Ulnar nerve hand


Hello thank you for you help
What could be the cause of injuring the ulnar nerve of the hand? This is the second time it has happened and we do not know the reason in an advanced 17-year-old player.?

Many thanks


The problem is the ulnar nerve in my daughter's right hand, she feels tingling and pain, we have tried with physical therapy, rest, painkillers, rest and everything remains the same, can someone help us please ?


Get a MRI and a neuro test.

I had that problem few years back, turns out to be ulnar nerve compressed near ulnar canal. I had the decompression surgery and luckily didn’t have to relocate the ulnar nerve (the clean out the scar tissues).

There still numbness, but rather than 90% all the time, it’s closer to 15% on a bad day.

No invasive will be to go through PT, stretch, massage, and stretch some more.
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First get a doctor‘s help to heal completely. Then have a coach diagnose her technique and see if it could be contributing to injury. Also, what racquet and strings does she play with? If poly, is she cutting it out when she feels tightness in her wrist?