TWU Sweet Zone Size Question


New User
So i spent some time on the TWU section today. I was comparing the sweet spot sizes of several rackets, and couldn't help but notice that the Wilson BLX Six One 95 16x18(2012) was shown to have a bigger Sweet spot than the Babolat Pure drive GT 2009. Is this true? How can a 95 sq. inch racket have a bigger sweet spot than a 100?


Hall of Fame
Short answer: mass.

Mass at the top and sides of the head is the most important factor in the power and size of the power zones. Everything else is far less important. If you check the hittingweight comparison tool in TWU, you can see the difference. The Wilson has more mass all around the head (hence the higher swingweight) than the Babolot.

If you really want to blow your mind, check out the size of the power zones for the KPS88, which is even bigger despite the head being smaller.

It'll make you think twice when you hear people saying lighter rackets are more powerful.