Uggh! I don't understand Euros!!


Hall of Fame
Would someone please be so kind as to help me. How much is 151,20€? The comma throws me off. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I'm thinking we just shift the comma one decimal point to the right, so that should be around $210 CAD. Hmm....That sounds about right as it is a deposit.
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Okay, that makes more sense than shifting the comma (that seemed a little on the low side). Duh! I'm very tired. Thanks so much for responding so quickly. :)

No problem. I guess you confused it with the groupings of thousands.

In the states (and I think Canada too), you write 1,000 for thousand, in Europe it's 1'000.


Hall of Fame
We get confusion about this all the time on trades:
- US - . for decimals , for thousands - 1,000,000.00 for a mill
- France/Italy - , for decimals, space for thousands - 1 000 000,00
- Switzerland - , for decimals, ' for thousands - 1'000'000,00
- Spain/Germany/Most of the rest - , for decimals, . for thousands - 1.000.000,00

It's a joy. When we phone broke we say "spot" instead of . or , as otherwise it gets confusing for everyone. So "one hundred and two spot 5" is 102.5 for example.

It was worse if you can believe it before the EUR. We've had some (pretty damn stupid) settlements guys pay out wrong due to this. One guy usually gets an XL with 1000 for example and three weeks ago got it from Paris office instead with 1000,00 (cell format). Rather than check the number he just paid out 100* too much on everything. Muppet


rest of the world : 4,351.67

EU Zone: 4.351,67

EDIT: Didnt read the post by Origmarm...


Hall of Fame
Would someone please be so kind as to help me. How much is 151,20€? The comma throws me off. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I'm thinking we just shift the comma one decimal point to the right, so that should be around $210 CAD. Hmm....That sounds about right as it is a deposit.

Okay, that makes more sense than shifting the comma (that seemed a little on the low side). Duh! I'm very tired. Thanks so much for responding so quickly. :)

You still haven't told us what it is you are interested in that costs €150. Inquiring minds want to know.


Hall of Fame
Would someone please be so kind as to help me. How much is 151,20€? The comma throws me off. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I'm thinking we just shift the comma one decimal point to the right, so that should be around $210 CAD. Hmm....That sounds about right as it is a deposit.

This is a very, very, veeeeery "Legally Blonde"-ish thread :)

sorry, couldnt resist!


Hall of Fame
This is a very, very, veeeeery "Legally Blonde"-ish thread :)

sorry, couldnt resist!

I can't blame you. I've been to Europe before so there is no excuse for my denseness. I just really hate the Euro and the last time I traveled, I didn't have to worry about costs in advance. In fact, the last time I went to this place they weren't a part of the EU. This is what happens when you try to think in the early morning hours. :-?


yeah like the others said 151,20 eu. is one hundred and fifty one euros and twenty cents.

then numbers written 1.500 (for example) would be one thousand five hundred. Also numbers written in 1 500 format.


Would someone please be so kind as to help me. How much is 151,20€? The comma throws me off. Thanks in advance.

Edit: I'm thinking we just shift the comma one decimal point to the right, so that should be around $210 CAD. Hmm....That sounds about right as it is a deposit.

Yes, you should just shift the comma one decimal point to the right.


Hall of Fame
I can see what you mean by getting away from Canada, I hate living in Canada too, tonight where I live just got 1 inch of snow after it all just melted :(


Hall of Fame
Don't feel bad. We got about 2 cm here today but it will melt. We have severe flooding here and they have called a state of emergency all around my city. The city itself hasn't been declared yet but seeing as how all the flood water is approaching from all's only a matter of time. My home won;t be affected but floods scare the crap outta me and the flood zone goes straight through the city as well as the surrounding area, so I will be staying inside to avoid looking at all the water.


I can't blame you. I've been to Europe before so there is no excuse for my denseness. I just really hate the Euro and the last time I traveled, I didn't have to worry about costs in advance. In fact, the last time I went to this place they weren't a part of the EU. This is what happens when you try to think in the early morning hours. :-?

Makes it even more 'Legally Blonde' like , this thread.

I think the people in the Nordic countries are used to it.
They have learnt from 'experience'.
They dont use commas at all in their sums.
A thousand there is : 1000


Don't feel bad. We got about 2 cm here today but it will melt. We have severe flooding here and they have called a state of emergency all around my city. The city itself hasn't been declared yet but seeing as how all the flood water is approaching from all's only a matter of time. My home won;t be affected but floods scare the crap outta me and the flood zone goes straight through the city as well as the surrounding area, so I will be staying inside to avoid looking at all the water.

Climate change will increase floodings, maybe thats what you are having now.


Hall of Fame
Climate change will increase floodings, maybe thats what you are having now.

Perhaps. We had a very cold winter with record snowfall as well as the surrounding provinces/states. This video is of close to Fargo N.D. (where all their overflow is coming straight our way). There will be no highway driving for me anytime soon. Thank goodness the highways we drove yesterday were as yet unaffected. This vid gives an idea for those not used to annual floods.

And a little closer to home.
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Fifth Set

Totally with you on this one - I also don't understand Euros.

They speak with disdain about American food and then, when you go to Europe, you realize that the busiest restaurants are all the American fast food chains.

They embolden the global Jihad by doing business with every rogue state in the Middle East, looking the other way on the import of female genital mutilation, etc. and then decide that an effective backtrack would be to ban face veils.

They pride themselves on playing a sophisticated, stylish game of tennis but build most of their courts with...dirt.

If you figure any of this out, please help the rest of us. ;)


Hall of Fame
Totally with you on this one - I also don't understand Euros.

They speak with disdain about American food and then, when you go to Europe, you realize that the busiest restaurants are all the American fast food chains.

They embolden the global Jihad by doing business with every rogue state in the Middle East, looking the other way on the import of female genital mutilation, etc. and then decide that an effective backtrack would be to ban face veils.

They pride themselves on playing a sophisticated, stylish game of tennis but build most of their courts with...dirt.

If you figure any of this out, please help the rest of us. ;)

On behalf of Europeans...ouch!


Hall of Fame
I agree with you on the tennis courts, but your point before that shows why no one outside of the US likes the US when it comes to the P word.

Assuming you are American, if you are not then I am assuming your point is typical of that held by a typical American, which would not surprise me.

I could be wrong on both counts, if I am, I will probably be able to live with it.

Totally with you on this one - I also don't understand Euros.

They speak with disdain about American food and then, when you go to Europe, you realize that the busiest restaurants are all the American fast food chains.

They embolden the global Jihad by doing business with every rogue state in the Middle East, looking the other way on the import of female genital mutilation, etc. and then decide that an effective backtrack would be to ban face veils.

They pride themselves on playing a sophisticated, stylish game of tennis but build most of their courts with...dirt.

If you figure any of this out, please help the rest of us. ;)