Two handed backhand continental grip


Searched the old threads and there is no answer for this.

For 2hb, I use Eastern Forehand with Index and Heel pad both on bevel 7 for left hand. However, for the right hand, I use continental with Index and Heel pad both on bevel 2. After searching some images on google, I saw that the continental grip is 2 Index / 1 Heel pad for two handed backhand. Is there a difference where my heel pad is for 2hb? Because for the serve, there is a gigantic difference whether my heel pad is on 2 or 1 with my continental grip.

Edit : All it does is that it closes the racquet face more which would the equivalent of 2/2 on the right hand and Semi western on the left hand.
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Eastern/eastern maintains a more neutral wrist position on the 2hbh and makes it easier to align the strings vertically behind the ball, in my experience. Others may disagree.


Hall of Fame
For your right hand you should use the contintal grip, the grip you would use for your 1 hand slice. When you slice you simply just let go of the top hand. You are good with bevel 2 and 2, its just a personal preference.

For the too hand you can use a Easter grip or a SW for more spin. I use Continental / SW