crashed hard, and released from his bindings.
Like a luck mishit in tennis, that is not something to be proud of.
You keep on going about the technique... Understandable, since you can not answer the simple question I've asked several times.
I already politely declined the tech discussion. The kid has pro coaches and semi-pro dad, we are aware of what the shortomings are. You didn't even pick his biggest technical problem. Some of the stuff you said is correct, some is misdiagnosed. Which is ok - you can not tell from a single pic, although you would like to be able to, so you can boost your ego. Even that is kind of ok, but to wish onto a kid to have, or should have had, a hard fall, is just sick :shock:
It's probably hard to understand the concept that you teach the kids the best by encouragement and praising - you wouldn't know of course, as I doubted that you had any of your own, or are qualified to work with them.
Certainly that I'm going to be proud when I see the kid doing something that very few, or no peers can do... Show me another one and I'll praise that kid too.