two fitness discoveries (cardio, arm strength)


two things i've discovered in my winter fitness regimen (if you can call it that, i've gained some weight).

i have just recently been introduced to the stair machine. NOT the stair master.... IMO, stair machine is much much better cardio workout than the elypticals or treadmill.... problem with elyptical sp? is that when you take it up to higher level, it's more a leg strength issue than a cardio issue, whereas stair machine at high level is more quickness than strength. AN AMAZING WORKOUT. i read on the weekend that tiger woods loves the stair machine (i was doing it before i read that).... stair machine takes a day or so to get comfortable so go on very low speed the first few days (otherwise, you'll probably just quit doing it).

i read an article from a golf long drive champion (shawn "the beast" fister) that went into quite alot of fitness stuff.... he said the most important long drive muscle was the muscle on outside of forearm at elbow (the one that is so prominent on mark mcguire). i was surprised, but he's an expert ... i thought strengthening that muscle would really improve you 1H or 2H backhand. and it won't add any weight to your body (like an expanded chest).... do reverse curls. i've been more doing the straight wrist curls but that only targets the inside. we want the outside...

long drive guy also loved leg and core exercises, but that's obvious and could add alot of weight (leg especially).

jackson vile

That is part of the forearm, the reason he says this is that when he swings the club he keeps loose wrists and then snaps at the end.

So this could help serve or if you hit your forehand like that.

You want a better forehand try doing ploymetric pushups, you push yourself up as high as you can from the bottom of the push up position, some people like to clap the hands at the top to get themself to really push hard.

You do this repeatedly 3-5 times in a row then rest for 1 minute or until recoved enough to continue to the next set.

Start with just 3 sets for those that are not conditioned and up to 10 sets for those that are at the high end of the level. Anywhere form 1-3 times a week

Remember that less is more, this is no good to you if you can not come back the next work out and do it if you are too sore or if you become fatiged and hurt yourself.

I suggest that you combine this with ploymetric jumps, simply jump up into the air as high as you can and upon landing jump rapidly agian so that you are continuely bounding up and down like your are on springs.

Fallow same sets reps ect as plyo push up.

This is a very simple and fast work out that work strength, speed, and power indurance.

Give it a try for a month and let us know how it goes.


tom-selleck said:
two things i've discovered in my winter fitness regimen (if you can call it that, i've gained some weight).

i have just recently been introduced to the stair machine. NOT the stair master.... IMO, stair machine is much much better cardio workout than the elypticals or treadmill.... problem with elyptical sp? is that when you take it up to higher level, it's more a leg strength issue than a cardio issue, whereas stair machine at high level is more quickness than strength. AN AMAZING WORKOUT. i read on the weekend that tiger woods loves the stair machine (i was doing it before i read that)....

Agreed about the stair machine. Low impact. Plus, not very popular, so the machines are always available. I've been doing the equivalent of the Empire State building (102 floors) twice a week during this past winter and have noticed the cardio improvements on the court.

Another obscure thing that has helped me is just hanging from a bar. Works the grip, and inside of the forearm. I'm a heavy guy 6'2" 225lbs, but I still can't hold on for a full minute yet. Depressing actually. In the movies, people are always hanging off cliffs and buildings forever waiting for help to arrive. I realized that if it were me, unless assistance came within 30 seconds, I would be a spot on the sidewalk below:)


New User

Could you explain how doing plyo pushups will make your forehand better.. how did you come up with 3-5 reps... did you read that somewhere? thx.
