TW Site : Why List Balance Point as Head Light/Heavy and Not cm or inches?

Steve F.

Hi guys -

Now that you have TW University up and running with a ton of great tools, the way TW has traditionally listed balance points on your description pages is a real head scratcher.

Just one example:
Racquet customization tool asks for input in inches or cm -- not points head light or heavy.

Listing the balance point on your specs pages in cm or inches will ease a lot of headaches.... and prevent TW customers from surfing to your competitors' websites who DO list balance points in inches and cm.

Not suggesting that you take away the 12 point head light, etc info - just that you add the basic info in cm/inches so we can use the tools you've come up with.

Either that, or plug in a Balance Point Conversion Calculator in TWU - we plug in the Balance Point in points head light, hit a button, and it comes out in cm/inches - ready for use in Racquet customization Tool.

Thanks for considering!


Hall of Fame
Good idea for the balance point conversion, though I get confused when a site lists the balance point and then a length in cm; I now think of TW as setting the standard in terms of X points HL or HH.


This is an excellent idea. There's no reason TW can't provide fully translated specs if a spec can be measured in more than one common way (i.e HL points and cm). Similar to the way they do ounces and grams for static weight. Providing that service would behoove such a great and storied franchise that bills itself (rightfully so) as the #1 tennis store in the world!


I understand what head light and head heavy are. The CM number doesnt tell me or 100% of tennis noobs anything.

TW Staff

Unfortunately there's no easy way to update existing racquet specs. Adding the cm measurement going forward should not be an issue.

Chris, TW.


Unfortunately there's no easy way to update existing racquet specs. Adding the cm measurement going forward should not be an issue.

Chris, TW.

Think people would be happy if you merely added a balance point conversion utility to the appropriate places on your website

ie; person enters one of these ...pts hh/hl, balance pt in inches, balance pt in cm, inches hl/hh, and the utility spits out the other numbers. i think converting one number to another manually is confusing for a lot of folk.


Hall of Fame
Think people would be happy if you merely added a balance point conversion utility to the appropriate places on your website

ie; person enters one of these ...pts hh/hl, balance pt in inches, balance pt in cm, inches hl/hh, and the utility spits out the other numbers. i think converting one number to another manually is confusing for a lot of folk.

Fabulous idea!


I think a tool would be cool too. Not so much adding cm on the spec page.

Although most rackets I look at are between 7 and 10points head light. Thankfully as they are all 27in I can do the mental maths for them all.

One thing to note - does TW measure and balance the rackets themselves strung or do they use manufacturer figures? I know the other figures are measured by TW so it makes sense that balance would be too. That way WE Know the balance of the racket as sold.


Hall of Fame
on second thought I like the balance in points HL or HH; add a conversion tool if you want, but don't mess with something that is fine

Steve F.

Still hoping....

Unfortunately there's no easy way to update existing racquet specs. Adding the cm measurement going forward should not be an issue.

Chris, TW.

Still hoping to see this turn up with new racquet listings. Tough to use the great tools in TWU without breaking out the calculator, or checking competitor's sites.

Thanks for considering! :)


Bionic Poster
on second thought I like the balance in points HL or HH; add a conversion tool if you want, but don't mess with something that is fine


There is nothing wrong with HL/HH balance point specs. It's a quick and easy way to determine a very important characteristic of any frame.

If people like inches/cm, also, no problem... but please don't remove the balance 'points'.

Steve F.

on second thought I like the balance in points HL or HH; add a conversion tool if you want, but don't mess with something that is fine


There is nothing wrong with HL/HH balance point specs. It's a quick and easy way to determine a very important characteristic of any frame.

If people like inches/cm, also, no problem... but please don't remove the balance 'points'.

Yup. That's what the original post is about. ;)

Not suggesting that you take away the 12 point head light, etc info - just that you add the basic info in cm/inches so we can use the tools you've come up with.
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