well thats not my case at all for example, i hit better top spin one hander than slice, i mostly hit top spin on that wing, and i find i go much more often down the line than most two handers i play, people that start learning really old and without proper coaching might have no backhands, but i understand thats not what we, or i, was talking about, i was talking about the mechanics of the stroke, a second hand gives you more support, and less leverage, that means, more consistency potential, and less power potential, a second hand lets you be a little late and still be able to somewhat control the stroke, whereas if you catch a one hander late or "inside" you can forget about controling that shot, so it requires better footwork and adjustment, but if we talk about the potential of the stroke when hit properly, i think its clear you carry more leverage in a one hander, its basically like a second forehand, also easier to produce spin because of the same reason, going back to the volleys, i find it the same, a second hand helps you not lose complete control when you are late, but a one hand volley lets you drive more if you hit it well in front like it should be hit, so i mainly see a second hand like a bad habit developed because of being late to the volley, in competitive players that have developed this and still reached world class, like the players that have been mentioned in this thread, they made it work for them, so its perfectly valid, but talking on paper, i dont see it as the most eficient way to hit a volley, personally