I think its insane people are still debating this like its not clear cut. Draper CLEARLY knew, look at his immediate reaction after he hits it, you can't fake react that in the heat of the moment in tennis, he knew and he tried to save face by being like "Oh Ill replay it if you want" but let the umpire take the pressure instead of holding his hand up.
Then we move on to how the umpire didn't see it, No it's not hard to see that, he's like 2 meters away from the shot, I've seen "not up" calls from much further away than that and it clearly hits racquet then ground then racquet again, even if you debate the first hit, it's impossible to debate the 2nd and then we've got the fact this is supposed to be a hawk-eye related call system and they don't call that when it is CLEAR?
Draper/Umpire/Tournament are all to blame and robbed FAA.