Ok. Time for the gauge update - 1.28 Mayami Tour Hex !
As expected - it was much easier to play bakchand on the rise with this thicker version. Strung it the same as 1.23 in the past. 24kg/23kg .
The feel is a bit different. I would say it got less responsive (understandable). 1.23 was hugging the ball longer and releasing it with added spin. 1.28 doesnt have that effect BUT you get absolute control I would say on par with Luxilon Original I also tested side to side.
Serves were still great however I remember 1.23 serving slightly better.
I played a tournament with 1.28 Tour Hex and managed to reach the finals

On clay I still would prefer a bit more bite similar to Cyclone.
Comfort was still there. No vibrations, no harsh feeling. Its more comfortable than Tourna Silver 7 Tour or Solinco Tour Bite. Quite similar to Solinco Confidential. More comfort than Head Lynx Tour and IMO better playability but maaaaybe a bit less spin.
Tension maintenance - average. It gets slightly more power over time. It's better than Solinco for sure lol. They don't care there about playability duration. Just performance...
Next time I will drop the tension to see if I can activate some spin potential. 23kg/23kg , 25kg/23kg (higher tension but 2kg difference) and work from there.
It's difficult because on backhand it's clear I prefer 1.28. On serves 1.23. For confidence I prefer 1.28. For feel and spin potential I prefer 1.23.
I think I will also have to try 1.23 with 24kg/24kg instead of 24/23 to see if I can unlock the backhand on the rise while keeping the other benefits.
Very important update:
After I tried Head Lynx Tour 1.30 again (but this time on clay) I am now sure it can't be my favourite string. Why? It's heavier on average than others. It makes no sense for me since I play with already "as heavy as possible setup". On clay I prefer to be faster with my swings while keeping the control of 1.30 gauges.
That's why I will give this 0.1 point to Tour Hex as the control is still there on top while 1.28 gauge is easier to move around. So Lynx Tour suggested for sticks with lower SW like Prestige MP (18x20) or Yonex Vcore95...
btw. Andrei Mededev joined Mayami camp with Tour Hex. ATP Single High 4. that's pretty inspiring to see as well.
BUT maybe there is 1 more string that deserves to be on my 6-sided strings list

Any guesses? Or suggestions ?
go to list of strings (click)