Unable to connect to Talk Tennis from desktop/laptop


Hi @TW Staff, for the past week or so I have not been able to connect to TTW on multiple desktops and laptops, both in private browsing and normal browsing. However I have no issues connecting on mobile for both private browsing and normal browsing. Could you help in troubleshooting?

TW Staff

Thank you for writing in. Everything on our side seems to be fine, but we have seen other users have a potentially similar issue. For whatever reason, sometimes the IP address that the network assigned to the user ends up on a banned list that the message board software uses to prevent spam. We would recommend starting with unplugging your router overnight and then plugging it back in (in hopes that you are assigned a new IP address). You can also try clearing your cookies and trying another browser as well. Often, the user says the IP gets updated after a period of time and they are good to go again.

This thread has some info: https://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/ind...-home-ip-but-can-with-cell-ip-and-vpn.714795/

Brittany, TW


Depending on browser, you may be able to get a proxy extension add on. That will also change disguise your IP address. If you have VPN, that will do the same thing.


I experienced this. TTW is blocking some IPs / ranges of IPs perhaps due to the hacks.

I use my mobile to come in from another IP and it works and then reset my home cable modem/wait until eventually I get a new IP via DHCP and am able to get in.


Hall of Fame
TTW is blocking some IPs / ranges of IPs perhaps due to the hacks.
That's very pathetic on the hackers' part. Why hack a message board? What is there to gain from this. Go after a large corporation or bank or something for Christ's sake.