@jmnk what are you on about? I asked you to bring in the rulebook with the rule you claim states the point cannot be replayed. Did you provide us with the rule that states the point cannot be replayed? So much for "clarifications", for "somewhat mis-stated" posts of others, and for all that gibberish TTW is exposed to.
@TennisBro - the way rules are written there's no direct quote in there where it states 'point cannot be replayed'. Just like there's no rule that tells you how to _win_ a point - only a definition of how you _lose_ a point is specified in the rulebook.
I have already clarified to you that in general of course points _are_ being replayed when a let scenario is called. But you have claimed that in that scenario with Draper's hit the point could have been replayed since no one can be 100% certain what happened
[...] I don't think anyone could've been 100% certain about that play which is why the ball should've been replayed.
And that is _not_ what the rules allow for. Please see
https://www.itftennis.com/media/11553/2024-rulebook-atp.pdf section VII 7.22)E). There's an example given that is almost identical to what happened here:
Umpire Blocked on Question of Fact
Case: Player A stops play claiming that player B had played the ball after it had bounced twice. The Chair Umpire said that he was “blocked” and could not make the decision.
Decision: The point stands as played.
When the Chair Umpire has the primary responsibility for a call (nets, throughs, not-ups and touches) as opposed to the secondary responsibility (line calls),
an immediate decision must be made. If the Chair Umpire did not see a rules violation on something for which he has the primary responsibility then technically no violation can be called
It states that even if the umpire was obstructed and could not see what happened at all - he still would have to make the call. Meaning _even if the umpire has no way of knowing what happened_ there's no provision to play a let. An umpire may have ruled Draper's hit was not legal, or that it was legal - but he could not have ruled to replay the point.
I can readily admit you there's no rule stating 'a point must never be replayed'.
Now, once I admit that - can you provide an example of
[...] pro tennis where points were replayed based on the umpires and players discretion?