No, but it can be even earlier "once you decided on what side you are going to hit "....
Earlier than what? "BEFORE the ball crosses the net" is not really specifying an exact time or distance. It can be literally taken to mean some time, any time, between the time your opponent hits the ball and when it crosses the net. If you are suggesting earlier than that, then perhaps you are omniscient or psychic -- if you can make the determination before your opponent even contacts the ball.
How quick do you believe that you can determine which way to turn? How soon do you believe that Roger is making that determination?
I'm ballparking here... My guess is that for a medium-fast shot, the ball might take only 0.3 to 0.5 seconds to reach the net. A fast 1st serve, perhaps a quarter second or so. A typical
simple visual reaction times (RT) is something like 0.2 seconds. A complex or
choice RT might will take longer than a simple (Go / No Go) RT. Perhaps closer to 0.4 seconds. This does not give you much spare time to make the calculation or determination for ball direction.
After the ball has been hit by your opponent, it will take your brain some time to observe the ball path, process the visual information, to determine which way the ball will go. Once your brain has made the direction determination, it still takes your body some time to react.
How quickly can you decide which way the ball is going? Once determined, how soon can your muscles start to initiate your UT? Even elite players are executing the UT at a moderate (rhythmic) speed -- they do not usually coil as fast as they can.
Given all this, it seems reasonable to say that decent player will often initiate the UT some time BEFORE the ball crosses the net. That's pretty much what I'm seeing Roger doing in the video I provided.