TW Blog: Meet the Playtesters

TW Staff

You've read their reviews and watched them play on video, and now, get to know the TW playtesters on a more personal level.

I will post a new blog each week featuring an interview and video of a member from the Tennis Warehouse playtest team.

We'll start it off this week with Jason.

And if you have questions for them regarding equipment, post it here.


Brittany, TW


Hall of Fame
You've read their reviews and watched them play on video, and now, get to know the TW playtesters on a more personal level.

I will post a new blog each week featuring an interview and video of a member from the Tennis Warehouse playtest team.

We'll start it off this week with Jason.

And if you have questions for them regarding equipment, post it here.


Brittany, TW

Interesting interview.


When I read reviews about rackets.. I always look to see if Jason is included in the review..we are about the same level and playing style..he's a funny guy too!

question for jason.. what customization to you do to your London's?


Great job guys.

Jason, I would have loved to have seen you hit your BB London. In the future, can we get footage of you guys hitting with your current racquets?

TW Staff

When I read reviews about rackets.. I always look to see if Jason is included in the review..we are about the same level and playing style..he's a funny guy too!

question for jason.. what customization to you do to your London's?

Thanks! So you're a 5.5 level player too? Ha, I kid.

I wanted to up the overall weight of the London without changing the swingweight and balance too much. So I added lead at 3 and 9 o'clock and then counter balanced it by adding lead at where the handle meets the frame. Got it up to 11.6 ounces, 315 swingweight, 6 points head light.

Jason, TW


Thanks! So you're a 5.5 level player too? Ha, I kid.

I wanted to up the overall weight of the London without changing the swingweight and balance too much. So I added lead at 3 and 9 o'clock and then counter balanced it by adding lead at where the handle meets the frame. Got it up to 11.6 ounces, 315 swingweight, 6 points head light.

Jason, TW

thanks for the info Jason...yes i am 5.5 level player too but only in a world where I have lost 50 pounds and grown to be 6'-2".....hahaha...

TW Staff

Hey Tiffani "Payback's a *****" Ayers,

Is that Solinco BarbWire I see in that Rebound pro?


Yep. I was finishing up the playtest when we shot that part of the video. I generally don't string with a full bed of poly and thought the first couple of hits with a full bed of the BarbWire in the Rebound Pro, it felt stiff and too low powered (strung at mid).

Sandiegoman, I don't play too many USTA events these days but when I play local non-sanctioned tournaments, I play A's. If I had to guess, 3.5 to 4.0.

Tiffani, TW
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I see that troy has switched to the radical and also to volvk cyclone. I have heard from some that cyclone looses tension really fast.

What do you think troy?


I see that troy has switched to the radical and also to volvk cyclone. I have heard from some that cyclone looses tension really fast.

What do you think troy?

That was never the case when I played with Cyclone for about a year. At least f what I could tell. Always held on for awhile. Very good string.

TW Staff

I'm not cruel, I just like helping folks reach their personal fitness goals!

Okay, I am cruel, but don't tell anyone.

Chris, TW

TW Staff

As a victim of Chris' drop shot-lob combos, I can hear his chuckle ringing in my ears even now.




Is there anyone working at TW (perhaps the CEO or one of the stringers or customer service reps) who can beat the best of the racquet review team in a tennis match?

TW Staff


Is there anyone working at TW (perhaps the CEO or one of the stringers or customer service reps) who can beat the best of the racquet review team in a tennis match?

For the most part, all the best tennis players at Tennis Warehouse are on the playtest team.

TW Staff

did Thanksgiving delay this by 1 week? I was really waiting but glad it's here finally also :)


Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we did delay this blog by one week. But don't worry, we will continue the blogs every Tuesday for the next few months until we get through all the playtesters!

Brittany, TW


Talk Tennis Guru
Chris vs Mark must be a good match pitting a guy that likes to run the other guy around vs someone that likes to use his fitness to wear the other player down. BTW, I'm like Mark in that I like to use fitness as an advantage, especially on those hot and humid days.